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ColdWarAerospace Full Album: Version 0.1: Version 0.2: Version 0.3: Version 0.4: Version 0.5: Version 0.5.1 & 0.5.2 & 0.5.3: Craft files: Depedencies: Required: · BDAnimationModules · Firespitter (only plugin and sounds are necessary, you can delete rest from Firespitter folder) · ModuleManager BDAnimationModules and Firespitter are used by many parts with cool animations. Recommended: · TweakScale · B9 Aerospace ProceduralWings · Custom Bulkhead Profiles Many parts are created with TweakScale in mind. It's not cheating, some parts are even underpowered when upscaled. Get B9 Aerospace ProceduralWings for cool wings. How to find ColdWarAerospace parts in hangar? Just type "cwa" or "coldwar" in search box above parts menu! Also you can search by: Origin: West East Resistance Cold war era (late 1940s -1960; 1960s -1980; 1980s - mid 1990s): Early Mid Late If you want to search for parts from West, late cold war just write in search box: "west late" *For awesome building turn on "advanced tweakables" in KSP options. -------- DOWNLOAD -------- -------- DONATE -------- For more informations: READ "INFO.PDF" inside mod folder!!! Licensing: ColdWarAerospace contains models, textures, code which are released under separate licenses: - UAZ-452 model and textures: by Sergey Egelsky ( 4f45aa2e9180437b9687b3d567069ca9), released under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), ; - UAZ 001 УАЗ model and textures: by hawol (, released under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), ; - "Mi-8MT Mi-17MT Right Panels Board English" ( by pukamakara is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( ; - "Low poly Mercedes" ( by Bindestrek is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Rest of "ColdWarAerospace" content that is not released under separate licenses is released under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) *I only take credit on my parts/content. Author: L0ck0n Plans for the future: Im quite busy, so dont expect frequent updates, but in the future im planning to upload all these crafts to KerbalX and add more cool parts! Versions: 0.1 Initial release- still WiP, some parts need more work, and changes in configs. 0.2 Updated textures, meshes, many new parts, many changes to engines cfgs. 0.3 New textures for american vehicles, new soviet cars, more new parts, fixed models, textures, configs and more! 0.4 New cargo plane parts, many fixes (wheels should work properly now), radial parts (Starlifter cockpit - WiP), custom bulkhead profiles 0.4.1 Fixes (models, textures, configs), IVA portraits. 0.5 Il-76 cockpit, new landing gear, updated textures (ground vehicles) with Ambient Occlusion, some changes to US vehicles IVA 0.5.1 & 0.5.2 & 0.5.3 Cockpit fixes - geometry, collision, S-duct intake fixed etc.
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The Baltic Sea Incident A Cold War gone Hot story project. Back in July of 2017 I came up with an idea of making a relatively realistic, story driven creation consisting of multiple military craft replicas which would mimic a possible real-life tactical NATO-USSR skirmish as closely as possible. The scale was quite grand - The plan was to include as many detailed, full scale replicas of aircraft, ground forces and naval vessels as possible. Sadly, alot of the non-backed up craft files, about 100 carefully set-up screenshots and custom scenery got irreversibly wiped during my transition to a new computer at the end of the month. The project was about 70% completed at the time of the wipe, and some material was salvaged. While what is left doesn't quite represent the finished product, after a long wait caused both by university duties and KSP hiatus I've decided to release what I've managed to keep for you all to enjoy. This is what I've made over about two and a half weeks in July. I hope you will enjoy looking at it as much as I've enjoyed making it. Was good while it lasted. LOCATION: Heavy water production plant, coastal area of the Estonian SSR TIME: 16-17.03.1985 ALBUM LINK: Two-man team of SBS operatives tasked with infiltrating a deuterium production facility, after a succesful sabotage attempt prepare to leave the plant and head for the coast to get evacuated under the cover of darkness. They reach the coast and board a small civilian fishing vessel tasked with delivering them to the open waters where they are scheduled to rendezvous with a Los Angeles-class SSN in the area, their ultimate evacuation vessel. Due to rising tensions in the region over the past months, the coastal area has seen heavy Soviet Navy patrols. The SBS team eventually manages to reach the rendezvous point and board the Los Angeles-class. Soviet surface radars catch a glimpse of the unidentified fishing vessel in the area and dispatch a Tu-142 navy reconaissance aircraft to assess the situation. On arriving, the Tupolev manages to spot the submarine at periscope depth. The SSN crew promptly initiate emergency dive procedures. Luckily for the sub crew the Tu-142 doesn't carry dedicated submarine weapons at the time of their encounter and is forced to turn back to base soon after making contact due to lack of fuel. With the location of the US Navy sub compromised, Soviet forces in the area are notified of the vessel's presence and dispatched to it's location. The hunt for the elusive target begins. Closest to the submarine's location are two dated but recently upgraded Soviet Navy vessels - the Kanin-class destroyer and a smaller escort - a Grisha corvette. Due to their heavy use of active sonar their location is quickly estabilished by the Los Angeles crew and passed over to the command. A small-scale evacuation has now turned into a rescue operation. Los Angeles-class is ordered not to return fire unless directly attacked. With Soviet vessels on pursuit, time is of highest value. West German airbases are best-suited for anti-shipping operations but they are too distant to be able to react quickly enough. A small Swedish Air Force airbase is chosen for conducting the surgical strike on Soviet vessels. AJ-37 Viggens are very well suited for ASW. Their systems were designed with focus on utilizing the RB-04E missile to it's full potential. While it might not excel at anti-air warfare it may prove to be just enough to do the job in this scenario. The craft are hastily armed and dispatched. Due to their limited range and possibility of enemy interception they only get one approach at the target. To save time and fuel they are ordered to fly at high altitude until the final attack approach which renders them more vulnerable to SAM fire and being spotted. Soon after getting inside the Pact-controlled airspace they are spotted by a coastal 2K12 SAM battery. Mud-spiked Viggens are now diving to the deck to minimize the chances of interception. Two missiles are fired off, both missing due to their radars getting confused by ground clutter. Soviet Air Force, now alerted of the Swedish attackers, dispatches a flight of MiG-29A Fulcrums to deal with the threat. A F-15C Eagle patrolling the area is now tasked with fending off the Fulcrums. Due to it's altitude advantage it manages to reach the target area quickly. Two AIM-7 missiles are fired off at BVR ranges which don't allow the 29A's to return fire. Although they both miss, they force the Fulcrums to scramble and switch their focus to the F-15. The AJ-37s are now capable of approaching the pursuing vessels close enough to fire off their RB-04s. Due to the dated CIWS systems on the Kanin-class, they manage to score a direct hit on the destroyer and cripple it's mobility. The small Grisha-class is unable to continue attacking on it's own. Viggens head for Sweden, now flying at deck level to avoid being spiked by SAM batteries. The attack allows Los Angeles-class to retreat into international waters. The evacuation is successful, albeit diplomatic stability between NATO and the Soviet Union is significantly strained due to a Soviet vessel being damaged by Swedish fire in a Pact-controlled area. Intel gained by the SBS proves to be highly useful in assesing Soviet nuclear capabilities. END LOG So here you have the story and all the images I've managed to salvage. All the craft are built in 1:1 scale with as much detail as i could fit in. The naval vessels were especially exhausting to complete, each consisting of a few hundred parts and being over 130 metres long in the case of Kanin-class destroyer. I have copies of the Kanin and Grisha backed up on Dropbox so if any of you guys would be interested in checking them out please let me know. They require Vessel Mover to be put into the water but are fully functional and can move through water under their own power. Files for the 100+ meter long submarine, the Viggen with it's functional RB-04s and all featured ground vehicles are sadly lost. Not all of the images depicting the events of the story are there either. I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless. Thanks for checking it out. Cheers.