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  1. Wrong Red Moon You know the story of the space race as it happened on Earth (and maybe as it happened on Kerbin) but what if Earth's space race happened in the Kerbol system? This is the story of how America beat the USSR to the Mun- but not to Minmus! July 20, 1969- Kerbals set foot on the Mun for the first time. It would have been a crushing defeat for the Soviets, had Kerbin not had a second moon- a second chance for the Union. The advantages were immediately made obvious, along with the extra challenges- substantially less fuel was required, but it was a much longer, and harsher, journey. A new branch of the current space program was founded with one public goal in mind- exploring Minmus. Privately, however, the true goal was the complete and utter conquering and colonization of the small moon. The new branch was MISE- Minmus Soviet Exploration. Several goals have been appointed to MISE: Send unmanned probes to explore and map Minmus. Complete Land a kerbaled mission. Complete Explore further and build permanent bases on and around Minmus. In progress Establish control over Minmus airspace. Planned Explore further in the solar system. Planned Table of Contents: Missions slated for redo are marked <> Chapter 1: Discovery Myatnee I (Inside OP) <> Korolev I Myatnee II <> Korolev II + III Pravda I <> Korolev IV Apollo 13, Accident Investigation (NASA Mission) Korolev V Crew Transport <> Korolev V Chapter 2: Exploration Korolev VII Salyut I Progress I Korolev X Alexei (Story only) WoRM is on KerbalX! Check out the hangar for some sweet Soviet craft, more coming soon! Author's note on the timeline: Chapter 1: Discovery Examining the current resources of the space program, it was found step one could be completed with existing technology- a small probe/lander, originally designed for The Mun, later analysis with newer data proved that the design had insufficient fuel. It would be perfect for Minmus, however. Enter Myatnee. Launched from a derivative of the R-7 rocket, it has more than enough fuel for a mission to Minmus. This freedom allowed for several landing sites to be chosen and visited in the same mission, saving valuable equipment and money. August 7, 1969- Myatnee is launched. Orbital insertion at approx. T-12:14. Myatnee is ready for TMI, Trans Minmus Insertion. Myatnee I is meters from the surface. Controllers in Moscow wait with bated breath as the computer hopefully makes the correct decisions to land on its own. Our goals were well met in this mission. We mapped a portion of the surface and gathered data from the surface itself. Coming up next: A test of a new Kerbaled spacecraft in preparation for exploring Minmus!
  2. ColdWarAerospace Full Album: Version 0.1: https://imgur.com/a/BHRkQ1D Version 0.2: https://imgur.com/a/Dp74HYm Version 0.3: https://imgur.com/a/Z2aQZs3 Version 0.4: https://i.imgur.com/MbjBEqn.png Version 0.5: https://imgur.com/a/0U9wciQ Version 0.5.1 & 0.5.2 & 0.5.3: https://imgur.com/a/MmR9Z0r Craft files: Depedencies: Required: · BDAnimationModules https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases · Firespitter (only plugin and sounds are necessary, you can delete rest from Firespitter folder) https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases · ModuleManager BDAnimationModules and Firespitter are used by many parts with cool animations. Recommended: · TweakScale https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/releases/tag/RELEASE%2F2.4.2.0 · B9 Aerospace ProceduralWings https://github.com/Rafterman82/B9-PWings-Fork/releases · Custom Bulkhead Profiles https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/181645-18-112-custom-bulkhead-profiles-020/ Many parts are created with TweakScale in mind. It's not cheating, some parts are even underpowered when upscaled. Get B9 Aerospace ProceduralWings for cool wings. How to find ColdWarAerospace parts in hangar? Just type "cwa" or "coldwar" in search box above parts menu! Also you can search by: Origin: West East Resistance Cold war era (late 1940s -1960; 1960s -1980; 1980s - mid 1990s): Early Mid Late If you want to search for parts from West, late cold war just write in search box: "west late" *For awesome building turn on "advanced tweakables" in KSP options. -------- DOWNLOAD -------- https://spacedock.info/mod/2535/ColdWarAerospace -------- DONATE -------- https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=H5C3NFZC4H5DJ For more informations: READ "INFO.PDF" inside mod folder!!! Licensing: ColdWarAerospace contains models, textures, code which are released under separate licenses: - UAZ-452 model and textures: by Sergey Egelsky (https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/uaz-452- 4f45aa2e9180437b9687b3d567069ca9), released under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ; - UAZ 001 УАЗ model and textures: by hawol (https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/uaz-001-09016f12adde42e996c29209635e2b92), released under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ; - "Mi-8MT Mi-17MT Right Panels Board English" (https://skfb.ly/6F8Xr) by pukamakara is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). ; - "Low poly Mercedes" (https://skfb.ly/6WYpB) by Bindestrek is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Rest of "ColdWarAerospace" content that is not released under separate licenses is released under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ *I only take credit on my parts/content. Author: L0ck0n Plans for the future: Im quite busy, so dont expect frequent updates, but in the future im planning to upload all these crafts to KerbalX and add more cool parts! Versions: 0.1 Initial release- still WiP, some parts need more work, and changes in configs. 0.2 Updated textures, meshes, many new parts, many changes to engines cfgs. 0.3 New textures for american vehicles, new soviet cars, more new parts, fixed models, textures, configs and more! 0.4 New cargo plane parts, many fixes (wheels should work properly now), radial parts (Starlifter cockpit - WiP), custom bulkhead profiles https://i.imgur.com/6ydM5jp.png 0.4.1 Fixes (models, textures, configs), IVA portraits. 0.5 Il-76 cockpit, new landing gear, updated textures (ground vehicles) with Ambient Occlusion, some changes to US vehicles IVA 0.5.1 & 0.5.2 & 0.5.3 Cockpit fixes - geometry, collision, S-duct intake fixed etc.
  3. CHAPTER 0: OUR DREAM YEAR 1, DAY 1 - LAUNCH OF THE CKR SPACE PROGRAM 200 years ago, the nations of Kerbin agreed to join into one global government, called the Communist Kerbin Republic (CKR). Ever since the start of the CKR, its citizens had always looked to the stars. Even with its shaky start, the dream stayed alive. Unfortunately, the nation formed just as the industrial revolution was starting, so the stars always remained just out of reach. Well today, the dream comes alive, with the creation of the brand new CKR Space Program. Its goal is to conquer the new frontier of space travel, and spread all across the Kerbolar system. Of course, we're thinking too far ahead. For now, we need to figure out one thing: can we even get there? CHAPTER LIST Chapter 1: Dawn of the Space Age Chapter 2: Mun and Done Chapter 3: Expanded Influence Chapter 4: Stepping Out Chapter 5: Advancement and Innovation Chapter 6: Walking Among the Stars Chapter 7: Gaining Experience Chapter 8: Setting the Foundation Chapter 9: Full Force -------------------------------------------------------------- Well, here we go again. Another mission report. Maybe this time I'll actually get around to updating it. Why exactly am I making this mission report though? Well, I'm honestly very disappointed with the huge lack of soviet based mission reports. There are several based on NASA. Hell, even Beyond is based on NASA. But there's something about Soviet spacecraft that has character to them. The round spacecraft shapes in contrast to the sharp-pointed fairings, the round circular windows. Sure, the Soviet Union wasn't the greatest of countries, but from how much they've contributed to space travel, they at least deserve some form of recognition on the forums. Inspirations: @Hotaru's mission report CCKP: An Eventful Return for giving me the idea of doing a Soviet thread. @Misguided Kerbal's mission report Starbound - A JNSQ Adventure for the semi-historical thread idea and what I'm basing my layout off of. @TwoCalories's mission report The Sky is Not the Limt: A modded KSP1 Career Playthrough for his Kerbalized Soviet craft, as well as TwoCalories himself being a valiant friend of mine on the forums. THIS IS NOT A PRO OR ANTI COMMUNIST THREAD, NOR A POLITICAL STATEMENT. I WANT TO SAY THAT BEFORE SOMEBODY YELLS AT ME.
  4. MIR Space Station (MIR) The Soviet Space Station MIR for Kerbal Space Program. By @Sampa and zer0Kerbal, originally by BobCat, DECQ and Dragon01 adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Features by BobCat Modular space station. MIR Core module with living quarters, six docking ports and a detailed IVA. Kvant-1 Astrophysics module with an X-ray experiment and a docking port. FSM space tug for delivering Kvant 1 to the station. Kvant-2 physics module with an airlock. Kristall docking module with two additional docking ports. Spektr power module with 4 solar panels. Priroda Kerbin observation module with a big Travers antenna. Docking Compartment for improving docking clearance. By Blista100, used with permission. Zarya FGB with high fuel load and RCS configured for flying with Unity module attached. Zvezda service module (MIR Core variant) with 4 docking ports. New solar panels and an ISS-style docking port. Preamble by Wikipedia See more
  5. Протон (Proton) Soviet Протон (Proton) expendable launch system/delivery vehicle (35 ton LKO) By zer0Kerbal, originally by @BobCat adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Features by @BobCat Simple rocket, no plugins, good lifting capability. Low memory usage. Able to lift all MIR modules to LKO with little hassle. Low fidelity model, but easy on performance. Preamble by Wikipedia See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions Most recent releases only available via CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App Dependencies BobCat Industries (BOB) Kerbal Space Program Recommends The collection of BobCat Industries (BOB) Soviet Engines Soviet Pack Buran Kliper Lunokchod1 Мир (MIR) N1L3 Progress Протон (Proton) Soyuz SoyuzU JoolV Nautilus HOME Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Drop Tanks (DROP) Drop Tanks III (DTIII) Exception Detector (EXCD) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom! (BOOM) Mkerb Science Instruments MoarKerbals (MOAR) OhScrap! (OHS) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Precise Maneuver (PM) Pteron (MSRV) ScrapYard (SYD) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Stack Inline Lights (SIL) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) RemoteTech (RT) TweakScale (twk) Universal Storage (us) Supports ModularManagement (MM) or Module Manager Firespitter for fuel and mesh switching. may invoke bouts of dizziness. Tags parts, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @BobCat for creating this glorious parts addon! @DECQ and Dragon01 for continuing (and others) see Attribution for more Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List
  6. The year is 1965. After a successful streak of dominance throughout the Space Race, the Soviet Union kept upping the ante. And when, in 1963, the US challenged them with a race to the Moon, they happily obliged. At the time, the only crew vehicle they had, Vostok, was barely capable of keeping one man in orbit for a few days. However, a trip to the Moon and back would require a larger, more capable vehicle, able to carry two men safely to Earth’s closest neighbour and back and sustain them throughout the trip. Hence, Sergei Korolev and his design bureau, OKB-1, set out to design one of the most advanced crew vehicles there ever was. What they got was Soyuz. Capable of carrying 3 men to Earth orbit and 2 men to lunar orbit, it was created from the beginning to be a workhorse craft, capable of fulfilling every need. However, the spacecraft was a radical redesign from the small, tight-fitting capsules that had came before. It sported 3 sections, an orbital module that gave extra room and facilities for the crew, the descent module to bring them safely down to the surface again, and an instrument module to supply power and resources to the rest of Soyuz. To test fly the Soyuz on it’s first flight, the bravest and brightest cosmonauts were selected. However, only one would get to perform the mission, and that cosmonaut was Vladimir Komarov. Vladimir Mikhaylovich Komarov was a Soviet test pilot, aerospace engineer, and cosmonaut. At the age of fifteen in 1942, Komarov entered the "1st Moscow Special Air Force School" to pursue his dream of becoming an aviator. After many years of hard work, he was selected to be a cosmonaut, and in October 1964, he commanded Voskhod 1, the first spaceflight to carry more than one crew member. Now, only a mere few months later, he was ready to pilot his second mission to orbit. As the bus drew closer and closer to the pad, he could smell the distinct smell of kerosene. This kerosene was being pumped right into the rocket that would carry him heavenward, the R-7 Soyuz. Derived from the old R-7 ballistic missiles, this had set many world’s firsts, with Sputnik, Yuri Gagarin, and himself flying on this rocket before. Ground crews helped Komarov clamber down through the spacecraft, into the descent module, and as he strapped in, time ticked closer to launch. Finally, after years of designing and planning, the USSR were ready to fly a man into space in a new vehicle for the third time. As the gantry arms lowered down to prepare for launch, Komarov constantly monitored the various instruments in front of him, making sure nothing was malfunctioning. And luckily, nothing was. With all the arms retracted, the rocket slowly brought itself to life. The RD-107 and 108s rumbled to life, making the rocket creak and groan under the force. And finally, the Soyuz freed itself from its shackles, and started towards the stars. Just before the boosters separated, the escape tower jettisoned, flying off away from the rocket, no longer needed. Then, just seconds later, the boosters flew off, in a formation known to many as the “Korolev Cross” The fairing peeled away, fully exposing the Soyuz 7K-OK to the vacuum of space. Seconds before the core stage cut off, the upper stage fired up it’s engines, ready to carry on the rest of the trip to orbit. And finally, after minutes of burning, the rocket went silent, finally reaching its destination. A loud thud came from behind Komarov, as he and his spacecraft floated away from the rocket that had carried them into orbit. The mission was a success, but now came the hard part. After waiting in orbit for a while, Komarov flicked a myriad of switches, and fired the instrument module motor to raise his orbit. Then, after finally completing his orbit raising maneuvers, Komarov lay in wait for the next part he had to play. Meanwhile, in Baikonur… (forgot to mention in the post, but big thanks to @raptor-m for getting me into this. he’s running his own american version of this on the alt history forum, so go check that out!)
  7. Tantares N1-L3 In the late 1960s, the Soviet Union Space Program was busy developing a superbooster, known as the N1, and a lunar expedition spacecraft known as the L3 to compete with the American Apollo-Saturn V. With the use of Tantares, Tantares LV, Procedural Fairings, and Realchute, I have created a (close enough) replica of the N1 moon mission. I've added the downloadable version because CaptKordite's is outdated and incompatable with current versions, and I can't find another. This even features fairings with a tolerable, even appealing, texture. Other download versions, a TMK/MaVr payload (maybe), and possibly a video coming soon. Download https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwdKSeoNM59keDlxM01Xc0dpZ0E/view?usp=sharing Note: As I lack any piloting skills, the craft is untested. If you experience mission complications or see any coming or anything related to the craft, let me know.
  8. Hello, I am playing KSP 1.6.1 with RO and a bunch of other mods, however I am struggling to replicate the Luna missions. I am using the pre-made "RN Stock Luna 2" craft (from the Soviet Probes and Soviet Rockets mods by Raidernick), the craft has plenty of Dv, but I am still unable to reach/impact the moon. Correct me if I am wrong, but here is my understanding of how the real mission went: 1. Launched from Baikonur 2. Reached an altitude of about 200-300km (could not find an accurate number), before the main engine of the second stage ran out of fuel 3. Removed the fairing 4. Decoupled the upper stage, and lit it's vernier engines 5. At the right time it lit the upper stage's main engine as well (the RD-0105) 6. When the impact orbit was reached (or in the case of Luna 1, slightly after) the engines shut down. 7. Decoupled the probe 8. Impacted/flew close by the Moon Here is what I am doing in KSP RO using the RN Stock Luna 2 craft: 1. Set the Moon as target 2. Wait until the inclination of the orbit is as close as possible to the one of the Moon (around 17.5 degrees, according to Mechjeb's Rendezvous Planner) and the moon is in a proper position (not too far behind or in front of what would become my transfer orbit trajectory) 3. Launch 4. Reach about 200-300 km, decouple, light verniers, etc. 5. Use Mechjeb's Maneuver Planner to create a node automatically 5.1. Select "bi-impulsive (Hohmann) transfer to target" 5.2. Select "intercept only, no capture burn (impact/flyby)" 5.3. Select "create node at next apoapsis", because otherwise it creates a node after one orbit has passed, and the craft is not in orbit 5.4. Click "create node" 6. Align the upper stage with the node, wait untill the required burn time is split 50/50 before and after the node. 7. light the main engine, burn until fuel runs out. The craft itself (according to Mechjeb's Dv stats has 13176 m/s of Dv. However no matter what I do I still fall short by at least 1000 m/s of Dv on the upper stage. I tried warping back and forward before launching to change the position of the Moon in it's orbit, tried playing with the inclination and initial altitude, but no luck. What am I doing wrong, why am I unable to reach the Moon? I tried looking for a tutorial/info about this mission and it's mission profile, but I was unable to find anything detailed.
  9. this thread is just a place to show off my historical (and current) mission and craft recreations this is an orbital version of a mercury redstone rocket dubbed the "Mercury Redstone Advanced"
  10. Real Solar Sytem / Realism Overhaul / Realistic Progression 1 Kurgutovich Space Program, the Soviet way! Career mission reports Summary Early launches One of the first missions, a jealous copy of the V2 rocket, the K2. After WW2, well juust after the capitulation, a race occured between URSS and USA to found the V2 factory and learn about it, also, found its creator, Werner von Braun, but Americans were first! It was maybe the very beginning of the space race before actually doing it in space So the engine here is a early RD-100 (copy of the V2 engine) burning Lox/Alcohol: The goal is simply to learn about rocket guidance and rocketry in general (engines), by the way we also added some temperature and pressure sensors to studie the upper atmosphere, and the space border. Launch site: Baikonour cosmodrome max Altitude: 160 km (suborbital) Then, with this good knwoledge, we upgraded the engine to RD-101 for increased performances. This rocket was also fully recovered, to studie the reaction of a spacecraft after exposure to space environement. By the way, this was the first ever recovered object after reaching space. Morning launch: After reaching the space limit, deploying Kevlar drogue chute to start safely slowing down the rocket, until the main chutes deploy few hundred meters before the surface: And landed! From what we see, the rocket seems to have been exposed to very high radiation level, that confirms our scientists predictions (to celebrate that, they will simply take a vodka bath in the R&D center) Then, still upgrading the initial RD-100 engine, the K2-c rocket now allow a heavyier payload. So a mission was launched, to bring back the first earth photographs from space! Farings jetisoned, taking photos.. Released the return camera, it landed safely in the Kazak' desert. And finally, last upgrade of the K2 rocket, that broked an altitude record of 550 km!! Now, the polit bureau wan't to impress the world with its puissance, so they idea is to send some Kerbals up there.. This will be the Bayan program!
  11. The MiG-31 emerged in the late 70s as an advanced modification of the MiG-25 Foxbat - a high speed, high altitude interceptor developed to counter the Mach 3 threats from the West such as the Blackbird and the B-70 Valkyrie bomber. The MiG-25 was a crude machine - blocky fuselage hiding two massive engines optimized for high speed flight, fuel tanks sticked wherever possible to increase range and a massive nosecone housing a powerful radar which relied on it’s sheer power to burn through any and all jamming the enemy may throw at you. By the 1980s the airframe was starting to show it’s age, and missile developments meant that the Foxbat was not untouchable anymore. Thus, the Foxhound was born. Apart from it’s twin-seater pilot/RIO configuration similar to the one seen in the F-14 Tomcat it introduced modernized electronics and a new Zaslon long-range radar. Despite being heavier than the Foxbat it still retained it’s precedessor’s Mach 3 capability. Over the years it has estabilished itself as the backbone of Russian air defense forces. Carrying long-range R-33 and R-37 missiles, similar in functionality to the US AIM-54 Phoenixes it makes sure Russian skies stay clear of bombers, and with it’s powerful radars and engines it is sure to deliver it’s payload anywhere within it’s operational radius quicker than any other aircraft. Due to it’s weight it handles like a bus, but you can’t have everything I guess! It’s limited to approx 5-6Gs but will pull 7-8G turns when necessary. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/MiG-31BM-Foxhound Enjoy! v1.0 - Initial release.
  12. On 2/2/2018 at 10:05 AM, MaxwellsDemon said: Updated list below: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166794-sovietrussian-spaceflight-bibliography-english/&do=findComment&comment=3227069 Capsule reviews at: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166794-sovietrussian-spaceflight-bibliography-english/&do=findComment&comment=3325332
  13. WHISPERS OF THE KRAKEN Part II of The Kraken Trilogy With great thanks, edited by @Ten Key, compiled by @qzgy Offline PDF compilation available here. A more detailed account if the rise of the Ussari Space Program its self can be found here. -------------------------------------------- The Mappe. Complete credit goes to @Pds314 and his thread can be found here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: Wind and Snow ACT I: The First Whispers Chapter 1: A Clear Night Chapter 2: A New Dawn Chapter 3: Politics Chapter 4: An Invitation Chapter 5: Poyekhali! Chapter 6: Into Darkness Chapter 7: Into the Light Chapter 8: Starry Night Chapter 9: Reclining at Table Chapter 10: Changes Chapter 11: Kermangrad Chapter 12: Crimson Square Chapter 13: Crimson Dawn Chapter 14: Waiting Chapter 15: Krazniyy Oktyabr Chapter 16: The End of the Dream Chapter 17: A Pleasant Night Chapter 18: For All Kerbalkind Chapter 19: Crow Chapter 20: Arrangements Chapter 21: An August Summer Night Chapter 22: Winds of Change Chapter 23: The Flight of Sila, pt. 1 Chapter 24: The Flight of Sila, pt. 2 Chapter 25: Choices Chapter 26: Night and Day Chapter 27: A Pound of Flesh Chapter 28: The Fall Chapter 29: A Shot in the Dark Chapter 30: Zarya Chapter 31: A Prelude to Silence Chapter 32: Hunting Chapter 33: Silence Chapter 34: The Darkness... and the Light Chapter 35: Homecoming Chapter 36: In Union Assembled Chapter 37: Sacrifice Chapter 38: By Dawn's Early Light Chapter 39: Der Kommissar Chapter 40: The End of the Beginning --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude: Heavy is the Head --------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT II: Stranger in a Strange Land Chapter 41: A Long, Strange Trip Chapter 42: Diplomacy Chapter 43: Stranger in a Strange Land Chapter 44: A Hard Day's Night Chapter 45: The Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy Chapter 46: Food and Drink Chapter 47: How to Make an Entrance Chapter 48: Close Encounters of The Weird Kind Chapter 49: A History Lesson Chapter 50: Rain Chapter 51: The Cheeseburger Chapter 52: One Giant Bleep Chapter 53: The Halls of Medicine Chapter 54: Uncomfortably Numb Chapter 55: The Kerb of the Hour Chapter 56: Summoned, Sentenced Chapter 57: Wanderings Chapter 58: Off We Go... Chapter 59: ...Into the Wild Blue Yonder Chapter 60: Girl, On Fire Chapter 61: Crash and Burn Chapter 62: Casting Out Chapter 63: Words, Words, Words... Chapter 64: High Noon Chapter 65: O Brave New World Chapter 66: All Good Things... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude: Whispers of the Past, Shadows of the Future --------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT III: Shadowscourge Chapter 67: Awakening Chapter 68: Home, Sweet Home Chapter 69: Seeking Answers Chapter 70: A Last Whisper Chapter 71: Night Train Chapter 72: Dangerous Thoughts Chapter 73: A Terrible Mistake Chapter 74: The Right Questions Chapter 75: Shattered Chapter 76: McQueen, She Ain't Chapter 77: Monster Chapter 78: Old Friends Chapter 79: Igor Ex Machina Chapter 80: ...And a Light Went Out of the World Chapter 81: Out of the Frying Pan... Chapter 82: ...But Left a Spark Chapter 83: ...And Onto the Pyre Chapter 84: A Memory of Darkness Chapter 85: One Small Step Chapter 86: House of Shadows Chapter 87: Ghosts of Yesterday Chapter 88: Shadows and Mündust (Redux) Chapter 89: Lies Chapter 90: Truth Chapter 91: Out of Her Mind... Back in Five Minutes! Chapter 92: Toruk Makto Chapter 93: Paint it, Black Chapter 94: Down the Smeerp Hole Chapter 95: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend Chapter 96: Shadowscourge Chapter 97: On the Shoulders of Giants Chapter 98: Final Flight Chapter 99: Where the Shadow Lies Chapter 100: A Promise of Light ---------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: Revelations of the Kraken Officially Unofficial I-don't-own-any-of-it Soundtrack ------------------------------------------------ Prologue: Wind and Snow Clouds hung thickly, gray and featureless, obscuring the mountain peaks higher up and making the valley seem even more isolated. Where the clouds met the mountains, their edges churned and roiled, driven by the fierce, frigid, hurricane-force winds cascading into the valley below. As the wind descended and spread out across the valley floor it slowed and warmed, until by the time it reached Boris Kermanskiovitch, it was merely a chilling breath. He stood, looking out over the valley, his bare hands folded behind him, oblivious to the cold as the wind whispered around him. He wore a heavy coat trimmed with fur, massive thick boots that added to his already imposing height, and a tall ushanka on his head, the ear-flaps always pinned up, emblazoned with the Crimson Star of the Ussari Union, and the insignia marking him as a Kommissar. He stood, impassively, a half-smoked rattail dangling from his lips, and observed the flurry of activity in the distant pit in the valley floor as snow slowly drifted down around him. He sensed the other's approach, and leaned heavily on the ancient wooden railing before him. It creaked and groaned in protest, as did the worn floor boards as the other Kerbal joined him at the railing. Boris did not look away from the valley, but produced a half-empty pack of rattails from his coat, which he offered wordlessly to the newcomer, who took one as he, too, leaned on the long-suffering railing. The newcomer dug out a match, struck it into flame on the railing, and lit the rattail, taking a long, deep drag. He took it from his mouth and regarded it for a moment, blowing the smoke out to mix with the harsh draft, then took another slow drag. "ЬФЯSCHT," said Igor finally. Only the slightest flick from Boris's eyes, "ЬФЯSCHT?" "DД." "DД?" "DД." "ЙУЗT." "DД." "ЙУЗT!" "DД!" "DД?" "DД." "DД," Boris sighed heavily. Igor nodded, rose, and saluted smartly. He did not wait for the senior Kerbal to return the salute, but pivoted on his heel and withdrew, silent but for the creaking floorboards. Boris listened to him depart, staring off towards the valley. At length he stood, and took a long, final drag on his rattail, now down to a nub. He plucked it from his mouth and held it before him, turning it back and forth in his stubby, callused fingers, holding in the acrid smoke. Finally he flicked it away, watched it arc through the air and land in the snow, which retreated out of revulsion. He blew the smoke out in an ominous cloud, "DД." For a time he stood motionless, hands clasped behind his back again, staring at nothing. ЬФЯSCHT, he thought, DД. "DД..." he said to the wind. Slowly, a trembling sneer grew on his lip, the trembling then spreading over his entire body. "PЦTIЙ" he swore roughly, spat, and then stormed off. Snow swirled as the wind whispered indifferently.
  14. Hello and welcome to my thread! I'd like to introduce you to The Soviet Space Program [SSP] Like you can probably guess its related to communism and rockets. Its a clan i made originally on the game SFS [Kinda like KSP on mobile] and decided to expand it into other space games like KSP. The original idea of it was to make soviet-themed rockets and share them in the server, but it has since then evolved to competitions, roleplay, memes, custom soviet emojis and listening to hardbass/classical soviet music. So if you'd like to share soviet rockets, earn special roles in competitions, shoot some capitalists in the #roleplay chat or even just jam to hardbass, i think you would like to be part of us. Link: https://discord.gg/dAJAnJY (120+ members atm)
  15. This is a handy post for links directly to Raidernick's awesome historical craft threads: Antares & Cygnus This pack includes the Antares and Cygnus spacecraft. Salyut Stations This pack includes the Salyut and Almaz station parts. Skylab This pack includes the original designed and actual Skylab. Soviet Probes & Soviet Rockets This pack includes the Luna, Sputnik, Molniya and Polyot probes along with the R7, Soyuz, Proton and Zenit rockets. Soviet Spacecraft This pack includes the Soyuz, Vostok, Voskhod, LOK and LK spacecraft. US Probes Pack This pack includes all probes ever launched by NASA and the US military. US Rockets This pack includes the launch stages for use in the US Probes Pack. US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack This pack includes the solar panels from the US and Soviet parts packs. For the gallery of the contents of all these mods please click here.
  16. Sukhoi Su-27S Flanker-B So I've decided to make another jet replica before finishing off my B-29 and as I wanted an adversary for my F-15C Eagle, this choice seemed only natural. The Flanker was the USSR answer to the incredible performance values the F-15 Eagle achieved. Designed as a pure air superiority fighter, it's designed for dogfighting and neutralizing state-of-the-art aerial threats. The key to it's effectiveness lies primarily in it's high maneuverability, even at low speeds. It's a good match for the Eagle: It is a bit slower in terms of top speed and acceleration at all altitudes while also topping the Eagle slightly in terms of maneuverability. The Flanker was fine-tuned to be relatively similar in performance to the Eagle so I highly encourage to download both the Eagle and the Flanker, slap some Pilot AI on it and put them against each other in a gloves-off dogfight. Have fun flying the Flanker! CRAFT LINK: v1.0 - Initial release. v1.1 - Wing strakes were smoothed out and flight performance was adjusted and improved to be more realistic. https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/Su-27S-Flanker
  17. Replica of the Vostok 1, which flew the first human into space, Yuri Gagarin. Requires Making History Expansion. https://kerbalx.com/PaladinPizza/Vostok-1
  18. Hey guys! There is already a thread about this movie, but it's old and they recomended to start a new one. (And sorry for my English, haha) The movie is great! It's about Voskhod 2 flight. I'm sure that most people who like KSP will love this movie too. There is a number of reasons: First, excellent technical level; I guess it's the first Russian movie from what I saw, that has effects, music and camera work not worse than in Hollywood movies. Second, all space stuff is shown in details, you see the tumblers, devices and other stuff. Also, the story is great. So it would be interesting to watch it even to people, who don't play in KSP. Here is the seconnd trailer, but I think that the movie is cooler than the trailer. The official release must be in HD. It's called "Время Первых". And the last thing. I don't know if they will make official subtitles, but there are unofficial English subtitles! I can share them if the moderators will allow it. So feel free to ask. I hope it will be fine because the subtitles made unofficially and not taken from the official release, but made from scratch. Added: English subtitles are here
  19. Hello! I've made a replica of the IL-2 Shturmovik. Before I start off, I'd like to credit MajorJim! for the initial design for the bearing I use, and Azimech for showing me the design with the RCS balls. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The IL-2 was a ground attacker developed in the Soviet Union. It had a reputation for taking huge amounts of punishment, but still being able to fly home. This was because of the fact it was incredibly well armoured; this made it immune to small arms fire. The armour worked both as armour and the actual load bearing component of the aircraft. Like the WW1 Junkers J-1, it had an "armoured bathtub" which meant the armour surrounded the pilot and other components, like a bathtub. The IL-2 was the second most produced aircraft ever. Stalin himself loved this aircraft, describing it as "essential as air and bread for the Red Army". Despite being one of the most produced aircraft, only a handful still exist. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The real plane (in the spoiler) The video of it being made: Some pictures: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 78m/s Top Speed (In a dive): 120m/s (however at 100m/s, there is a big chance of the propeller breaking) Stall Speed: 19-20m/s Takeoff Speed: around about 26m/s Climb rate: 10-15m/s _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1: Press space to decouple the propeller from the main craft. 2: Turn on SAS on the main craft (NOT THE PROPELLER) 3: Switch to the propeller 4: Hold down Alt+E until the Roll bar in the bottom left is completely to the left. 5: Switch back to the main craft 6: Don't touch the controls, and it should take off when it gets to 23-24m/s. 7: Fly like normal, but be gentle when it comes to dives. Don't exceed 100m/s. Tip: Turning makes you bleed speed a lot, be sure to stay above 24-25m/s. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Download (HERE) (now on KerbalX) Thanks for reading!
  20. Everyone knows of the Apollo lunar missions. It was all drilled into our heads by our history teachers. But did anyone know that the Soviets also had a lunar program? The answer is, most likely, yes, because not even the USSR can keep secrets from rocketry enthusiasts. What's this challenge supposed to be? Well, basically, I want people to recreate the old Soviet launchers (N-1, Proton, and Soyuz) and spacecraft (Soyuz and LK) and land on the Mun. General goals: Accurate launch vehicles: Your Soyuz analogue has four engines clustered on each of the four side-strapped boosters, and the main stalk also has four engines. Your Proton analogue has six engines on the first stage, four engines of the second stage, and one on the third stage. Your N-1 analogue - well, let's be honest, giving it thirty engines on the first stage is huge overkill for the Kerbal universe, so I'll allow ten engines. If you want thirty, feel free to do so. Your next stage has eight engines, the stage after that has four. Now, your rocket should be in space. +15 Accurate spacecraft: Your LOK, which is basically an over-engineered Soyuz spacecraft, has enough room for two Kerbals. If you also have a Soyuz analogue, make sure the LOK's service module is slightly longer. Your LK, the lunar lander, is a one-stage lander with one crew capacity, which ditches the landing legs and other equipment you wouldn't need for the ascent (ie: science equipment, etc.). If you are unfamiliar with the designs, you should already have wikapedia open. +10 Power generation: Your LOK uses fuel cells and has no solar panels. +5 Efficiency is key: Use the 3rd stage of the N-1 to begin the transfer burn. If you are using RSS or some other large rescale, complete the burn with the 4th stage. +5 Use asparagus staging. -30 Big dreams: Use RSS or some other large rescale: Multiply your total score by 6. Sightseer: Visit a munar anomaly like an arch or a monolith. You must land within 1 km. If you don't, to get the points, you'll have to EVA your Kerbal the rest of the way there. +5 Far out: Visit Minmus with the same, unmodified spacecraft. +30 Realism: A kerbal dies. -30 Survivability: Have a LES. +5 Life support: Use a life support mod. +20 Hardcore: Do it stock only. +40 Spacewalking: EVA a kerbal from the LOK into the LK, instead of simply transferring them. +5 Chernobyl: Use nuclear engines. -40 Argue-on: Use ion engines. -40 Surface science bonus: If you are playing career mode, gather as much science as you can without landing in more than one place. Tell me how much you get. Science labs not allowed. Stock experiments only. Impress me: Points determined from how impressed I am. Mission goals: (Add twenty points for each mission completed) Leaderboard: Here are the badges (drawn by me): The lunar program badge: You must have completed Zond LS-1, Zond LS-2, 6-L, 7-L, and 8-L to earn this badge. The station and munbase badge: You must have completed LO-1 and BAZ-1 to earn this badge. The interplanetary flyby badge: You must have completed FN-1, KP-1, and ZE-1 to earn this badge. And one for if you've done all three but are running out of signature space:
  21. This is an effective repost of my question If the Soviet manned lunar program succeeded, how would the missions be designated? on Quora. The only answer suggested I ask Roscosmos people. Unfortunately, there seems to be literally no Soviet space program/Roscosmos employees, present or former, on Quora. Hence, I re-ask this question here to show it to a wider audience, including people who may be super duper knowledgeable about the Russian Space Program. Comment in question source:
  22. Soviet Typical Architecture Work in Progress Panel House Project 1-335: Panel House Project 121-60-25: Panel House Project 1605:
  23. THE SOVIET N1 LUNAR LANDER AND LK LUNAR MODULE 1762 parts 1,400 tons 30,000kN thrust (first stage) https://kerbalx.com/He_162/N1-L3-Soviet-Lunar-Lander https://imgur.com/a/k16JP (Quick pics below, and a spoiler with almost the full album, for all pictures, refer to link above, or KerbalX page) Changelog: After release I made a second modification due to a few comments, they are: -Modified first stage to remove a large amount of drag. -Added RCS to the orbital module. -Fairings are now clamshell instead of confetti.
  24. So, this 1200-page monster covering Soviet rocketry from 1941 to late 1980s is actually available in English! http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4110/vol1.pdf http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4110/vol2.pdf http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4110/vol3.pdf http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4110/vol4.pdf
  25. INTRODUCTION "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." ~Nikolai N. Polikarpov after preliminary flight testing of the Po-2, circa June 1927 A.D. Well, so out of all the high performance, cutting edge propeller aircraft I could build, I've decided to recreate this. Speed of a caffeinated YF-12, maneuverability of a F-15S/MTD, firepower of an Iowa-class battleship. The true top tier airframe from a more civilized age. On a serious note, the Po-2 was initially designated U-2, and was created in late 20s in the USSR as a general-purpose aircraft. During the WWII it was usually used as a reconaissance aircraft, but low-level night bombing runs were also quite common, made especially famous by the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, composed of an all-woman pilot and ground crew complement. Suprisingly, the Po-2s combat usage did not end in 1945. Polikarpov biplanes were spotted over the Korean skies in the early 50s, mostly used as reconaissance and light bomber aircraft. Frankly, the USAF pilots reported the Po-2 to be notoriously hard to shoot down due to it's extremely low, sub-200kph top speed which sat below the stall speed of most US jet aircraft. Apart from combat use, the Po-2 has seen service among many airforces, serving as a trainer and utility aircraft in the miitary. It's 5 cylinder 100HP Shvestov M-11 radial engine was incredibly low-maintenance, making the Po-2 extremely well-suited for service in rough conditions. Albeit unarmed at first, later variants of this aircraft recieved a ShKAS machinegun as a rear turret and a small bombload of 250kg. FEATURES Not all that much in the way of features on this one due to it's small size. There are a few though: 1. Fully functional, spinning propeller, along with a semi-detailed Shvestov M-11 engine. 2. Flaps, toggleable with AG 1 3. Some nice little details, such as the gear assembly, the wing spars and the ShKAS MG in the back. 4. 1:1 scale, which is a feature considering how small the whole thing is! (only 8m long, that isn't much space to fit alot of detail in, really.) HOW TO FLY Due to it's relatively low-power engine, the Po-2 requires some special care while flying. Startup procedures are identical to all my other prop planes, namely: 1. Startup and takeoff Idle the throttle and engage brakes. SAS needs to be off. Stage the first stage. The ring securing the propeller in place will come off. Switch to the propeller with " ] ". Start up the propeller. Hold down ALT and either Q or E. Hold the key until the roll indicator in the bottom left corner of the screen will reach it's limit. Remember to have SAS disengaged in this stage if you want the propeller to work. SAS, along with neutralising set roll trim with ALT can be used to stop the propeller post-flight. Switch back to the main vessel, engage the SAS (although the craft is perfectly flyable without it of course) and disengage the brakes. After the propeller has started rotating sufficiently quickly you can add throttle and begin the takeoff. Allow the plane to gain speed. It will, albeit rather slowly. Wait until the plane hit's AT LEAST 21m/s, then you can ever so slightly apply elevator. Now is the hardest part of the whole flight: Manipulate the elevator and keep the plane level, so that your speed starts to increase. Once it's above approx. 30-35m/s you are fying safely. 2. Flight Turn gently and dont bank too much, since the rudder response is average at best, and if you find yourself low on speed (sub-20m/s) while banking, you might find yourself unable to level the plane out before it loses too much altitude. Watch the speed and keep it above 20-25m/s, preferably even higher. Under 20m/s the plane will stall out. Apply elevator delicately, don't bleed speed if not necessary, climb at a shallow angle. Watch out not to clip the propeller into the ground while landing. Here we have an entirely historical photo of a Po-2 carrying a RDS-37 thermonuclear bomb since, as we all know, the Po-2 was the backbone of Soviet strategic bomber force during the Cold War. Fly safe and enjoy. Feel free to leave suggestions on what i should build next. The plane is built out of 133 parts btw. All stock. DOWNLOAD LINK https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/Po-2 Updated on 24-07-2017, V1.0 CHANGELOG 1.0 - initial release
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