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Found 4 results

  1. I just want to know if I can run KSP with under 20 mods with the following system. Been looking online, but haven't come across anything. It's a desktop. Also My laptop keeps crashing and overheating. What can I do to fix that problem too? AMD Sempron 145 2.8 GHz8GB Ram750GB Hard DriveWindows 10Radeon HD dedicated graphics 64 Bit OS
  2. Buenas amigos saludos a todos, quisiera ver si me pueden ayudar con una falla que me trae loco con kerbal space program v1.2.2.1622 x32, se me sale del juego en cualquier momento del juego, sobre todo cuanto estoy en el hangar para construcción de un cohete o si voy hacer un lanzamiento del mismo al espacio, tambien me sucede la falla, si quiero probar un cohete y salgo al lanzamiento a probarlo he ingreso nuevamente al hangar varias veces se me sale al escritorio y arroja el siguiente error; Unity Player [version: Unity 5.4.0p4_b15b5ae035b7] mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module mono.dll at 001b:1011a28a. Error occurred at 2017-09-08_135634. C:\Users\Servidor\Desktop\Nueva carpeta\Kerbal Space Program v1.2.2.1622 x32\KSP.exe, run by Servidor. 80% memory in use. 3034 MB physical memory [595 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [1900 MB free]. 2048 MB user address space [160 MB free]. Write to location 00800000 caused an access violation. por favor si me pueden ayudar ya que lo he instalado en otra maquina con mucho mas memoria ram y mas video y el error sigue presentandose.
  3. I was just wondering if someone could take a look at the error log and tell me what's causing the crash. I have 48 mods installed, which isn't a lot compared to some people. I have a 64 bit windows computer, with 16GB of RAM. I get no FPS lag in game, but I get these random crashes to desktop about every 30-45 minutes. They are very clean crashes, sometimes no error message appears whatsoever. One moment I'm playing the game, I blink, then I'm staring at my desktop. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is kinda ruining the game for me :/
  4. I was able to acquire a much need* secondary monitor and decided it was time to give my PC it's own custom backdrop. *College video classes will be so much easier now! And finally now I don't have to read twitch chat on my phone! And I can edit vods while researching at the same time! I hope you enjoy the eye candy I don't know if anyone wants to use it themselves, but feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I made it for myself but if anyone else finds it appealing feel free to use it yourself.
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