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Found 6 results

  1. When landing on the Mun, is it more fuel efficient to slow a bit all the way down or to burn hard at the end? When landing on the Mun, is it more fuel efficient to get into an orbit first or just come straight at the Mun and burn before you hit? (And if you understand the Physics, why?) Thanks JMG
  2. So I have sent some probes to Jool and Duna, but I was wondering if anybody has some tips on getting Kerbals back from Duna, which I am going to try first. Whenever I get there, I never seem to have enough fuel to get back to Kerbin. I sent a probe Rover to Duna that I successfully landed, but there was no hope of getting back with the fuel and dV I had left. Any tips on making ships more efficient? Thanks!
  3. Hey guys, so I am working on my first mission and thought to create a rather oldschool mission to reach a stable orbit as efficiently as possible using a specific craft, the "Efficiency Star". There are still some bugs like messages not showing up in the end graphic. It could be a mission builder bug but I'm not sure! My workaround is to work with dialogs that pop up next to it! The way I have designed the mission is quite complex because there are some nodes missing yet. For example a node that returns a resource number so that I could directly turn that number into a score. I hope that will be implemented! So right now the score can only jump by 100 points when you reach certain milestones. To achieve GOLD you have to reach 2400 points which is for the pros! You need the latest KSP Making History Expansion to play this. All you have to do is to unpack the zip file into your KSP/Missions folder. Example path: Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Missions\Efficiency Star Challenge I hope you enjoy and post your result here! Remember, this is not as easy as it looks. Mission Download (I get a possible virus alert on my browser but it's just the exported zip file) --- edit: I fixed an issue where it would show a success allthough the player ran into a fail condition. Explosions are not bugs! ;P You should always get a message when something went wrong.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out what is the most efficient way, fuel-wise, of landing on a celestial body. What are the equations that I must plug my values in? What is the T value that I should start retrograde burning so that just when I'm going to touch base I'll have a velocity of 1 m/s or so? How to figure out this physics problem?
  5. Hello everyone ! There is 2 days ago I found this post : And I really enjoyed the concept of optimizing miner's efficiency made by @TokMor but I've been a little disappointed seeing that this has been abandoned.. So I decided to re-build it by updating and adding some more features. Today I present you, the spreadsheet "Mining efficiently" ! Can be open up by Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice or anything that can read worksheets. It's free of copyright so you can do whatever you want with. To use it properly, Yellow fields are inputs and Blue fields outputs . I let you enjoy my work and, anyone who have any suggestions is welcome to share his ideas and/or post an update that will be uploaded here ! Sources : https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/118463-maximizing-mining-operational-efficiency-with-math-and-spreadsheets/ And the KSP wiki.
  6. I'm doing a Hard Career Mode Playthough to show off some of my spaceship designs. General Design Goals: Inexpensive Low tech Easy to fly My first design of note, is the Pauper Kub Available for the low low price of only 8,018 funds. Mostly a safety deposit, fuel costs of 80 funds or less. Only requires researching Engineering 101, and Aviation. More than enough range to fly to the nearest desert, and back! Low stall speed, ~30m/s, to facilitate takeoff and landing from unimproved facilities. Taildragger with training wheels allows for taxiing, and rough landings. Perfectly stable in flight with a half tank of fuel, and fairly close with any other amount. So easy to fly, a Scientist can do it. Designed for easy embarking, accomplish many objectives in one flight.
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