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  1. The Verse - Calling All Browncoats For all those Browncoats (Firefly Fans) out there that like to Travel. **The Setup** A new System has been found, and has now been named 34Tauri(2020). Located approximately 20 Light Years from Kerbol, a small collection of stars have been identified. Telescope detection methods have determined that there are the following: - A White Sun (A0) with what appears to be 2x smaller Suns and the Anchor Star. A Red Sun (G5) with what appears to be 2x smaller Suns. First Yellow Sun (G0) with what appears to be 1 smaller Sun and 3 large Gas Giants. Second Yellow Sun (F5) with what appears to be 1 smaller Sun and 2 large Gas Giants. A Blue Sun (F0) with what appears to be 1 smaller Sun and 2 large Gas Giants. [Images to be released SoonTM] We have been unable to determine if any Planets and/or Moons are present orbiting any of the Stars. Investigations are ongoing however, which brings us to our next point on the agenda. PAX Expeditionary Services Ltd (A wholly owned Subsidiary of Pretorian Aerospace Exploration Limited) PAX Expeditionary Services Ltd is going to be exploring this System, however with the possible number of objects (19 confirmed), we feel that putting some of the exploration to tender will help. We at PAX are looking for volunteer organisations to undertake Scientific Expeditions to investigate this small star cluster and ascertain if this System is inhabited, and if so initiate First Contact, but if not to begin the collection of Science to determine if any Planets and/or Moons found could be Kolonised. The Expeditions will be initiated in stages: - Alpha – 4-10 Companies (Obj1) Beta – 10-25 Companies (Obj2) Gamma – Open, but controlled contract launches (Obj3) Objectives: - One: to establish the state of the System and determine if populated. [Alpha Dev] Two: either Initiate First Contact or Collect SCIENCE!!!!!!! [Beta Dev] Three: after SCIENCE!!!!!! is collected begin work towards Kolonisation. (dependant on outcome of Two), at which point the project will be handed to PAX Kolonisation Services Ltd. [Gamma] …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. So I have made The Verse from Firefly with Kopernicus. And so far it seems to work correctly, however I am new to Modding and am fully aware that I have likely missed something. Ok, so that is the premise for why I wanted to build this system, now I need to Test it. So first I would require Testers to help with this. # 'Companies' above is a guide [and a bit of a setup for a possible Mission report thread] ****Testers Required***** **** Alpha Phase**** Firstly to ensure that the System is working in general Secondly to ensure that all bodies work as expected, Suns cook you if you get too close Gas Giants will not be your friend if you get too close Planets and Moons get upset if you hit them too hard ETC… And finally to ensure I have not missed something and tweak things. Also I need advice on the parameters for each body. Once this has been/mostly done then we move on to the Beta Phase. ****Beta Phase**** In no particular order Sorting the Terrain for the Planets and Moons. Add Atmospheres Providing different textures. Others to be added as discovered Once this has been/mostly done then we move on to the Gamma Phase. ****Gamma Phase**** ‘General’ Release …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ****Download & Change Log**** SpaceDock **Required Mods** Not Included ** Kopernicus [Link] Module Manager [included in Kopernicus] Some form of FTL is advised **Licence** Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 All copyrights are acknowledged and respected. **Acknowledgements** The Kopernicus Team – if it were not for you Guys (and Gals?) then this would not be possible. Joss Whedon – for Firefly J. Chris Bourdier – for The Verse in Numbers v2.1 [http://pics.fireflyprops.net/TVIN-2.1.pdf or http://firefly.wikia.com/wiki/The_Verse_in_Numbers] @daniel l. – for To Boldly Go as I have stolen borrowed the Coronae and Gas Giant Textures @CaptRobau – for OPM as I used it for inspiration @OhioBob - for his 'How to Make Atmospheres' Thread For putting up with my questions: - @Sigma88 @The White Guardian @OhioBob
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