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Found 3 results

  1. Fuselage (DMF) Adds seven (7) stock-a-like flat fuselage parts. These parts are rectangular fuselage pieces meant to be radially attached. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @DaMichel, and then by @Bezzier View full album Forward by @Bezzier Contains seven (7) stock-a-like flat fuselage parts tank [normal, long] air inlet terminal piece flat to 1.25m adapter radially attached tail boom slanted cone Cabin Notes by @DaMichel Usage of FerramAerospaceResearch is strongly recommended. The parts have some values for stock aerodynamic parameters but i have no idea if they are reasonable nor will i take the time to balance for stock. In contrast, FAR figures this stuff out automagically. See More Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Youtube review by @Kottabos[ Kottabos Gaming ] Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 DaMichel Ltd (DM/L) Suggests DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB) DaMichel's Fuselage (DAR) DaMichel's SphericalTanks (DST) DaMichel's Fuselage (DMF) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) TweakScale Supports Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) TweakScale Active Texture Manager (ATM) Include a configuration which scaling in general and compression of the normal map If you like a more aggressive configuration - delete Compatibility/ActiveTextureManager.cfg Advanced Jet Engine (AJE) The inlet has a configuration for AJE Based on the Sp+ rectangular inlet and made the inlet larger Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR) Firespitter Core If you have the Firespitter DLL and no RealFuels it will use it to give the parts swappable tanks Chose between LF, LF+OX and MP variants Real Fuels configs are included Tags parts, resources *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @DaMichel for creating this glorious parts addon! @Bezzier for the picking up where DaMichel left off see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!
  2. This thread is meant to be a parody of the Flat Earth Society and Flat Earth Theory which is a conspiracy theory that has become surprisingly popular among die hard conspiracy nuts. In this thread the goal is to prove that Kerbin is flat. We shall not be deceived by the lies of the Kerbal Spave Center any more! They have constructed an elaborate conspiracy to hide the true shape of Kerbin so people will give contracts and funds to the space center. Logical fallacies are welcome, because real flat earthers use them all the time. Anyone saying that Kerbin is round is a shill payed by the Space Center to defend the conspiracy. There is no other explenation.
  3. Spacedock: DaMichel's AeroRadial (DAR) Spacedock: DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB) Spacedock: DaMichel's Fuselage (DMF) Spacedock: DaMichel's SphericalTanks (DST) DaMichel's Parts (DMP) Available separately or as one big pack. Agent, flags, and common files Parts Pack (all the above) SphericalTanks Parts mod with five SphericalTanks with 1.25 m base from 0.625 to 10 t. (612.5L - 10,000L) Five (5) 1.25m spherical tanks. Available in veteran orange. CargoBays A payload parts mod that adds three 2.5m round cargobays in 1m, 2m, and 4m lengths with fold-flat door design. Three (3) 2.5m rocket cargo bays in 1m, 2m, and 4m lengths. Flat fold doors. AeroRadial An electrical parts mod adding two streamlined radially attached parts: one RTG and one Fuel Cell. Two (2) streamlined, radially attached power products. One RTG, the other a Liquid Fuel and Intake Air powered fuel cell. Fuselage An aero parts mod adding adding seven (7) stock-alike flat fuselage parts. Seven (7) flat fuselage pieces. This is a continuation of DaMichel's Part Pack. Images: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1ds2abwku/ Packs / Versions: Agent, flags, and common files Parts Pack (all the above) Permission granted by original author
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