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Found 4 results

  1. There's still some fudging going on with the script. I haven't figured out how to get available_thrust for the engines at sea level, so for now, I just put in the thrust Micro Engineer states for the suicide burn calcs. Same with ISP, which is what I'm using to calculate final mass after the suicide burn. Since available_thrust is giving me the vacuum thrust, the hover throttle calculation is giving me a throttle setting below actual required throttle. Until I figure that out, I added a small proportional gain, but that can lead to some overshoot. Previously, in kOS, I was calculating suicide burns using a time slice method, "simulating" one second at a time. This time, I realized thrust is constant, while acceleration is dependent on mass, which drops at a constant rate, so calculus should be able to handle this. I barely passed calculus in the 90s, but found this post on the kOS subreddit that had an equation that worked (eventually). This really won't be functional in a campaign until a mod like FMRS or Physics Range Extender comes out, and I can control both first and second stage.
  2. Hey there, I am new at asking questions so please be gentle. I am a PS4 KSPEE player and I am trying to perfect my landing on the launch pad, now with that being said it is going to require allot of math and I just don't know the formula, I was thinking about how it should include the TWR, the weight of the object being landed, how quick the fuel is being drained, it is kind of like the rocket equation but with added steps and it will lead to a different outcome, if there is someone who could make a calculator I know that not only I will appreciate it but so will the KSPEE players and the stock KSP players alike. Thanks everyone!
  3. I have been trying to figure out the exact landing burn altitude for my hoverslam script and I can't work it out accurately. I've looked at others' script but does not seem to work well with my script. lock burnAlt to (ship:velocity:surface:mag^2)/(2*(ship:sensors:acc:mag)). This is what I use to determine the landing burn altitude. And my condition is: if trueRader <= burnAlt { set autoThrottle to hoverslam. } else { set autoThrottle to 0. } From what i understand from this condition, the throttle should be never 0 whenever it is below and equal to burnAlt unless otherwise. But that's the problem, the burnAlt decreases as the rocket throttling up. Do I need to use constant to find my landing burn altitude or something else that is more efficient? P.S: This does not account for aerodynamic drag nor that it need to be accounted for as I'm playing stock and not RSS/FAR.
  4. I spent three days trying to write a hoverslam script from scratch. I was trying to look for ways to cheat out of having to account for changing mass and acceleration, and I was totally stumped. Some of my prototypes were 40+ lines. Then it hit me. Slapped this together in 5 minutes, and now I've got worry free hoverslams for any body, and any lander with a TWR > 2 (even lower with a small tweak). I posted this in the "What did you do today?" thread, but wanted to share here, since I'm really proud of it. See my sig for more kOS videos!
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