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    Combustion Chamber, Merlin 1D, Falcon 9/Falcon Heavy
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    I like all things about rockets and space explorations!

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  1. Congratulations on the release! Been looking forward to the new parts for the SpaceX Launch Vehicle since the launch the DM-2. Now that I'm getting back to KSP, I am excited to try out the new parts. Thank you. Godspeed Kart!
  2. I am playing with KSP version 1.9.1. Still works fine. No crash or bug has occurred so far. Have you tried it?
  3. Not sure if this happens to anyone else but I can't seem to retrieve and set "authority limiter" from kOS. Every other field works fine except authority limiter. And every time I revert to VAB and launch from VAB this happens. These screenshots are from KSP version 1.8.1. Anyone able to help?
  4. Great video! And great script as well. Although, I've seen that hoverslam code before but I was hesitant of using it, don't know why. I am using this one instead which is rather complicated. declare function hoverslamthrot { local targetaccres is (ship:velocity:surface * ship:up:vector) / (2*trueRadarLand) * ship:velocity:surface. local neededengineacc is targetaccres - gravitacc() - coriolisacc() - centrifugalacc() - dragforce(cdTimesA, 1*trueRadarLand, 1*ship:velocity:surface)/ship:mass. return (neededengineacc:mag * ship:mass)/ship:availablethrust. } But I'm going to try what you are using and see if it works better. BTW, what mic are using in that video? It sounds great.
  5. Yes, the script is meant to run in a loop which is the problem for me. I'm sure that it returns the acceleration of the ship. Okay i will try that. Yes i took that into account which create its own problem, now I'm using ship:altitude-(geoposition:terrainheight+Offset). Thank you.
  6. I have been trying to figure out the exact landing burn altitude for my hoverslam script and I can't work it out accurately. I've looked at others' script but does not seem to work well with my script. lock burnAlt to (ship:velocity:surface:mag^2)/(2*(ship:sensors:acc:mag)). This is what I use to determine the landing burn altitude. And my condition is: if trueRader <= burnAlt { set autoThrottle to hoverslam. } else { set autoThrottle to 0. } From what i understand from this condition, the throttle should be never 0 whenever it is below and equal to burnAlt unless otherwise. But that's the problem, the burnAlt decreases as the rocket throttling up. Do I need to use constant to find my landing burn altitude or something else that is more efficient? P.S: This does not account for aerodynamic drag nor that it need to be accounted for as I'm playing stock and not RSS/FAR.
  7. Thanks! I also just remembered that i could use actiongroup as well and toggle engine mode. Anyway thanks again. I love this mod!
  8. Hello there! I am here to ask about the engine mode for the Octopus engine. Is it possible to access the "Next Engine" or "Previous Engine" from kOS? I can't seem to work it out By access, I mean like :doaction() or :doevent() in kOS. Thank you in advance!
  9. Thanks I'm glad I took my time doing the textures and stuff. It turned out the way I wanted it to be. I thought logos and flags paint scheme on the Falcon 9 was one sided, started to realize after re-watching some of their webcasts, it's actually two sided. Maybe you thought it was one sided too? haha It's okay, I completely understand . Take your time. I didn't mean to force/rush you or anything, I edited it because I wanted to have something for my own liking, you know.. But I can't wait for your revamp. You make me excited! That level of detailing is insane Awesome work! Also, I hope you don't mind I made changes in the mod like textures/configs for myself. I probably should've asked for permission first..
  10. That's 'Elon Time' you're talking about . Falcon Heavy was alway 6 months away from launch. Not this time though, we're less than 2 months and I'm so pumped for the launch! Hopefully they'll make it. By the way, I love this mod as much as I love SpaceX. Thank you so much for making and updating them. You rocks! I was messing around in paint.net and did a little something So the first 3 images are the currently-active version of Falcon 9. I just change some colours on the engines and octaweb to make it look as accurate as possible. The last 5 images are based on the render version of the Falcon 9, hopefully the Falcon 9 Block 5 will look like that (or close). Also made the logos and other things double-sided.
  11. Nevermind, I changed the pre-fabbed line in the config for the engine from "kerolox-lower" to "kerolox-upper". That removes the part I circled.
  12. Thanks for the clear up, @sarbian. It's okay if it is not possible yet. I love the mod the way it is now, but it would be really really cool to have the plume interacts with drag and velocity, just like I said. Though, keep up the great work! Thank you for your time. Also while we're still at it, the first issue I was having is now fixed and working the as I wanted it to. But there's one more thing I would like to fix. What should I add to the config to remove/shorten the red-circled plume? Thanks in advance!
  13. I saw some of your posts regarding increasing the particle count limit in SmokeScreen config, but I never thought it would fix that, so thank you so much, will try it later. Yeah, it does seems impossible to be simulated, even if it does, it would require a lot of efforts. I have absolutely no experience modding/modelling stuff, so what can I say about it. Thanks for your time, @Nhawks17. You're awesome!
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