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  1. prolemasses (NASA's Waterloo): The Japanese economy, which had been the second largest in the world, crashed in late 1991. The popping of the bubble would lead to a rapid decline in the Japanese economy, and would lead to the 90s being referred to as “the lost decade” in Japan. As a result of harsh economic realities, to save money, the Japanese space program's budget would be slashed. Part of this involved shelving the manned spacecraft, and delaying Hayabusa [a cargo vessel in this timeline]. NASDA would be put through the ringer, jumping through hoops to keep the program afloat. TimothyC (Boldly Going): The economic impacts of the Japanese bubble in the 1980s have taken decades to shake out [in our timeline], and would generally do the same here. In short, even with an earlier station capability, we the authors have serious doubts that NASDA/JAXA will do anything substantively different than they did [in our timeline]. e of p (Eyes Turned Skyward): ...after almost a decade of dreams shattered by the unexpected financial upset which had broken the Japanese economy, JAXA was becoming more comfortable making its plans based on following where the US was willing to lead. In response to the Japanese economy and space program losing its ambitions in almost every modern alternate history timeline, an alien space bat decided to give the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) an unlimited budget and resources for space development. The agency thus became known as JAXA+. The early 2020s saw the debut of the H-Z, a super-heavy launch vehicle capable of carrying 285-485 tonnes to low Earth orbit or 75-150 tonnes to the Moon or an escape trajectory, surpassing rockets such as SLS or Starship. This rocket would enable single-launch space stations and lunar bases, as well as the construction of massive crewed interplanetary missions. It was designated "Z" as it was the ultimate letter. H-Z is an upscaled version of their previous H3 and H-IIA/B rockets, following the pattern of a core stage + upper stage fueled by liquid hydrogen/oxygen, which is surrounded by 2 or 4 monolithic solid rocket boosters. This time, JAXA+ borrowed decades-old plans by Aerojet for the M-1 and AJ-260, the largest liquid and solid rocket engines ever tested. The H-Z first stage uses nine M-1s (manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries as the "LE-Z") on the first stage and zero to four AJ-260 boosters (renamed "SRB-Z" and built by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries), with one vacuum-optimized LE-Z on the second stage. (Starship render by The Everyday Astronaut) Launch of VEP-Z (Vehicle Evaluation Payload) from Tanegashima Space Center
  2. In a parallel universe, the country of Hatsunia (初音国) had taken a very different path compared to Japan, its counterpart in our world. Instead of hundreds of years of feudal isolation, the society became used to foreign contact and social reform. Unlike Japan, its international relations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries mostly involved diplomacy and trade with its neighbors instead of brutal militaristic conquest. During the Second World War, Hatsunia joined the Allied Powers and formed the Honolulu Pact with the United States in 1941 against a China that had been taken over by fascists in this timeline. The Allies achieved victory several years later, and with Hatsunia not being on the defeated side, its aerospace industry would not be obstructed by treaties, constitutional articles, or ruined infrastructure. At the beginning of the space age, Hatsunia did not have the native resources to directly compete with the Soviet Union or United States in spaceflight achievements, but had just enough to invest in small rockets and the cultivation of electronics and computing industries. As time went on, Hatsunia's economy would take advantage of post-war international trade networks and the digital revolution, and its space industry would eventually become the forefront of capability and affordability in the 21st century. For more information about Hatsunia, visit this page and the wiki. This is a pseudo-alternate history in a parallel universe that wasn't meant to be fully realistic. Like Japan, there is more to Hatsunia than anime. If you're wondering, "why a space program inspired by Hatsune Miku?" please read this. (not everything will be Miku-related) The Hatsunia Aerospace Science and Development Agency (初音国宇宙航空科学開発機関) was established in 1958. [Japan used to have three aerospace agencies: ISAS (scientific space probes), NASDA (practical satellites/human spaceflight), and NAL (mostly aeronautics). They were merged to become JAXA in 2003. In Hatsunia, their responsbilities were merged since the beginning.] This is an alternate history-like self-roleplay which will be depicted with modified versions of the Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul mods (and Zorg's TUFX configs). The Realistic Progression 1 (RP-1) career mode mod is also used to give structure to the missions, but it will not be a legitimate playthrough as progression through the tech tree is dependent on gathering science points from the moon and other planets as soon as possible. Thus, technologies will be manually unlocked at a pace according to their respective times. The TestFlight (engine failure) mod will also not be used. Custom contracts will also be made. Think of it as part career, part sandbox. Table of Contents (Video playlist) Phase 1 (1952-1961) Phase 2 (1962-1976) Phase 3 (1977-1986) Phase 4 (1987-) Phase 1 - 01 In Minamikushi Prefecture, the Hatsunia Science and Technology Agency constructed a facility on the island of Negishima, named after the green onion that the island was coincidentally shaped like (and was on the Hatsunese flag). Parts of the agency focused on the development of rocketry for scientific purposes, while the Hatsunia Defense Forces also saw its potential value for military applications. Professor Hidemi Utagawa of the University of Minamikushi led the development of Hatsunia's first sounding rocket. This sounding rocket was the Negi-1, and was similar to the American WAC Corporal rocket. The vehicle was composed of two stages. The upper stage, or sustainer, was composed of steel and was powered by the LE-01 liquid rocket engine. It used a simple pressure-fed design and was fueled by a toxic mixture of aniline, furfuryl alcohol, and inhibited red fuming nitric acid, which required careful handling but could be stored for long periods of time. The LE-01 was the first in a series of liquid rocket engines developed by Mikubishi Heavy Industries, which previously manufactured ships and aircraft. At the top of the stage was a nose cone and an additional cylindrical compartment carrying a payload of scientific measuring instruments, including a thermometer and barometer. Fins, twisted by a fraction of a degree, provided flight stability through rotation. The lower stage, or booster, resembled the American "Tiny Tim" rocket and was known as the "Pencil," containing solid nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose propellant. Its purpose was to provide a short burst of thrust and acceleration so that the second stage's fins could stabilize effectively. The diagram below compares its size to a modern interpretation of Hatsune Miku, a mythical singer originating from ancient Hatsunese folklore. On 1952 August 31, the first Negi-1 was on the launch pad after several weeks of construction. The launch platform was slightly tilted to the east so that the rocket would not crash into any populated areas. (Captions provided by the Historian mod with my custom config)
  3. Mitsubishi F-4EJ Phantom II Towards the end of the 1960s the Japanese F-104 fleet started showing it’s age. Modern air-to-air combat shifted beyond the horizon and a modern, robust platform was needed to equip the JASDF for the new era. Soon after the deal was struck between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and McDonnell Douglas the production of the F-4EJ begun - it was the first 3rd generation fighter manufactured on Japanese soil and apart from missing the avionics necessary for guiding ground ordnance (due to post-war Japanese military limitations) was just as capable as it’s US counterpart. The F-4EJ saw long service with the JASDF, both in the standard and it’s modernized F-4EJ Kai versions with the last Phantoms being phased out from service in 2020. 301 Hikōtai is currently the last squadron using the F-4EJ and will recieve new F-35 fighters before the end of the year. This is a complete rebuild of my older F-4E and I am very satisfied with the result. Flight performance is admirable and the plane is very stable and pilot friendly in most cases! I hope you enjoy flying it out as much as I enjoyed building it. ACTION GROUPS: AG1 - Toggle afterburner AG2 - Toggle flaps AG3 - Toggle airbrake CHANGELOG: v1.0 - Initial release v2.0 - Revamped the engine section - intake/engine transition made smoother, exhaust nozzles made wider and more detailed, airbrakes added, external stores added, intake ramps revamped. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/Mitsubishi-F-4EJ-Phantom-II
  4. こんにちは!ついにKSPアップデート1.8「Moar Boosters !!!」がリリースされました。 今回のタイトルは、カーバルがスラングを交えて「もっとブースターをよこせ!!!」と言うような感じとのこと。 ここでは公式の発表内容をかいつまんで書いていこうと思います。 実際にどんなゲームに仕上がっているかは是非みんなの目で確かめてみてね! Unityのアップグレード KSPの基礎となるゲームエンジンを「Unity 2019.2」にアップグレードしました。これによってゲームやグラフィックのパフォーマンスが向上し、アップデートの継続にも役立つはずです。 天体のテクスチャの改善 ムン、ミンマス、ドゥナ、アイク、イブ、ギリーに高品質のテクスチャマップとグラフィックシェーダーを追加し、よりシャープな景観を楽しめるようになりました。 セッティングで天体シェーダーの品質(*具体的にどのメニューなのかはっきりしませんが「地形のディテール」を指していると思われます。)を、「標準」「高い」にすることで改善を体感することができるはずです。「低い」設定ではテクスチャは既存のものですが、グラフィックの品質は向上しています。 マップモードを改善・改良 マップモードでの機体のステージングが可能になりました。マップモードで「ステージを表示」ボタンをクリックすれば、ステージスタックの表示/非表示を切り替える事が出来ます。 さらに、便利機能としてマップモードのラベル(天体・機体・ノードを右クリックした時に表示される)が飛行モード/マップモードを切り替えても保持されるようにしました。 SRB(固体ロケットブースター)の追加 固体ロケットブースターにに新しいバリエーションのパーツを追加しました。0.6mサイズの「マイト」から2.5mサイズの「クライズデール」までのラインナップで、幅広い機体運用をサポートします。さらに、DLC : Making History Expansion を導入している場合には1.8mサイズの「ポルックス」が追加されます。 DLC : Breaking Ground Expansion の追加要素 DLC : Breaking Ground Expansionの新パーツとして、新しいファンブレードとシュラウドを追加しました。ドローンやダクテッドファン機の設計はもちろん、プレイヤーの独創的な機体建造にとって大きな助けになるはずです。これまでのファンブレードへの改善、ロボティクスパーツが消費する資源の調整、資源供給が尽きた場合のオプション追加も盛り込みました。 その他の改善・追加要素 全ての追加要素はこちら↓(英語)で確認できます: KSPアップデート1.8「Moar Boosters !!!」は現在Steamで配信中です。今後はGOGやその他のゲーム販売サイトでも順次リリースする予定です。 それと、今回のアップデートのイメージアートの壁紙を用意したのでダウンロードしてみてね。 1080x1920p(一般的なスマホ) 1080x2048p(Galaxy S9) 1440x2560p(iPhone X) デスクトップ1920x1080p デスクトップ2048x1080p デスクトップ2560x1440p それでは楽しい宇宙旅行を!
  5. ようこそKSP日本フォーラムへ! ここは、KSP公式フォーラム内にある日本フォーラムです。 公式フォーラムの他の場所では英語での書き込みがルールですが、日本フォーラムではトピックの作成・返信が日本語で行えます! 質問、雑談、企画の実施、活動報告など、思いつく限りKSPを楽しみましょう! KSP関連サイト - Related Sites KSP日本フォーラムトップ : https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/89-japanese-日本語/ KSP日本コミュニティDiscord:https://discord.gg/nQBHfP2 初心者オススメ解説サイト カーバル推進研究所 : http://www.kproplab.org/ 公式Wiki(日本語) - Official Wiki (JPN) : http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page/ja 日本ローカルWiki - Japanese Local Wiki : http://wikiwiki.jp/ksp/ After Action Report Wiki : http://wikiwiki.jp/kspaar/ この場所が日本のカーボノーツ(Kerbonauts)同士や、世界のカーボノーツとの交流や情報交換の場所になる事を期待しています。 公式フォーラムのガイドライン(英語)を守りつつ、気軽に楽しく使ってくださいね。 ↓KSP公式フォーラムの使い方(簡易版)↓ アカウントを作ろう!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね。 投稿してみよう!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね) シグネチャー(署名)を作ろう!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね。 それでは楽しい宇宙旅行を!
  6. Kerbal Space Programが日本語、簡体字中国語、ロシア語、スペイン語の4か国語に対応し、各国の言語でゲームを楽しんでいただけるようになりました。 トレーラーを見る 英語版のユーモアや面白さをそのまま各言語で体験できるように入念なローカライズが行われています。キー配列、UI、テクスチャに至るまで各国のプレイヤーに合わせた変更を施しました。 ローカライズの必要がある部分を洗い出すために全ソースコードを徹底的に見直さなければなりませんでした。翻訳した単語数は95,000ワード以上で、456枚のテクスチャとUI用の画像を作成し、684枚のKSPedia用のスライドを用意しました。それらすべてが20人を超える献身的な校正ボランティアチームによって厳密にチェックされ、修正されています。 本アップデートでは他言語の対応だけではなく、ローカライズとキャリア・モードでの契約のバランス調整が行われた公式MODの「アステロイド・デイ」が統合されます。 さらに、アップデート1.3では「明るさ補正」機能が導入され、ハイライト輝度と同じくスライダーでゲーム内の環境光の明るさを調整可能になります。この機能は、ゲーム映像を録画して共有したい時に役立つはずです。 また、いくつかのバグ修正も行われています。本アップデートの詳細については変更ログをご覧ください。 Changelog: =================================== v1.3.0 ============================================================ +++ Localization * Keyboard layouts for foreign keyboards in Settings Menu. * Localization of all text in game to Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese-Simplified. * KSP now reads the language from buildID.txt * Debug menu option to log missing Language tags (which is persisted in settings). * All fonts are loaded regardless of selected language to assist in save file language switching and sharing. * Resize PAW menus to fit languages. * Resize Tutorial dialogs to fit languages. * Add ability to scroll KSC facility upgrade stats when hovering over the upgrade button. * Add new debug tool to show Localization tags instead of translations. * Add Resource name display in staging, PAW and Resource App will change to Abbreviations if too long. * Add Resource name tooltips to staging, PAW and Resource App for abbreviated resource icons. * Add scroll sections to KSC Facility Upgrade stats in Facility pop-up windows. * Add button to reload the Localization texts dictionary in the debug menu. * Add hibernation info page to KSPedia. +++ Enhancements * Compound parts can be selected from both ends. * Updated the strut model so the connector does not intersect with the mesh. * Contract back stories have been changed/enhanced. * GUI control for changing Local/Absolute attachment and editing reference. * GUI control for changing symmetry mode. * Change Science Containers to pull from experiments before other science containers. * Increased the size of the PAW title bar and pin button. * Ambient light adjustment. * Asteroid Day Mod merged into stock. * IVAOverlay now has keyboard shortcut - Modifier + ChangeCamera (Alt+C in windows). * Upgraded TMPro. * New PAW pin icon. +++ Bug fixes * Fix logic error in craft list dialog in editor scene. * Fix grammar error in FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank description. * Fix MPL functions to only work with Scientist trait. * Fix Runway Seams T2 and T3. * Flatten the T1 Runway out. * Fix Flagpole to Astronaut Center and remove upgrade/downgrade/destroy errors. * Fix the math on the ShipConstruct Stage Count. * Fix to highlighter Brightness not getting set on entering flight scene. * Docking mode indicators corrected. * Fix From The Mun tutorial: heatshield on RV jettison via staging. * Fix Terrain seams issue (parity with 1.1.3). * Fix Radiators on Asteroids. * Fix Drill status on Asteroids. * Add Craft name limit to VAB to prevent save issues with file name. Configurable via VAB_CRAFTNAME_CHAR_LIMIT * Fix RnDTechTree refresh not updating un-purchases nodes after purchasing. * Fix Aero GUI window NREs on scene change. * Fix costs for Upgrade nodes being applied in TechTree. * Fix upgraded parts to now display upgraded stats in TechTree and Parts picker in VAB/SPH. * Fix upgrade modules not displaying correctly in expanded part tooltips in TechTree and Part picker. * Fix number of kerbals counter in KSC vessel markers. * Fix Tree shaders - shadows. * Fix an issue where resource system catch-up mechanics would not work due to physics causing vessels to ‘hop’. * Fix an issue where overriding a converter’s AutoShutdown property was not working. * Fix to the way vessels were named on Kerbal Rescue contracts. * Fix launch site blocked dialog not clearing on vessel spawn dialog. * Fix green line appearing in water. * Fix shadows of buildings in KSC scene. * Fix manuever node errors for some situations where node is in the past and conics become invalid. * Fix gaps in shadows on KSC buildings. * Improved flickering Sun shadows in flight mode on all objects. * Fix cases for old maneuver nodes with invalid patched conics. * Fix part highlighters showing landing lights flares. * Fix part icons to exclude flags and include lights. * Fix Launchpad tower light to shine on correct Unity Layers. * Fix Currency Widgets disappearing at large scales. * Fix for StageLock persisting between games. * Fix floor decals in level 2 VAB. * Fix to wait for physics easing before updating vessel status. +++ Modding * Localization class added for Localization string processing. * Fix reflected KSPModule attribute on PartModule. * Added GameEvent onCommandSeatInteractionEnter which fires before a Kerbal enters/leaves external command seat. * Added a mod hook in for science values. * Add public accessors to MapView MapNodes for modders. * Event for Kerbal name change (to match with type/status change events). * Some object renames for clashes with Unity classes * Add public accessor to instance of tutorial dialog * Propellent.displayName added for localization. * Resource definitions now have displayName field. * FlightGlobals.GetHomeBodyDisplayName() is the localized equivalent of FlightGlobals.GetHomeBodyName() * Vessel & Protovessel displaylandedAt is the localized equivalent of landedAt string. * Vessel.SetLandedAt() - added two new optional input variables. * CustomParameterNode.LocalizedSection added. * Added displayseatName and displayseatIndex to InternalSeat Node. * CelestialBody has had several variables added and removed for localization. * CBAttributeMaps have also had variables added for localization. * ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject has a new optional displaybiomeID. * ResearchAndDevelopment.GetBiomeTagsLocalized added. * ScienceData.displaytitle added for localization. * Vessel.displaylandedAt field added for localization. * Add an extra parameter on the GenericAppFrame method to receive a displayName separated from the logic. * Add GameEvent onFairingsDeployed when fairings deploy. * Add IscalarModule to ModuleJettison and public Enumerator for DragCubeSystem. * Atmospheric and Exospheric harvesters can now make use of an optional Intake Transform (this can be set via the ‘intakeTransformName’ field. * Add GetExperimentBodyName to ScienceUtils to API for mods. Kerbal Space Program アップデート1.3「Away with Words」はSteamで配信中です。GOGやその他の販売店でも配信される予定です。また、ゲームを購入済みの場合はKSP Storeからもダウンロードできます。
  7. http://fortune.com/2016/05/21/meteor-showers-tokyo-olympics/ Has we got to the time when we can throw stuff down on orbit for fun now... What kind of things will we need to take into consideration when planning something like this? I wonder if they have to get permits from all the countries on the satellites orbital path in case it hit something by accident. Also the chance of fragments that doesn't get in the atmosphere but went off to be more space junk...
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