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  1. Tundra's Space Center After a long wait, I can finally share you my version of some historic real life launchpads! To set it up, put the TundraSpaceCenter folder into your GameData, open the KK menu (ctrl + k) and place it anywhere you want! After that convert it into a launchpad and you are good to go! This mod only works with KSP 1.8.x and above!! Statics: LC-39A/B - LC-41 - LC-40 - LC-19 - LC-46 - Barge - Engine Test Pads LC-5 - LC-6 - LC-14 - LC-17 - LC-34 In-game pics: Current parts TLC-5 TLC-6 TLC-5-6 launch control building TLC-14 TLC-17 TLC-19 TLC-34 TLC-39A/B TLC-41 TLC-40 TLC-46 Engine Test pads (Horizontal and Vertical) Barge Planned features Roadmap Known issues Nothing that I know of. Review + tutorial on how to place and use them. Required Mods Kerbal Konstruct (1.8.x and above) Recommended Mods KSC Extended Tundra Exploration Omega's SpaceX landing pad Bluedog Design Bureau Modular Launch Pads A very special thanks to @Beale, @Eskandare and @Omega482 for the help and advise they gave me to make something awesome. But a very very special thanks to @Ger_space for spending the time with me getting the final touches working. Changelog: Any of the configs are distributed under CC-NC-SA-4.0 License. All Textures/models are distributed under All Rights Reserved License. CKAN is NOT supported. Follow me on Reddit! /u/damonvv
  2. This is based or well, the idea is based on the BadT Arenas and Airfields mod, specifically the aircraft carriers that the mod has. So what I plan is to have a somewhat “kerbalized” version of multiple carriers, as well as other things like maybe tugs and vehicles for different eras. I currently have an Essex class carrier (WWII version), but since I don't know how to make it a launch site yet, it's just a static “for now”. The texturing is based on the KSC VAB with its yellow stairs, little yellow hangar doors and so on. The 3D model is a free 3D model made by sketchfab user kriss50, the textures were made by me based on Kerbinside's textures. Unfortunately I had to remove many parts of the original model as the model by itself would be too heavy for KSP, maybe in the future I will learn to make my own models and make a good but low poly version of the Essex Class aircraft carrier. I am open to suggestions and possible ideas on how to expand this (and also learn more about modding as I think this is my first mod). Download: https://github.com/AciveriousTippoline/Carriers-and-more-K.K.
  3. Some time ago, I looked at the KSC, and it looked quite empty. And at that time I had a bunch of KerbalKonstructs Mods. So I decided to make an expansion! Here is a list of things I want included: This mod is still in development, so sadly no download. POSSIBLE DEPENDENCIES: Tundra's Space Center, Omega's structures, Kerbinside Remastered (for the statics), Kerbal Konstructs, and Module Manager Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kmKHZos Full Gallery
  4. =Van's KSC= Ever felt like the default KSC runway is way too short or narrow? Worry no more. Description This is a Kerbal Konstructs config aimed at expanding the stock KSC and making it way more spaceplane friendly. Whether you're struggling with taking off or landing, new launch sites added by this config aim to help you in your aeronautic endeavours. No more wingstrikes or runway overruns... hopefully. New launch sites A 5000 meter long, 145 meter wide runway. Heading: 90 degrees. A 4800 meter long, 70 meter wide runway. Heading: 90 degrees. Two 3250 meter long and 90 meter wide intersecting runways. 90 and 150 degrees headings. Two large helipads near the 5km runway. Each is approximately 110 meters in diameter. A small group of helipads in the middle of the space center. Two water spawn points located near a large pier north of the main center. 0 and 90 degrees headings. New statics A group of large dish arrays west of the KSC. Those look especially great during sunsets. A network of roads connecting all launch sites. Some roads might be a bit bumpy. Six landing pads for reusable rockets. A lot of buildings that, hopefully, will help to make the scenery a bit more lively. Which side are you on? Screenshots =Imgur= Download =SpaceDock= Installation Make sure to properly install all dependencies listed below. Drop the VansKSC folder into your GameData. Upon entering SPH, make sure to open and enable the launchsites you need in the KK launchsite selector. Dependencies Kerbal Konstructs Omega's Stockalike Structures: NTR KerbinSide Remastered ModuleManager Known issues As smooth as it all looks from above, some roads, crawlerways and grid blocks might be bumpy. Be careful and don't overspeed. Some roads are also prone to levitation. I'm working on it. Support Stock Kerbin. Sadly, that's it for now, although JNSQ support is expected to appear soon-ish. I'm also hoping to add support for other planet packs Conflicts Any homeswitch planet packs and/or ones that scale the home planet up. Other custom KSC configs. Special thanks Thanks to @JadeOfMaar for helping out with figuring the config syntax and providing an example of homeswitch compatibility configs! Changelog
  5. Thread of the month of April ! To see the last update: Click here After 4 months of work, I am very proud to present my first add-on: Aurora Space Center! Presentation Aurora Space Center is a mod that adds IRL/fictives buildings and launchpads! This mod has for vocation to be improved very strongly in the future, come back often to see the thread! Buildings and current launchpads: Features: Buildings and launchpads use stock textures. All other textures (logo or text) can be modified in paint for exemple! Buildings and pads will automatically turn on and turn off spotlight like the real KSC buildings. RSS compatible: all buildings are done in real scale ! (for stock users down the scale of buildings at building setup) Buildings and pads use a auto-matching grass color module, so that you can place them anywhere on Kerbin/Earth and even Mars ! Animated object by a simple click on it: INSTALLATION & HOW TO USE IT Install Kerbal Konstructs and Module Manager (link below) and put Aurora Space Center into your GameData directory and that's all! To put a building: open the KK menu (ctrl+k) and place it anywhere you want ! (If you choose to place a launchpad, you will need to restart your KSP to convert it automatically into a launchpad) A huge thank you to @JadeOfMaar, @Omega482 and @CobaltWolf for their help, without them Aurora Space Center could not have looked like this. And a very special thank to @damonvv who helped me enormously when I started! DOWNLOAD: Dependencies: Kerbal Konstructs & Module Manager If you want to see the progress about Aurora Space Center, take a look at the Roadmap ! FAQ How do you do that ? Check this video ! How to open the HIF doors ? The HIF doors can only be opened for the LC-2 launchpad, for the primary door click on the top segment of the door, for the south door, click on the left segment How to trigger the Crew Access Arm ? Click at the base (green thing) of the Crew Access Arm (Picture) Changelog All models and textures are distributed under All Rights Reserved License You can follow my twitter to see some updates before everyone: @chloe_mathon
  6. I updated kerbalkonstructs and now it doesnt workhttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pavgpu68e47t2gqm0g406/Player.log?rlkey=lmuecefelrjgfb32f0giad6s9&st=5vlchi1b&dl=0
  7. Around the World in a OneOscar: Hey everyone. I've recently created some tiny planes in @Socraticat's OneOscar fan club and I wondered how far I could go with one. Could I circumnavigate Kerbin using only OneOscars? Fan Club links: Q&A Modlist: So without further ado... THE PLANES: Left: OneOscar FGC2x "Phoenix" Right: OneOscar FGCXL "Silver" The "Phoenix" will be used for shorter range flights as it is easier to land while the "Silver" will be used for longer haul flights as it's pretty dangerous to fly but has a much longer range. Anyways, it's flying time!
  8. This mod adds a basic Space Centre and a Landing pad for you to land on minmus. These mods are required for this to function: Kerbal Konstructs https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/151818-181-kerbal-konstructs-18115-15dec2019/ Omega's Stockalike Structres - No Textures Required https://spacedock.info/mod/2061/Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required Tundra's Space Centre https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174368-18x-tundras-space-center-v20-december-18th-stockalike-ksc-launchpads/ Kerbin Side Remastered https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174336-kerbin-side-remastered-101-173/ Recommended: KSC Extended https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/181556-18x-ksc-extended-v22-expanding-your-ksc-in-style/ Tundra Exploration https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166915-110x-tundra-exploration-v300-october-31st-restockalike-spacex-falcon-9-dragon-v2-and-starship/ Installation: Copy contents inside GameData folder to here: KSP DIRECTORY/GameData Now you should have at these inside your GameData folder: GameData MinmusSpaceCenter OSSNTR TundraSpaceCentre KerbalKonstructs KerbinSideRemastered Squad (stock folder) SquadExpansion (DLC, may not be present) EDIT: this mod is indexed on CKAN now Pics or it didn't happen: Starship landing ft. Tundra Exploration Aerial View Side View Another Aerial View Source Code : https://github.com/kyleander/MinmusSpaceCentre Release: https://spacedock.info/mod/2585/Minmus Space Centre Requests and bug reports are always welcome
  9. I don't know why but Kerbal Konstruct don't work in my KSP RSS in 1.8.1... The kerbal konstuct logo show up but when I do Ctrl+K nothings append. Can someone tell me what to do ? I already tried to change KK version but that don't change anythings.
  10. Are there any versions of KerbinSide that aren't broken on 1.6 and up? I really like this mod but I can't find a working version.
  11. BAD-T Arenas and Airbases is as set of World War II themed KerbalKonstructs Statics and Prefabs originally made for and used by the BAD-T Tournament as air combat arenas. At present this pack contains 6 Arenas and Airbases scattered across Kerbin. This pack requires KerbalKonstructs to function. Included airbases and locations: Boostershire Farms 2v2 (medium) Medium sized farm located adjacent to one of Kerbin's mighty rivers. Teams start facing away from each other. Runway length: 450m Keenemunde Rocket Base 2v2 (Small) Small re-purposed launch site converted to serve as an arena. Teams start facing away from each other. Runway length: 300m Crater Fleet 2v2 (Small) A pair of vintage carrier groups a few kilometers apart. Teams start facing each other. Runway length; 260m. Aircraft Factory 2v2 (Small) An aircraft factory with attached airstrips overlooking an alpine lake. Teams start facing away from each other. Runway length: 300m Pyramid Site 2v2 (large) An expeditionary airbase deep in Kerbin's primary desert. A secondary pair of runways are hidden away a few kilometers from the site. Teams start facing each other. Runway length; 850m Oasis 3v3 (large) An arena built around an oasis deep in the desert. Teams start perpendicular to each other. Runway length; 850m All arena runways are divided into two teams. in the KK launch site menu they will appear as ArenaName A1/A2/B1/B2 for easy setup of craft. An exception to this is the carrier arena, which only features a single pair of runway launch sites. While the carriers are wide enough to support multiple craft taking off from them, additional craft will need to be manually placed via Hyperedit or VesselMover or similar. All arenas were built using Default terrain detail; using Low or High terrain detail may result in floating/buried statics due to variances in terrain topography depending on detail setting. Download from SpaceDock License: The contents of this mod are distributed a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) This pack makes use of textures from KerbinSide by AlphaAsh; textures used with permission.
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