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Found 4 results

  1. I would love to have a Camera of the Groundcrew, just like the IVA cam. The Groundcrew could cheer when a Rocket lands on Mun or cry when it explodes.
  2. If you like to build Stations with Mobile Processing Labs like I do, you need large Numbers of high leveled Scientists. But getting them beyond Level 3 requires Interplanetary Missions which take quite a while and flying Kerbals in bulk to the Mun and Minmus can get quite tiring as well. Besides I don't see much point in having placed a Flag everywhere necessarily making you a better Scientist. For this Reason, severedsolo and Mark Kerbin have made the Kerbal Academy Mod which allows to level up Pilots in Training Courses. So why won't add a secondary way to level up Scientists? As the Final Frontier Mod by Nereid does that, it should be possible to count the Number of Science Points a single Kerbal has researched. This in my Opinion is the most logical Way to count the Experience of a Scientist. So I'd lake to create a mod to do exactly that but my Modding Experience so far is limited to adding functions to parts (Mk 2 Lander Cabin with BonVoyage Controller, Mk 4-1 Pod with Research Lab and a very crude Surface Sample Function in the Drill-O-Matic Junior)
  3. A few times after a long and/or harrowing re-entry, I've EVAed Kerbals that appear to have taken permanent damage (permanent in the context of the mission they are on) while they were inside the ship. There is a bar, like the thermal warning bar, only this one isn't going away when the heat goes away. This is thermal damage, correct? I've seen the same thing when I once EVAed a kerbonaut in the upper atmoshpere only to quickly get him back in when the heat bar appeared and rose alarmingly quickly. That one might have disappeared after he got back in the ship; I don't know. Can kerbonauts die of this damage even if the ship is okay? I have a picture, but I don't want to create an imgur album for this sole purpose, unless you guys insist on seeing evidence.
  4. I tried a quick look at Kerbal EVA buoyancy and found nothing. I need this for underwater EVAs since i use mod called USI Submarine Parts which gives player ability to construct and drive submersibles. If all operations are performed in IVA or by using available actions on desired part in external view mode, there are no immersion-beraking effects. And i remember seeing someone making a contract pack for using submersibles, so this idea will be useful to others trying this new exploration path.
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