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Found 2 results

  1. Ever since I watched Danny's video about playing around with the relay networks in his first time of 1.2, I have become obsessed with his design that shot off several probes in orbit of the Mun. I want to expand on this idea, something I like to call Relay Kesslers. My dream relay kessler would include about 12-18 probes that include their own reaction wheels, boosters, solar panels, and of course, the relays. This is heavy, RAM intensive, and somewhat impractical if the kessler itself had enough Dv to transport the relays. So far, I have gotten a stable design that only holds six of these probes. I added heat shields and parachutes to go to Eve. They would've survived long-term if it weren't for the gravity smacking them hard enough on the ground to shatter their solar panels. Supposing the kessler has enough Dv and torque (for stability) to transfer simplistic relays (just a probe core, solar panels/RTGs, a relay, and possibly a battery just in case)about the Kerbol system would theoretically shave off a large amount of Dv to waste. The biggest challenge I find myself encountering is the means to deploy said relays. Some designs have a structural element on top of the 2.5m probe core and the small girders to hold separators. My latest attempt has simplistic designs encased in stacked 2.5m service bays. These have to be much more simplistic and have huge trouble getting out of the bay, often breaking the solar panels, but it's lighter. I'm thinking of deploying an empty mothership with several docking ports and launch several of the small probes to dock with it, but then what's the point of wasting all the time and effort when it can all be in one simple launch? I've also been trying to find a career-friendly way to incorporate this malicious military and government surveillance device wonderful way to cross together a DSN. Most importantly, I'd like to stay fully stock. What do you think of the relay kessler? http://imgur.com/a/82oTg
  2. Have you ever wanted to make a debris field around Kerbin and you had to make a cumbersome "Kessler bomb" craft which didn't work as planned? Or it was just a collection of separators that didn't present enough challenge or hazard? Too much hassle building a serious debris layer? Grinding with Hyper Edit? Imagine having a mod that would allow you to put a wanted number of random debris at a defined orbital height and inclination? Plates, girders, tanks, separators, etc., all floating around, making a mess? Tell me what you think about this idea.
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