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Found 2 results

  1. Hi My name is CyrusPlayz.I have been making planet mods for years.But why now make a form Page?Because my past two planet mods are trash copyright mods(aka mods with copyrighted content). But here are the downloads anyway:The New Crew: [Link removed by moderator] CPPO: [Link removed by moderator] But review them with you own risks. Anyway,KIP is going break that and be a non copyrighted mod,Here are screenshots here is a 0.25 version release: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7t50kq21bm7x4mw/KIP.zip/file The whole idea of this mod is to add new solar system to ksp for anyone wanting to use ksp interstellar. License: MIT P.S discord link here 4 the newest updates!! https://discord.gg/UqVEsr
  2. What do you think, would it be good idea to add new planets in stock KSP? I think analogs for Saturn and ice giants would be good. Also show your pics of planets and planet packs if you have any My PC is broken, so I don't have any pic to start with, just random photos of Saturn and Galilean moons through my telescope:
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