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  1. I am glad to announce the Fighter Jet League, a monthly ladder tournament for your fighter jets! TRAILER: AIRCRAFT DESIGN RULES: Weapon Restrictions: Only non-turret guns and non-nuclear missiles are allowed. Participants are prohibited from using turrets such as CIWS (Close-In Weapon Systems). The missile pods and EMP missiles are a violation of this rule. Fair Play Policy: Participants must adhere to fair play standards and avoid exploiting glitches, loopholes, or excessive part clipping in their aircraft designs. The cloaking device is considered to be a violation of this rule. Team Composition: Each team must consist of two manned fighters ONLY. Each fighter is limited to a maximum wingspan of 17 m, and a maximum length of 23 m. Missile Limitations: Fighters are limited to carrying a maximum of eight missiles each. The CLS counts as one missile. Visual Range Limit: BDArmory visual range settings must be set to 3 km or lower. This ensures fair visibility conditions for all participants during matches. The IRST pod violates this rule. Stealth Restrictions: Only non-stealth fighters are allowed. LEAGUE RULES: A player can challenge another player either one or two positions above them. If a match is won by a lower-ranked player, the two players swap positions on the ladder. If a lower ranked player loses a match, they will need to win a match against a different player before re-challenging the previous player. After every match, both participants get a 2-day cooldown period before being able to participate in another match. At the 25th of each month, there will be a 4-player competition (Top 3 + Wildcard) to declare a league champion, in a single-elimination format. At the 1st of each month, the ladder is reversed so that the higher ranked players from the previous month start lower. After every match, a player is able to redesign, change, or keep their fighter jet design. The league is designer-based rather than aircraft-based REQUIRED MODS: Airplane Plus Procedural Wings Procedural Parts BDArmory BDArmory+ Cold War Aerospace Mk2 Expansion ReStock ReStock+ SXT TweakScale ConformalDecals Nice MkSeries Body Moderately Plane Related Discord is where the league is mostly run on! Join my Discord server here: discord.gg/GXmwTNAtsc
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