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KDF Bloodhound MK II Advancements in our Walking Tank technology have allowed us to create the next generation of Mobile Armored Suits. Now with new advancements in energy production, we can expand our arsenal with the next generation in our forces. The new MK II version of the Bloodhound is purely for Military applications Requires DLC (NO MODS) ALL STOCK. Drive Instructions This mech can pretty much go anywhere. Before launching please make sure if you are docking with any unit to use the abort key to cut off any power to the Kal-1000s to prevent accidents. Action Groups ABORT - Toggle power to all Kal1000s Stage - Fire Guns AG1 - Toggle Stand AG2 - Toggle Walk AG3 - Toggle Sit Mode AG4 - Arm Missiles AG5 - Arm Energy Cannons AG6 - Toggle Ladder AG8 - Toggle Emergancy Solar Panels AG9 - Toggle Fuel Cell Generator AG0 - Toggle Leg Split (not meant for walking) Operations (PLEASE READ) To Walk Toggle SAS and set craft to (Radial In) and Press AG 2 to start walking. Control its direction by using a, d q and e keys. NOTE: when spawning in with craft Kerbal Space Program likes to tilt it backwards (do not panic) either try and recover by holding down the W key to tilt forward or if you do fall on your back press AG3 to enter sit mode and roll over to your feet and press either AG3 Again or AG1 and your back on your feet. To Stop Press AG2 to stop walking and reset your gait by pressing AG1. From here you can start walking again. Sit/Stand Mode Did you fall down? No fear! Can stand up easily on any planetary body. Press AG3 (Sit/Stand) and rock your body until you are sitting upright (recommended unbreakable parts for this one but not needed) Press AG3 again to stand FIRE WEAPONS Press Space bar to fire By default the Energy Cannons are set off by default to allow you to first fire the Missiles (these missiles do work but they are stock so dont exepct them to always fly straight lol.) You can replace them with BD armory missiles if you want. WARNING: these have extreme force behind them and will make the Mech Tilt backwards. Fire one at a time and give yourself time to reset your gait. Press AG 5 to Switch to Energy Cannons. These cannons have enough force to blow up buildings if you want to do so. Download Links
- DOWNLOAD KERBALX : Description Reports of a Large Red Machine have made the rounds in the enclaves. Superstitious stories of some El Diablo the natives of Duna mentioned in classic stories of the old wars of 25th century. Some say its just old tales while some truth to them. It is said that the Pilot sold his soul in order to survive a Orbital Bombardment that set Duna back to its old dusty red days. Stories said that the reason the Bombardment took place was becasue El Diablo decimated the armies at that time with is supernatual-like weapons of destruction. Some said that Pilot soul was merged with that Demonic Machine to this day and still roams this rusted planet. Apearing out of the constant dust storms that plauge the planet and taking unsuspecting victims in his wake. These stories are just that stories and there is no way that that Demon could have survived to this day. or did it? “A faint deep Kerbal voice !ATNAVEL ES OLBAID EL¡ This is my Biggest and Best Mobile Mech that I have made so far This is a Fully Stock Craft with DLC from the main game (still stock). Requires no mods but if you would like the Devilish look make sure to download Textures Unlimited, Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot (TURD), Lazy Painter (optional). I hope you have as much fun as I have! El Diablo true to its name is a Intimidating machine. Has some kal characteristics with a few of my other mech designs to keep a cohesive and familair control with some new editions primarly being flight characteristic changes. as usual here are the operation instructions: Press SAS on When spawning in. Radial in for up right stability. Press Action Group 2 to start walking. When you want to stop press Action Group 1. When you want to exit the Mech press eith er Action Group 3 (when on a high gravity world) or Action Group 4 (to kneel), then press G to open Mech Cockpit. Flight Mode NOTE: When on a lower gravity body please use RCS for stability! Press H and N keys to Lower and Raise the Booster Pack for Flight. for upward momentum keep BP at 90 degrees. for forward flight make sure you have enough clearance form ground and hold H keep until both Booster Noozels seperate from each other forming a V. This happens fast but very smoothly to not allow the Mech to flip but be careful as this can still occur. Fire Mode Press the I and N keys to lower and raise the arms of the mech. At 50% on KAl will have arms in a 90 degree and closed. Raise arms all the way to open cannons ready to fire. Press Stage to fire cannons (note if docked with a ship make sure to delete action group for fireworks until undocked). J and L will Lift arms Horizonally and also turn the Mono eye (also behind the mono eye is a docking port that can be used will hullcam or similar to be able to FPV from mono eye ACTION GROUPS AG1: to Stand AG2: to Walk (adjust this to the planetary body you are on based on is gravity) AG3: Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position, you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. AG4: Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in a kneeling position, you can turn off SAS Use this to also let Kerbals board and onboard AG5: Toggle Thrusters on and off AG6 Shielded Gun Mode AG 0 Toggle off all robotic kal motors A stock aircraft called MS-06 El Diablo. Built with 599 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralIBeam3. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.
Description Next Generation Walking Tank The future is finally here. Advancements in our Walking Tank technology have allowed us to create the next generation of Mobile Armored Suits. Now with new advancements in energy production, we can expand our arsenal with the next generation in our forces as well as civilian applications in Construction, Medical Rescue, Riconnocence, and off World Exploration. The Bloodhound is the first of its kind. Requires DLC (NO MODS) ALL STOCK. DOES HAVE FLAGS CHECK at the bottom of the post or comments for links. Place flags in the Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Flags Folder (this is not a mod) Drive Instructions This mech can pretty much go anywhere. Before launching please make sure if you are docking with any unit to use the abort key to cut off any power to the Kal-1000s to prevent accidents. Action Groups ABORT - Toggle power to all Kal1000s Stage - Fire Guns AG1 - Toggle Walk AG2 - Toggle Stop AG3 - Toggle Walking Kal1000s to stop AG4 - Sit/Stand Mode AG5 - Raise and Lower Gun Arms. (if equipped) AG6 - Lock/Unlock Body Turn AG7 - Toggle Bracing Legs Operations (PLEASE READ) To Walk Toggle SAS and set craft to (Radial In). Double tap AG7 (Bracing legs) to toggle and press AG1 to start walking. Use Q and E keys to turn. To Stop ___________________________________________________________________________ Press AG2 to stop walking and reset your gait. From here you can start walking again. Also not in the action group but you can toggle the ladder in the front to climb up and down if needed. AG3 Will stop all Walking Modes for Kal1000s (useful for action shots or emergency panics) Sit/Stand Mode Did you fall down? No fear! Can stand up easily on any planetary body. Press AG4 (Sit/Stand) and rock your body until you are sitting upright (recommended unbreakable parts for this one) then Press AG7 (Bracing Legs) when it begins to raise forward press AG2 (stand) and your mech will stand again. GUN MODE FIRE GUNS (if equipped) Press Stage - Fire Guns in automatic volleys. Alternating between left and right arms. Press the stage again to stop. Recommend infinite Propellant to keep shooting Raise/Lower Guns Press AG5 (guns) to raise and lower gun arms. In the down (default) position you can turn guns left and right. In Gun Platform mode (UP) you can lower and raise guns. Artillery mode. Make sure you are in Stop Mode (AG2) and press AG7 to lower (Bracing Legs) and Press trim keys H and N to raise and lower mech (warning not good for walking when raised) BONUS! If you Press AG6 (Lock/Unlock Body Turn) you can unlock and lock Turret Mode to turn your body in the direction you need. Be careful about going too fast you can tip the craft. Press Stage - Fire Guns in automatic volleys. Press the stage again to stop. Additional Infomation Custom Shoulder mounted docking ports and back docking ports can be used to carry a load of anything you need for whatever mission you want. Need to run those delicious snacks to the crew? Well, load up! Need to take out some rebels that have besieged some buildings? No problem. Need to scout out in a terrain that treads just won’t get the job done? We got you! Has space applications as well with RCS units under and around the middle section of the craft. can be used as an orbital platform for maintenance or defense for orbital stations or colonies. Make sure to stop the movement to gun arms before RCS mode Thank you for reading and have fun! A stock aircraft called KDF Bloodhound. Built with 450 of the finest parts, its root part is roverBody.v2. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5. CRAFT DOWNLOAD Kerbal X: Steam: FLAG DOWNLOAD DROPBOX GOOGLE DRIVE Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 450 Pure Stock KSP: 1.12.5
Description Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 1041 Downloads KERBALX: STEAM: MS-05 Verdict With a smaller frame and built for high mobility, the MS-05 Verdict was needed to insure peace in the Kerbol Sector. improving on the MS-04 Balius system, this unit has been cut shorter and parts revamped to provide greater protection at the cost of added weight but is being built for high-speed space combat and in-atmosphere flight. With enhanced mobility and onboard and external weapons to connect to multiple docking ports on arms and shoulders for customization with different weapon systems. MS-05 Verdict is geared to handle within the Kerbol system to combat Space Pirates and destabilized nation-states. Primary built for Military application and Scouting missions. Able to recover from falls and with a smaller frame means it will be more stable than previous models. Action groups have been designated to dedicated KAL9000 Robotics. All parts are fully stock with only using DLC for required usage. KEY FACTS ALL STOCK NO MODS (BOTH DLC NEEDED) Action Groups and Pilot Instructions ABORT (backspace) (shut off all Kal-1000 useful if transporting if action groups are not moving press this first to start) Toggle SAS and set navigation to Radial Out to walk Toggle RCS (RCS flight instructions) H and N - Use to ascend and descend in and out of the atmosphere with all thrusters on. J and L - keys used to trimp strafe left and right I and K - keys adjust flight speed forward and back. AG1 - to Stand (Press again to unlock joints) AG2 - to Walk AG3 - Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position, you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. This is also needed to dock and undock Kerbals in the cockpit. AG4 - Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in a kneeling position, you can turn off SAS as well as use this for stable shots from Particle Cannon. Use this to also let Kerbals board and onboard AG5 - Turn on Main Thrusters. AG6 - Stop all KAL-1000 sequences AG7 - Toggle Ski Mode AG8 - Lower and Raise Gun Arm AG9 - Fire Energy Canon AG0 - Toggle Back Thrusters for High Mobility in Space Further Notes: When launching I recommend using unbreakable parts/crash damage. use unlimited energy. The Root part to move the unit is the back radial docking port. Attach to docking. Use this to easily dock with other craft to transport this unit to other sites by flying transport aircraft or to take off the planet. It will not fit in a standard MK3 Cargo unit and will need to have a custom cargo bay. Other than that have fun!
Description The Sister Unit of MS-03 Xanthus the MS-03 Balius. Built for Space combat after needing a new unit that can have High Mobility but needs to also have the armor and weapon systems of her sister unit. Just like MS-02 Zephyr Prototype the Skeleton frame is based on the same technology which incorporates the same technology and borrowed parts from both units. This produces a groundbreaking upgrade to performance and capability for mass production. Scaled-down version with enhanced mobility and onboard and external weapons to connected to multiple docking ports on arms and shoulders. MS-03 Balius is geared to handle within the Kerbol system to combat Space Pirates and destabilized nation-states. Also can perform in Multi-rolled tasks and can be used for Construction, First Responder, Military application and the list goes on. Able to recover from falls and with a smaller frame means it will be more stable than previous models. Interchangeable parts will allow you to customize and use the mainframe as a stepping stone if you choose. (recommended different head styles to compliment or different hands (default grab units) Action groups have been designated to dedicated KAL9000 Robotics. All parts are fully stock with only using DLC for required usage. No need to download flags if you choose not to but HIGHLY recommended if you want the full look for the mobile suit. KEY FACTS ALL STOCK NO MODS (BOTH DLC NEEDED) Action Groups and Pilot Instructions Toggle SAS and set navigation to Radial Out to walk Toggle RCS and Toggle AG 7 (ski) use trim keys I and H to enter ski mode to slide hover on planets with high gravity planets like Kerbin Space bar (Fire head Particle Cannon make sure to raise face cover using I, K keys) AG1 to Stand AG2 to Walk (Note: Default stable run speed is 1.6 speed at around 4.0 -5.5 m/s can increase to 1.4 and get 6 - 7 m/s but will fall more often) AG3 Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position, you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. This is also needed to dock and undock Kerbals in the cockpit. AG4 Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in a kneeling position, you can turn off SAS as well as use this for stable shots from Particle Cannon. Use this to also let Kerbals board and onboard AG5 Open Canopy AG6 Shielded Gun Mode AG7 Toggle Ski Mode AG9 Rotate Shoulder Mounts AG 0 Toggle RCS Thrusters for High Mobility Further Notes: When launching I recommend using unbreakable parts/crash damage. Has enough energy without needing to use unlimited energy. The Root part to move the unit is the back radial docking port. Attach to docking. Use this to easily dock with other craft to transport this unit to other sites by flying transport aircraft or to take off the planet. It will not fit in a standard MK3 Cargo unit and will need to have a custom cargo bay. Other than that have fun! A stock aircraft called MS-04 Balius. Built with 278 of the finest parts, its root part is strutCube. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.3. Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 278 Pure Stock KSP: 1.12.3 Downloads! Steam - KerbalX - More Pictures -
Description After the successful prototype of KMS-01, and the groundbreaking work of the MS-02 Zephyr, further R&R results in a much slimmer, scaled-down version with enhanced mobility and onboard and external weapons with mass production capabilities produced the new MS-03 Xanthus. MS-03 Xanthus is geared to handle within the Kerbol system to combat Space Pirates and destabilized nation-states. Also can perform in Multi-rolled tasks and can be used for Construction, First Responder, Military application and the list goes on. Able to recover from falls and with a smaller frame means it will be more stable than previous models. Interchangeable parts will allow you to customize and use the mainframe as a stepping stone if you choose. (recommended different head styles to compliment or different hands (default grab units) Action groups have been designated to dedicated KAL9000 Robotics. All parts are fully stock with only using DLC for required usage. No need to download flags if you choose not to but HIGHLY recommended if you want the full look for the mobile suit. Action Groups and Pilot Instructions Toggle SAS and set navigation to Radial Out Space bar (Fire head Particle Cannon make sure to raise face cover using I, K keys) AG1 to Stand AG2 to Walk (Note: Default stable run speed is 1.6 speed at around 4.0 -5.5 m/s can increase to 1.4 and get 6 - 7 m/s but will fall more often) AG3 Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position, you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. This is also needed to dock and undock kerbals in the cockpit. AG4 Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in a kneeling position, you can turn off SAS as well as use this for stable shots from Particle Cannon AG5 Ready Particle Cannon (press AG 8 to Fire) AG6 Grab Particle Cannon (do this prior before engaging walk mode) AG7 emergency Toggle for ARM AG8 Fire Particle Cannon AG 0 Toggle Cockpit Armor Further Notes: When launching I recommend using Unlimited Energy (all mechs on ksp use a TON of energy you can use it without it does not take long to fully charge) (You can turn on unbreakable parts/crash damage if you would like but I usually run with this off. Make sure if you are falling or tripping over to fall either chest first or back. The main things that will explode are the navigation lights and arms if moving on hard drops.) The Root part to move the unit is the back radial docking port. Attach to docking. Use this to easily dock with other craft to transport this unit to other sites by flying transport aircraft or to take off the planet. It will not fit in a standard MK3 Cargo unit and will need to have a custom cargo bay. Other than that have fun! Download here Steam - Kerbal X - Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.3. Details Type: SPH Class: ship Part Count: 256 Pure Stock KSP: 1.12.3
MS-02 ZEPHYR - ENHANCED MOBILE SUIT Type: SPH Details Class: ship Part Count: 360 Pure Stock KSP: 1.12.1 Description After the successful prototype of KMS-01, further R&R results in a much slimmer, scaled down version with enhanced mobility and function. Zephyr is geared to handle within the Kerbol system. Multi rolled can be used for Construction, First Responder, Military application and the list goes on. Able to recover from falls and with smaller frame means it will be more stable than previous models. Since using new flag systems for body parts you can customize each aspect of the unit with your own colors. Included will be 3 camos and a multitude of different color packs. ( links will be in description or comment section) Interchangeable parts will allow you to customize and use the main frame as a stepping stone if you choose. (recommended different head styles to compliment or different hands (default grab units) Action groups have been designated to dedicated KAL9000 Robotics. All parts are fully stock with only using DLC for required usage. No need to download flags if you choose not to but HIGHLY recommended if you want the full look for the mobile suit. Ship Color will be the red / white variant of C7 design but please mix and match and use your imagination. (default flag colors are named, window3.png (white), windowtint.png (grey) Red.png (well for red) and Default flag C7 aerospace) Action Groups and Pilot Instructions Toggle SAS and set navigation to Radial Out Gear to toggle Antenna head and AG5 to toggle hidden antenna AG1 to Stand AG2 to Walk (Note: Default stable run speed is 1.6 speed at around 4.0 -5.5 m/s can increase to 1.4 and get 6 - 7 m/s but will fall more often) AG3 Sit and Stand animation (Note: can sit on objects and use this to start tilting forward. Once in position you can hit AG1 to stand up if you fall over. This is also needed to dock and undock kerbals in cockpit. AG4 Kneel ( used to conserve energy. Once in kneel position you can turn off SAS Further Notes When launching I recommend using Unlimited Energy (all mechs on ksp use a TON of energy you can use it without it does not take long to fully charge) (You can turn on unbreakable parts/crash damage if you would like but I usually run with this off. Make sure if you are falling or tripping over to fall either chest first or back. Main things that will explode are the navigation lights and arms if moving on hard drops.) The Root part to move the unit is the back radial docking port. Attach to docking. Use this to easily dock with other craft to transport this unit to other sites by flying transport aircraft or to take off planet. Will not fit in a standard MK3 Cargo unit will need to have a custom cargo bay. Other than that have fun! Download Links Flag Links or download individually Custom Flags Craft Links
Description Gecko KEMU Pure Stock + Breaking Grounds DLC Texture mods are Restock and Textures Unlimited Make sure to turn on SAS and enable Radial Out Press 1 to start walking (on repeat) Press 2 to jump or to crouch (on repeat) (jumping only available on low gravity planets) Press 3 stop all Reaction Wheels Press 4 Toggle Solar Panels I, K toggle Tail with Clamp J, L toggle Radar Arm A stock aircraft called Gecko KEMU. Built with 210 of the finest parts, its root part is probeStackSmall. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.9.1. Details Type: SPH Class: rover Part Count: 210 Pure Stock KSP: 1.9.1 Highly Recommend Turn on Infinite Energy. Does have enough to travel a few hundred meters before needing a charge. Downloads:
KSP VF-1 Valkyrie It is a plane that transforms and it is very awesome They also fly in Space You are seeing it right. Yep, I Made a Valkyrie in Kerbal Space Program and this is not just some static model or statue. This craft is able to Transform just like the actual thing! Old Version New Version About the VF-1 Three Mode Variable Fighter G.E.R.W.A.L.K MODE It is not as stupid as it looks Press 5 to turn into Gerwalk Mode. High-Speed high maneuverability VTOL. Can walk (theoretically). Legs are formed by the plane's Engines bending down and the arms and Gunpod are folded forward to resemble a chicken walker. Tail folds up to reveal several thrusters. No really BATTROID MODE Press 6 to turn into a fully articulated mecha. All the joints work but you don't have any real way to control them. It took me 15 minutes to get that pose right FIGHTER MODE Press 4 to turn into a plane. You should know what is a plane by now. Actual Testing Footage Download: Mods included. 1.1.3 Only Warning the modular manager cheat config changes all parts mass to 0.5 and makes all engine parts physicless. Just wanted to make that clear.
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stock walker! or mech or gundam or whatever. To all the fans of the genres; I do not know all the differences. I do remember having fun playing Mechwarrior back in the day. And I think chicken-walker is reserved for a certain type of leg or knee (Star Wars, Robocop, etc). Short version - The guys are out flying around looking at the old space center so Val is test-piloting this robot - a pretty top-heavy wobbley one. I guess I got the jerking motion right. Unit was never meant to be a bird, but, well that's what it started to look like as it came together over the last few days. I thought any theme was better than no theme. KerbalX Edit: Sorry, can you move this to Spacecraft Exchange please?
A 100% stock ksp mecha (well beside some bd armory weapons) This thing... is completely useless! Maybe I can get to move and, dare I say, walk with some mods, But feel it would be easier to make it ssto capable to duna than to do that. Downloa If you want it for anything... Flying version, featuring me destroying some buildings and fighting a badly made telethia. Needs infinite fuel cheats but oh well.