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Found 4 results

  1. These new Triangular panels made me pretty excited at first, until I tried using them in the SPH and found the mirror symmetry feels all wonky and wrong for them, making it hard to design certain things with them. Look at these screen shots - the mirrored symmetry isn't making actual mirrored parts. It's behaving just like radial symmetry: The first two images are with Mirrored symmetry. The last image is with radial symmetry to compare. I don't see any difference.
  2. ">View post on imgur.com">Album will appear when post is submitted The triangle structural panels are not mirroring correctly and aren't symmetrical.
  3. So, i'm trying to build a craft and this problem arises every so often; I am wondering how to change the focal point of mirrored parts. Here's a shot because the few threads where I think this is the problem people are asking about, there is always a confusion on the interpretation of the question. The current mirrored rotation of these lights means they rotate with the small yellow arrows and "meet" on the yellow axis/arrow. I want the lights to meet and rotate outward from the blue arrow so that, if the blue arrow (by the VAB door) is 12 o' clock at this angle, the lights are sitting at like 2 & 10 (as opposed to 2 & 4, right now). Essentially, rotating the mirror focal point 90 degrees. Let this jankily drawn representation be the standard by which all understand this dilemma and hopefully find their answer.
  4. The game currently supports 1-way mirror symmetry. I would like to see support added for 2-way and possibly 4-way mirror symmetry. I feel like this would greatly simplify building of both spaceplanes and rockets.
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