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  1. I post this in case anyone else ran into this problem and have been pulling out their hair over it. If you ever make the mistake of trying to remove a node by dragging it off the edge of the screen back to the left panel (because your instincts have been trained to do this by the VAB editor's way to remove a part), if you aren't careful it can hide the node very far off-screen where you think it's been deleted but it hasn't. It's still present and affecting your mission graph but not being drawn where you can see it. I did this ages ago to remove a node, but it was still there. So I had a hidden "always true, catch-all" node painted at coordinate(-5994.02539, 202.246094). That's several screenfulls of width past the left of the screen. No matter how far out I zoom, or how I pan the view, it never allows me to pan far enough to the left to see it, so I was ignorant of its existence. Since it was the reason the rest of my mission didn't work, being unaware that it exists made it impossible to diagnose anything. I finally got suspicious when the mission status during runtime kept saying I was on the node called "Always True", when I no longer had any nodes called "Always True", having given all my nodes more descriptive names, not the default names. Then I saw where it said I had 32 nodes in the mission loading screen, and I counted carefully, and every count I did by hand showed only 31 nodes, not 32. Finally I looked at the actual text file "persistent.mission" and only by doing that was I finally able to see the extra node that wasn't drawing in the editor.
  2. Hi! I've been working on a standalone mission editor (prebuilt windows download here) for KSP that uses the krpc mod to connect to KSP. I've been working on it on and off for a few months and just picked it back up for a university module so have made some decent progress recently. I've thrown together a quick video showing some basics off and I'm hoping some of you lovely people will give it a go and throw some feedback my way - either here or on the issues page. Even better I'd welcome code contributions with new functionality! Also, send me interesting missions and accompanying crafts that you've made - I'd love to try them out!
  3. When testing a run through a mission in the mission editor, it would be really helpful to be able to see which state of the state machine it is currently sitting in. I think that would help me debug a lot of problems. But I'm not sure how to do this. Is there a feature that will show me this? It would be the state-machine equivalent of when a debugger highlights the current line of code as you step through a program. I suspect a lot of my problems are that the state machine isn't in the state I thought it would be at this point in the mission, but I don't know which state it's actually in instead of the one I expected.
  4. I'm having a hard time with the mission editor because anything that is vessel-dependant (i.e. check if vessel is landed, but only this one specific vessel, not just any vessel) has that pull-down list of vessels to pick from but the list is wrong and acting like it's off by one. Example, the list contains these items in this order: Any Ole Sciency [a little probe with some science instruments that I spawn for the mission] Trash Collector [the player-made ship that they will be expected to build as one of the first nodes of the mission graph] Voss Talk 2 [an abandoned ship with broken engine] ComSat1 [a geosyncronous satellite] SpyLab [an abandoned science lab station] Trash Collector [YES, this one appears twice in the list like this, at the top and at the bottom] When I try to pick "Any", and save the mission, when I return to the mission it has changed the selection to "Ole Sciency". When I try to pick "Trash Collector", and save the mission, when I return to the mission it has changed the selection to "ComSat1" instead. Also, I can use the little 3D viewer tool to pick the vessel and that looks right at first, until I save and come back, and then it's switched the vessel to another one again.
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