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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I have a problem. The problem is that i accidentally deleteted files of this part. All i need is for somone to send files of that cockpit, or at least the "mk1Cockpits" folder. Folder Photo:
  2. I've been wanting KSP achievements for the longest time and i think many others do too. We need to get squad to add this as it would add a new goal to the game if you will. Currently the game is fun as hell but if there was achievements in the game then we would actually have a REASON to go all these miles away to land on these empty planets and moons. Achievements for Landing on all the moons and planets like an achievement for each one as well as an achievement for landing on every body in the "Kerbol" System (except all asteroids maybe just one or something) or an achievement for crashing into the Kerbol star you know just some fun but challenging achievements would make the game have more purpose to explore and do challenging things. Yeah i know i said achievements a lot but that's because we NEEEEEEEEEEED them! It's important we let squad be notified and see this!!(I personally would like around 50 to 75 achievements for the game)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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