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  1. Sorry if I posted in the wrong section, but it said Gameplay Questions and Tutorials, and this is a question and I need to be guided so this actually the right section and I can't be wrong because I don't know why am I writing so much in here. Soo, I was and am visiting planets with HyperEdit, but apparently, I can get there without cheats! So I played the tutorial to see how it works. But it was too complicated for a dumb person like me, so I am stuck with HyperEdit. What I've heard is, you just need to edit it and when you enter the maneuver increase throttle or what is it called. But no, or I am just an idiot or it doesn't work. I am using 0.25, so my guess is I can't play fairly because no one plays 0.25, am I right? But how are y'all doing it in 1.3 or what version are y'all using... I've played the tutorial, if I am correct... 29 times. But I STILL DON'T GET IT. That's it. Yeah. Thanks. Right? What am I doing here Sorry for meh bad english. yee
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