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Found 2 results

  1. KSECA: Kerbal Space Exploration and Colonization Association ... Kerbin, KSC, Mission Control Gene: Good morning. (smiles) Wernher: (looks up, looking tired) What you look so happy about we've just been up all night. Gene: We just got the license to start launching Kerballed missions. Wernher: (shocked) Really. (steadies himself) Ok I'll get making some blueprints. You phone the others. (runs out) ... Basically this is a series of missions that will be centred around colonizing planets and moons using MKS and the Near Future Series of mods. With a few others from USI, Nertea and some others. I will post a mod list later. This will be done in 1.12.1 with both expansions. This will mainly be a series of missions with some story in-between. I will try to do this with some form of realistic progression but without testing. And skipping everything before Gemini I the ISS construction. Hope you enjoy ... Kerbin, KSC, Administration Building Jeb: Gene, I've already flown plenty of sounding rockets for you. (yawns) I'm not flying more. Val: (Ignoring Jeb) So what is it? Gene: What? Val: Why are we here, Gene? I was enjoying that holiday. Gene: Well, we have got... (Wernher and Mortimer walk in) Mortimer: A licence for launching manned rockets that's great. Gene: What a way to ruin my moment! (Walks out looking huffy) Val, Your flying the first rocket. Jeb: What have I done? (confused) Mortimer: Well goodnight. (leaves looking awkward) ... The headcanon is that Gene started a space program 50 years before recruiting his best friends to join him. But when they came to build new designs to land on the Mun they all failed and the government of Kerbin stripped the of their manned licence for safety reasons. Gene was too nervous to launch anything more than souding rockets. But then it was given back and a new age of space exploration will begin.
  2. I've been meaning to go to Duna for a while now. I made a custom flag and sent several probes, but never got around to sending any kerbals. But the other day I was watching some Statzenblitz videos and thought to myself, 'Screw it, I'm going to Duna." After about 5 minutes of work, I had a Duna ship. There was some krakening with the launcher, but after a revision and turning on autostrut, everything was just fine. I originally kept the booster leftovers on the ship for extra delta owV, but when I switched back to the ship, they krakened out, so I ejected them. After waiting in orbit for a year and a half, the ship leaves for Duna. The ship on the edge of Duna's SOI. After a braking burn and some circularization, the ship was left in a 160km orbit, and the lander was detached from the ship. It was here that I realized the heat shield obstructed the lander's engine. It was promptly dumped. I remembered the parachutes! They slowed the lander down to 20m/s. The landing went smoothly. Success! Also, I forgot Jeb. The kerbals ascend. The lander returns to the transfer ship. Here, leftover liquid fuel was transferred to the transfer ship. The lander was then abandoned. The ship leaves Duna for Kerbin Burning to slow down. The re-entry periapsis was 35 km. Later, the Kerbal Space Program would face lawsuits for improper disposal of nuclear material. I remembered the parachutes again! Mandatory after-flight shot. Total mission time was about 3 years. Destiny fulfilled.
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