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  1. PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR JUST ONE SECOND, i feel like this needs to be said and i just needed to get it off my chest, i don't trust take two with making ksp 2 because they have a history of screwing over thier fanbase and thier modders, when GTAV first came out, take two (rockstars parent company) decided to and DMCA all the people who made mods for it and only because of the IMMENSE backlash they they received, take two decided to back off and let the modders do thier thing, but something has recently came to surface and when i mean recently, i mean i just found this unheard controversy that take two managed to get themselves into, a modder was making a graphical enhancement for read dead redemption 1 and it looked pretty good, but take two decided to do the worst thing possible, they managed to get the modders personal details and keep in mind that he is 25 years old, he had calls from take two harassing him with lawsuits and DMCA takedowns, not only that, take two harassed his mother and his by blowing up her phone threatening her with the exact same thing, copyright, DMCA lawsuits ect, the modder took it down and he said in an interveiw that take two was not willing to budge on a negotiation they just want the mod taken down period. source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvKT4eCj_Sg There was another incident where a youtuber discussed the leaked borderlands 3 trailer, now keep in mind that he didnt use any footage from the trailer, he just talked about how the borderlands 3 trailer was leaked and that he is exited to play it, well take two decided to send a false DMCA takedown on his channel giving him a copyright strike, not only that take two sent a false DMCA takedown on his channel which keep in mind its ILLEGAL, they send private investigators to his house to harass and intimidate him to keep quiet, source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip2nm503Tm0 do i even have to mention how take two killed star theory and stole most of its employees? now i may be nitpicking here but honestly i just dont trust take two at all but hey, im willing to take L's when take two releases KSP2 and if its a good game then ill delete thepost but for now my opinion still stands and i dont trust take two with making ksp2
  2. I have made my first book! In here is a sort of turtorial/paphlet, so enjoy (about the link, does anyone know how to make a doc a PDF?) Will get link soon! Okay I think I got it, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L8ck9xVVdHFxbBvwTfTBDDpDif3jYl6vTnsyK65tLfg
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