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Found 3 results

  1. It's been 4 months since release of early access and there is still one dominant question in the community unanswered and that is what went wrong. There are multiple interviews where the developers talk about how their focus is on rebuilding the game from the ground up to have it be performant and as buggyless as possible yet years after those interviews happened the game is the complete opposite. Note I am not saying that it's not getting better because so far the updates have been great but I and I think that the whole community would love to hear what went wrong with the development. Is it just a really hard thing to develop, was there a restart at some point, did coronavirus really affect development that much, just what happened? And another thing is the developers stated multiple times that they've played with future roadmap features and had a lot of fun and most of us wonder how that is possible since the game is still barely playable without those features?
  2. Can anyone give me some photos of the lead artist Tim cox that died? I'm trying to make a video on KSP2!
  3. I've been thinking on this question a long time now and I'm finally going to ask. Will PC users get a free copy of console KSP? I want to know if there's going to be a program step up to where we send you our gamertags and you send us an invite/free code to get KSP on the consoles, if it will be a limited time, or will we have to buy it? If you guys are undecided, I have an idea for you, maybe have a limited number of codes? Maybe like ten to fifty thousand? I would love it if any dev could get to this question as I am super curious as to what you have planned.
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