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Found 6 results

  1. Hello everyone, is there a way to force a generator to only operate in space or put a resource in space that can be collected by a generator?
  2. I have a question . Speaking from point of view of fuel efficiency . Is it better to have a rocket system flying at 0.8 Mach or a ramjet started with rocket . I am doing my final year Project on Ramjet and now having problem in selecting which to prefer either a rocket or a rocket+ Ramjet. Thanks The fuel is JP-4
  3. So apparently there was research in the late '50s/early '60s into solid fueled ramjet engine that would, for the first part of its burn, operate as a solid-fueled rocket at first, and once that booster-portion had burned out, its casing would serve as the duct for a solid-fueled, air-breathing engine. Might this be feasible to implement in KSP, as a way to get a lightweight vehicle off the ground and up to a high enough speed and altitude for a scramjet or two to finish accelerating the payload to orbital velocity, using air-breathing engines for everything except getting off the launch-pad and circularizing in the vacuum of outer-space?
  4. Ramjets and scramjets; and special material layers. Today I have several suggestions to improve several parts of game related with flight in atmosphere. These suggestions are derived for several problems that I saw. 1. Ramjet intakes (ram air intake and structural intake) are relatively unrealistic (taking in count that all the parts of game has a moderate realism). 2. Is very difficult obtain high hypersonic and ultrasonic* aircrafts, due that air intakes of any type and the most part of winglets and wings are destroyed over speeds of 1300 m/s. To these problems I suggest several new parts and fixes: 1. Make ramjet intakes a little more realistic, this mean make these to only work at supersonic speeds, speeds over 340 or 400 m/s. 2. Add scramjet intakes, special new intakes able to support very big quantities of intake air. Also, these intakes only would work at high supesonic speeds, over 500-600 m/s. 3. Add the possibility of add special material layers to all the vehicle, like a extra option or a thing like "undefined size part". These layers would have a variable price based in the size of surrounded vehicle or specific part. For now I suggest these possibilities: - Titanium (Laythanium in ksp?): it would make to the vehicle more resistant to pressure and pressure changes, and a little more to heat; with big heat mounts can not protect to the vehicle or part to pressure and overheat. - Ceramics: it would make to the vehicle more resistant to heat and friction (except to engine parts), this mean the possibility of obtain durable and manageable hypersonic aircrafts, but this type of layer is weak to big pressure changes and impact, and can be removed by these conditions. Thanks for read. _______________________ * Ultrasonic speeds are the same than atmospheric reentry speed, so a ultrasonic aircraft is a very advanced aircraft capable to fly at these extreme speeds.
  5. I'd like to see a few ramjet engines that need to be going above a certain airspeed to produce thrust but which unlike @8bitsblu's Instell scramjet engines, can provide thrust at speeds below 900 meters per second, and also unlike his scramjets, can accelerate a craft from slower speeds starting in the thicker air of the lower-atmosphere. And before you say that's not a ramjet, I present to you, the work of René Leduc, designer of the O.10, the first ever aircraft to be propelled solely by a ramjet engine. Yes, it had to be carried aloft piggy-back style atop another plane, and air-launched, the O.10, and all of Leduc's ramjet-powered aircraft to follow, the O.16, and the O.21, all spent 100% of their flight-time at subsonic speeds. The O.10 and the O.21 wikipedia pages for your perusal. A few higher-speed ramjets to bridge the gap betwixt these and the hypersonic scramjets would make for a way to potentially get into orbit using only air-breathing engines from the launch-pad until entirely out of the atmosphere.
  6. To be more specific, I'd like to see two things: A liquid-fueled scramjet (Supersonic-Combustion Ramjet) engine that can propel a craft from about 900 meters per second at roughly 10-12 km altitude above Kerbin up to 2-2.3 kilometers per second to push apoapsis between 120 and 160 kilometers with periapsis either above sea-level or to a depth below sea-level of less than 100 km A Solid Fueled Integrated Rocket Ramjet (basically a solid-fueled ramjet that initially operates as a solid-fueled rocket-booster, and once the rocket-portion has burned out, it's built up enough airspeed for the booster's casing to act as the duct of a now-air-breathing solid-fueled ramjet engine that can accelerate the vehicle the rest of the way up to the speed and altitude at which the above-mentioned liquid-fueled scramjet can take over the task of accelerating the payload to orbit.
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