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  1. This project has been discontinued for reasons I am keeping private. All downloads have been removed and no support will be given. The Vulture System The Vulture Star is a main sequence star similar but more massive to Kerbol. It holds 6 planets, all with individual backstories. The Vulture System is my first ever full Kerbal Space Program project, taking about a month to complete. Github Repo Donate Bodies The Vulture System has 6 planets and 13 moons, making for a total of 19 celestial bodies in total. Features 19 detailed bodies with their own individual stories and high amounts of care put into creation. Two gas giants with detailed moons. Hints toward life and the previous existence of it in the system. Scatterer / EVE support. DistantObject support. PlanetShine support. Installation Requirements: Kopernicus (Should also work with the Bleeding Edge however unrecommended). The Mod Itself (Download Latest Release Here) Scatterer - Not technically requied, but due to an unfixable bug with Kopernicus is extremely recommended to prevent this from appearing. You simply need to install Kopernicus (and it's dependencies) + the Vulture System into your KSP's GameData folder. Vulture should work with 1.9.1+ Recommended Mods: EVE - Adds clouds to both Palleo and Desolation. Make sure to get the stock configs (BoulderCo Folder) for this too! Planet Shine - Makes your vessels reflect the colors of the planet. DistantObject - Makes the planets visible from a distance. Interstellar Extended - Interstellar travel parts. These mods follow a similar installation process. Credits Kopernicus Discord Server - Main place I went to for help and feedback. Great community. @Caps Lock - Made Vulture's sunflare and gave a lot of feedback. Support The best way to get support regarding Vulture is to make a reply on the forum thread (where you are now), or to make an issue on the github repo. Cool Screenshots Licence Squad requires all addons be released with a licence. Vulture is licenced under Apache License 2.0. For a basic rundown you can go here.
  2. About Real Exoplanets Real Exoplanets (REX) is planet pack that adds several confirmed exoplanets into KSP. As the name implies, all of these exoplanets are real, and all of the planetary systems are located exactly where they are in real life. All of the planets have accurate characteristics and the visual appearance of all exoplanets are based off of our current understanding of planetary science (as well as some artistic license when necessary ). Real Exoplanets is compatible with both Real Solar System and the stock, default solar system. With RSS, REX is properly scaled by a factor of 10. DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK OR ON GITHUB Exoplanet List Below is a list of all of the exoplanet systems added into the game by Real Exoplanets. Screenshots Sources Changelog Credits Squad for KSP of course @Thomas P. for Kopernicus @NathanKell for Real Solar System @Pkmniako for being my original inspiration to begin planet modding @ProtoJeb21 for helping me for ages to recreate real life exoplanets that have accurate characteristics Check out this video of someone traveling to Proxima Centauri in Real Exoplanets: License: All Rights Reserved
  3. EXTRASOLAR License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike DESCRIPTION: The Extrasolar mod adds the red dwarf star "Valentine" in orbit around Kerbol. Orbiting Valentine are several new planets and moons to discover. Because Valentine is so far away, you will probably have to download some mods in order to make the trip easier. DO NOT INSTALL THIS FROM CKAN! LIST OF CELESTIAL BODIES: SCREENSHOTS: DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK CHANGE LOG:
  4. So basically I decided to compile all the star system ideas I've made over the years (mostly from 2018-2020), most of which was for KSP, in a single google doc that everyone can see. Anyone is welcome to use them for their planet packs if they want ideas. It already has nearly 50 pages and I'm still working on it lmao, that's just how many I've made. Trolligi’s (and others') unused star system ideas - Google Docs
  5. Download at Spacedock Download at GitHub Discuss at Discord Requires Kopernicus, and Kopernicus Expansions Continued RegionalPQSMods (In version 0.6.0 and 0.7.0, Kopernicus Expansions comes with the mod, you don't need to download it. Make sure you delete the old version of the mod before installing the new version when updating.) The Kerbal Astronomical Union's SLIPPIST instrument (Shadow of Light Imaging of Planets and Planetesimals In the Sky Telescope, not to be confused with the Kerbal brand of Root Beer after which the telescope was named), has just made an incredible discovery this week. The SLIPPIST-1 Star System, around which we previously knew of three Kerbin-sized planets, has been confirmed to be the parent to an additional four planets, for a total of seven. At least three of these worlds are known to be in the habitable zone, the region of space around which water can remain liquid. SEVEN WORLDS AROUND SLIPPIST-1 Rendered in a stockalike art style, SLIPPIST-1 is a Kerbalized rendition of the TRAPPIST-1 star system. Planets have been scaled down to 1/10 scale to fit in the Kerbal universe. By default it replaces the stock system, but there is a setting.cfg that can be used to make the Slippist star system into an alien star system a distance away from the stock system. Seven Worlds of SLIPPIST-1 is an up-to-date depiction of a scientifically accurate TRAPPIST-1. Care has been taken to accurately portray each of the planets without getting in the way of gameplay. Full album and explanation of the system here. More Pictures of the Planets: These pictures showcase Scatterer, which is NOT supported right now. PLANNED FEATURES: Asteroids and comets. (Potential early-game landing destinations.) Science Definitions Keep up to date with newer observations Better Scatterer and EnvironmentalVisualEffects compatibility. INTERSTELLAR CONSORTIUM: As of v0.7.0, Seven Worlds of SLIPPIST-1 now supports Interstellar Consortium. There's a settings file in GameData/SLIPPIST-1/SlippistSettings.cfg. Open it with notepad, and you'll find a single setting option: "System Placement = Home." The two options are "Home" and "Exoplanet." If you wish to play from the planet Kerbin and have SLIPPIST-1 be an extrasolar destination like some other star system mods, such as OtherWorlds for example, you must change it to "System Placement = Exoplanet" and the system will be spawned 428 au away from the stock Sun as defined by the Interstellar Consortium guidelines However, for a more cohesive experience when using multiple planet packs, I recommend installing the IC plugin, so that you can play on SLIPPIST-1 and have the stock system or even play starting from one of the other homeworlds supported by Interstellar Consortium. LICENSE: For the beta period at least, Seven Worlds of SLIPPIST-1 is All Rights Reserved. Kopernicus Expansion Continued is under GNU General Public License.
  6. Welcome to the Golder System, a extremely distant extrasolar system. This planet pack adds 4 ringed planets, and 4 interesting moons. Introducing the system's bodies (minor spoilers): Download Required mods: Kopernicus (most recent version) ModuleManager and ModularFlightIntegrator Recommended mods: BetterTimeWarp - Being a very distant solar system, without this mod, a mission to Golder may take forever! Any warp drive mod - to speed up the journey Enjoy the planet pack! (Future plans coming soon) I'm also open for planet/moon suggestions, so feel free to suggest planets to me!
  7. Note: If you had the original InterKalactic mod, this is separate and NOT compatible. This is a separate planet pack entirely, the original has been discontinued. For now, at least. InterKalactic 2 is a remake of InterKalactic; many of the bodies from the original pack are used, but now, there's some story and uniqueness behind InterKalactic 2. IK2 is based off of the premise that Kerbol is expanding into a red giant, and expanding your sights to the stars and planets beyond. I'm aware that in real life these events would take billions of years, but for the sake of this planet pack, we're pretending that these events all happen within a much shorter time frame. InterKalactic 2 has two 'dependencies': Kopernicus and Kerbol++. Kopernicus allows for planets to be modified in KSP, and Kerbol++ is my other planet mod which implements several semi-realism and challenge-based tweaks to planets that are inherited by this pack. Kerbol++ will modify the bodies of every planet except for Kerbol, Ike, Gilly and Eve accordingly. If you want to support this mod or my other projects, you can donate at the following bitcoin address: 15nhma9mEYqhBE5hyCHa4bGUyrAfnaUrxd or PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/clockwork13 You are also welcome to provide your own planet textures if you would like. The bodies in this modpack are currently mostly divided into 2 distinct regions: Kerbol and the InterKalactic Plain, as I have unofficially dubbed it. Kerbol consists of the Kerbol System, with only minor changes by InterKalactic, including an analogy for Planet 9. The InterKalactic Plain currently only consists of one incomplete star system: Sol. It also includes the black hole known as Hawking's Singularity. In between the IKP and Kerbol is another WIP star system, Aartee. While the rest of the Kerbol System remains fairly accessible, the IKP is a tremendously far distance away, and you'll need to be going very fast to reach it. However, once you do, the rest of the InterKalactic star systems become much more within reach, as they will all be much closer to eachother from this point onwards. While IK2 is optimized for KSP 1.3.1, I don't expect it to have any problems running on more recent versions of KSP. Latest Update (0.2): Multiplied Gilly's surface gravity by 10, to account for it's reduced SOI and to make landing a bit less of a headache (now it's 0.05g) Added a black hole named Hawking's Singularity to the InterKalactic Plain, in remembrance of Stephen Hawking. Known Issues: None currently Download on SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1750/InterKalactic 2 Download K++ on SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1732/Kerbol++ or visit its main thread: You can view the thread of the original InterKalactic here (note that it is not compatible with IK2 or K++): SCREENSHOTS: Sunset on Kerbin Gas planet size comparison; The big one is Korbur (Kerbal's name for Jupiter), the purple one is Korvin, and the green one is Jool Moho on the horizon All 3 of the currently implemented stars from a distance (from right to left: Sol, Kerbol, Aartee) Below, you will find a summary of how the planets have changed. (Changes from Kerbol++ are listed too) Kerbol (The Sun) Kerbol is now many times larger and brighter than before. In addition, it has acquired a reddish hue. Moho Moho is slowly being pulled into the Sun, and as such, it is tidally locked and orbits extremely quickly around the Sun. Moho now possesses Gilly as its moon. If you choose to visit this duo, don't forget radiators. Gilly After being flung through the Kerbol system, Gilly has found home orbiting close Moho. Eve Eve's orbit has been notably elongated. While still not too far from Kerbin, bring some extra fuel if you're going to Eve. Currently, Eve is technically moonless. VoronoiCraters A series of 4 temporary moons orbiting Eve. These are just temporary for testing purposes and will be removed later, so please don't settle them. Kerbin Kerbin has been more or less spared by Kerbol. While Kerbin has been saved from the worst of it, the planet still may experience occasional temperature swings as a result of its increasingly eccentric orbit which wreak havoc on the environment. Kerbin's orbit has slowly been spiraling out, and so it's relatively farther from Kerbol than it would have been otherwise. Mun The Mun orbits extra far from Kerbin now. Minmus The orbit of Minmus is now highly irregular, taking it both closer and farther from Kerbin than previously. Duna Duna has been pushed outwards from the Sun like Kerbin. The Dunian system remains mostly unaffected by the expanding sun otherwise, but has gained a brand new moon, mysteriously. Oogaloo This funnily named moon orbits in between Duna and Ike. It is rather small, just slightly bigger than Gilly. Ike Ike remains unchanged in this pack. Dres Dres has been pushed out a bit as well, but otherwise remains unchanged Jool Vall is now Jool's closest moon, followed by the other bodies in their previous orders. Jool also has a nice set of rings and is much, much bigger. Vall The shephard moon of Jool's rings. Laythe The second closest moon to Jool. Volcanically hyperactive and covered mostly with an ocean. Pol Pol is a distant, irregular moon of Jool. Bop Bop is also a distant, irregular moon of Jool. Eeloo Eeloo remains unchanged by this pack, besides for orbiting much farther from Kerbol. Korvin The elusive, recently discovered 'Planet 9'. Reaching this one is tricky as it has a fairly elliptical and distant orbit. It was discovered after Kerbal scientists studied anomalies found in the orbits of Eeloo and various asteroids. Korvin's two moons are Oceania and Kyel. Oceania This water world has no surface at all, and is heated up by its close proximity orbiting Korvin. Oceania has a fairly thick atmosphere notably similar to that of Kerbin. Kyel A relatively flat and cratered desert orbiting Korvin. Would be great for base building. Kyel has a thin, grey atmosphere. Aartee A high energy star distant from everything else. This is what lies between Kerbol and the InterKalactic Plain. Currently does not host any planets, but is great for solar energy. Sol A welcoming, yellow star, currently the only star in the InterKalactic Plain. Myecl A grey chunk of rock orbiting closest to Sol. Hosts no moons and has little value in colonization, besides for a relative abundance of ore. Alternis A red, ringed desert world orbiting Sol. Currently hosts no moons. A weak potential biological signature has been detected here. Korbur A massive gas giant orbiting farthest from Sol. Hosts just 4 known moons. Ie Korbur's nearest moon. It is very yellow and volcanically active. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT made out of ice cream. Cryo Cryo consists of a large ocean, but locked under a massive global sheet of ice that is kilometers thick. Klaspen The third moon of Korbur. Heavily cratered. Kallisto Sometimes confused with Klaspen, Kallisto is also dark colored and heavily cratered Hawking's Singularity A black hole in remembrance of Stephen Hawking. Currently has no bodies orbiting it.
  8. This mod has been superseded. You can access it by clicking here. - - - - REAL EXOPLANETS All rights reserved WHAT IS THIS? Real Exoplanets is an expansion for Real Solar System that adds several new confirmed exoplanets into KSP. As the name implies, all of these exoplanets are real, and all of the planetary systems are located exactly where they are in real life. All of the planets have accurate characteristics and the visual appearance and texturing of all exoplanets are based off of our current understanding of planetary science. The only area where realism is being sacrificed is in the distances to the planetary systems. Due to the limitations of KSP and other factors, all planetary systems are located 1/10th of their real life distance. This will make the exoplanets more accessible, while still maintaining the incredible size of the universe. SCREENSHOTS MORE ADDITIONAL MODS DEPENDENCIES Real Solar System Kopernicus Module Manager ModularFlightIntegrator RECOMMENDED MODS Realism Overhaul KSP Interstellar Extended BetterTimeWarp COMPATIBLE MODS Distant Object Enhancement RSSVE (required for REX Visuals) DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK CREDITS CHANGE LOG
  9. EXTRASOLAR Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike This mod is still under development. You may visit the new thread by clicking here or the link at the bottom of this post. WHAT IS THIS? The Extrasolar mod adds the red dwarf star "Valentine" to the Kerbol System. Orbiting Valentine are several new planets and moons to discover. Because Valentine is so far away, you will probably have to download some mods in order to make the trip easier. Extrasolar is compatible with 1.3.1 and up. DO NOT INSTALL THIS FROM CKAN! SCREENSHOTS MORE ADDITIONAL MODS DEPENDENCIES Kopernicus Module Manager ModularFlightIntegrator RECOMMENDED MODS KSP Interstellar Extended BetterTimeWarp Project Orion Nuclear Pulse Engine After Kerbin COMPATIBLE MODS Custom Asteroids Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements scatterer After Kerbin Outer Planets Mod Stock Visual Enhancements DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK or DOWNLOAD ON GITHUB CHANGE LOG This mod support thread has been moved here:
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