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Found 4 results

  1. On a trip down to the south coast, I brought my telescope. It's a beat up old cheap one i got of the internet, which I fixed up at home, a week before. Most nights were cloudy, but Jeb was still enthusiastic. I didn't tell him it was just a hall light he was looking at. When the clouds finally cleared one night, we headed out to set up. Collimation seemed fine, and didn't take long to get a small scope like this ready to use The sky darkened, and we saw lots of stars I saw Mars, some clusters, and a few other things. It's a bit wobbly this old telescope, but I got some good practice finding things in the sky
  2. Today, I got a telescope that my neighbor was giving away for $5. It is a TwinStar AstroMark 80mm 16-40x Portable Refractor Telescope, which is normally valued at ~$40. I set it up tonight and looked at Venus, but the image had lots of water spots on it. I took the included lens wipe and wiped off the front lens, but the image did not improve very much. The viewing aperture and a few of the other lenses looked kind of smudgy, but I did not want to try wiping them without knowing more about it. Does anyone have any recommendations for cleaning the lenses of a telescope like this? Also, could there be a focusing issue on my part? I guess there could also be damage to the lenses, but I'm hoping that is not the case. I was going to look at the moon to see how well it is resolved, but the moon is not going to be above the tree line where I live until after I go to bed. If you have any recommendations for cheap, entry-level telescope accessories or even replacements in case this one is broken, please share. This is my first telescope, so thank you for any help you can provide.
  3. Ever since I knew what to look for, I've just liked to look for Minmus in the Kerbin Sky, it just kinda makes me feel happy... Also, is there anything besides Kerbol, Minmus, and the Moon that you can see from Kerbin's surface?
  4. Welcome everyone! This thread is a continuation of @Endersmens Stargazing thread! This thread has been dedicated to stargazing and telescopes to those fellow stargazers among us. feel free to show people your telescopes, and so on (*feel free to do other stuff as well!*) I have a Celestron 6 inch telescope that is a bit expensive, but works great! (*sorry no other telescope details because I'm on holiday. Also I'm not able to take pics yet*) Edit: wait, I have a Celestron Nexstar 6SE Schmidt-Cassegrain
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