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Found 8 results

  1. Hello everyone, and welcome to my latest overambitious forum project: EMULATING REAL LIFE IN KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM This idea was conceived by me, @TheEpicSquared, and my friend, @Oliverm001x. Description and information of this project CURRENT UNIVERSAL TIME OF SAVE Year 1, Day 61, 0h, 0m CURRENT LAUNCH MANIFEST RULES (IMPORTANT! READ CAREFULLY!) INFORMATION LAUNCH PROVIDER INFORMATION PAYLOAD PROVIDER INFORMATION INFO REGARDING THE GOVERNMENT LIST OF LAUNCH PROVIDERS LIST OF PAYLOAD PROVIDERS CRAFT SUBMISSION THREAD KSP: EMULATING REAL LIFE YOUTUBE CHANNEL MOD LIST (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) CREDITS Thanks for reading this far. If you have any suggestions, they are gladly welcomed. Post it in this thread or PM them to me and/or @Oliverm001x, and we'll see what we can do.
  2. Emulating Real Life in KSP- Craft Submission Thread This is the official thread for craft submission under the Emulating Real Life in KSP project created by myself @Oliverm001x and @TheEpicSquared. Here is where the LP's and PP's post their respective craft. (Note: read specific rules before posting!) General Rules, Consult Before Submitting: Launch Provider Information: Payload Provider Information: We look forward to receiving and flying your craft!
  3. KerbX, A direct product of SSSTS we will create the future of space! a new generation of rockets and an unlimited acsess to space About us: kerbX - users guide and history (more will be released closer too the launch of Falkerb X)
  4. KerbX aims to provide a launch service to kerbin that the average joe can enjoy! you can watch our livestreems either on You Tube, our live coverage on Twitch. I hope you enjoy this. UPDATE 1: LAUNCH MANIFEST: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qj8p9_oqCtk7NbR-jhyZFcfzHtQMfRY5vieIx5ebgEQ
  5. Hello and welcome to the home page of the ISEA. Our mission is to do realistic launches in RSS/RO using a variety of rockets. Launch: Breesat 1 + Rsat 2A Rocket: TBD Window: 22:15-22:45 UTC (6:15-6:45 EDT) DATE: OTC 28 2017 Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/realspaceprogram Our current rockets are Zeus- 2AS, 301,311,321,331,601,611,621,631,641 and 651 Aquarius- 4,2 5,2 5,4 and Heavy Hawk- 1.2 Delta 2 7930-7925 and Delta 3, Scorphious. here are some images of launches of our various LV's Submit payloads here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1V974De3AFrYTczvG6uvR3tJcKK3YwMVAfxPmrWHGBhw/edit?usp=forms_home&ths=true Mission controller requirements: In order to join, us we want you to have a few requirements so you can effective assist us. Real Space Program is entirely a group effort, therefore we need every member to contribute as best as possible. So here is a list of what you will need in order to join (role specifics listed below)(bullets in bold are required): Non-Mission Control Requirements: Discord (primarily text portion, mobile app acceptable) Able to run a KSP save with Realism Overhaul (RO), Real Solar System (RSS) and all of their dependencies. Specifically able to make Launch Vehicles. Knowledge for planning and coordinating. Knowledge to code within kOS, KRPC.(GNC Only) Mission Control Role Requirements: Decent Microphone Good internets speeds Discord Chat Software (for Mission Control Discussions- during launch) Able to attend launches (semi-regularly. We can make exceptions, but only if mentioned before a launch!) Our website http://iseaofficial.weebly.com/ Community Discord https://discord.gg/fCW2dy8
  6. Submit a payload! Must specify all criteria and give a craft file. Include payload propulsion or an extra stage Rockets: Daleth 2 6000 Daleth 2 7000 Daleth 2 7000H Prometheus 2 Belle Prometheus 3 Prometheus 4 Muo Muo Belle A Muo Belle B Muo Belle D Muo Inon Muo 2.5m Fenris Alpha Fenris Alphastar (w/wo Aquilae) Sarnus S1 Sarnus S1B Sarnus S5 (for massive payloads) Sarnus Multibody Payload Submission Example: Name Manufacturer Launcher 3rd Stage (do include if it needs one) Craft File Launch Date Supported Mods:
  7. Upcomming live launches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IfPaCViC00 RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS we have now expanded our community envolvement to discord! https://discord.gg/kCtQSBt we have space for @Uace24 and your staff if you want to pop by we also have a Youtube channel now! we are looking to expand more info on the discord as well as rules hope to see you there! ESL or Earth Satellite Launcher will launch your payload into LEO , im using @Kartoffelkuchen's SpaceX pack and my own launchers LAUNCHING A SATELLITE REQUIREMENTS SUBMISION: thats all you need to know im back in RO RSS because i got bored of stock any feedback feel free to tell me (as thats the only way people get better!) ALL LAUNCHES WILL BE FROM OMELEK ISLAND (WHERE THE FALCON 1 LAUNCHED) im using KOS craft files are public however code isnt only customers can have it (people who want their satilite launched with my rockets) becuasei dont want to give @Uace24 the code mission controll stuff: requirements: a forums account > 5 posts (i think its that for PM's) KOS experience (coder only) RSS/RO experience to not be on @Uace24's mission control team the payload hangar (public only post payloads!!!) https://kerbalx.com/hangars/20648 the rocket manifest hangar: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/20645 discord discusson: https://discord.gg/kCtQSBt youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDEMKX4Won8xIsu1Bm_WxA
  8. @Kerbiter, you have some comptition now with SpaceK, yes you had a head start but i am your new competitor, SpaceK's goal is to create a reusable rocket PAYLOAD SUBMISION Launch Manifest:
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