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  1. Greetings, Why cant we have a program like Tree Loader or even a better graphics program (inside KSP) to move parts to different nodes, add nodes; etc?? I dont even care if we get a third party program to do it but we need one. Seems as though it would be written as a patch program to catch the part moves in the tech tree (by graphically moving parts). Everytime we get an updated MOD either the CFG file needs to be written or each part moved by cheating F12 (I think I cant even remember); this is way to archaic; I apologize but the Community Tech Tree is not an answer and I think it is even disbanded because they are trying to get SetiTree or EngrTree or some other 'certified' tree to get modders to patch to them; this is rediculous and show no concern for the player and how a player would want their parts to be placed depending on how they play the career game. The trees are fine but we dont need modders to patch to them; I have to go in and change every CFG file back to STOCK so I can move them where I want later; I have to change CFG files twice now; or figure out how to get rid of patches, and even then figure out as some of the MODS are softcoded to other TREES and not patched; I dont feel there is any consistency with the Tech Tree. The patch thing may be okay even though that is hard for me to figure out how to use and I am a good programmer, and I cant get Techmanager to work I dont know if it works with 1.05+; I tried some version once and it failed. The problem then is at game start is having parts not available because they depend on a Tech Tree not everyone wants to use; if modders would stick to plopping their parts to the STOCK Tech Tree, and KSP had a graphical implementation of part moving and part availability if no node exists, as in TreeLoader/Editer (NOT TED), it would make Tech Tree building so much easier (and even possible); I dont even have a clue as to how they are making Tech Trees now with XLS (?) and then even adding them to KSP; yet. Please Make A Graphical Tech Tree Editor In KSP ! Commander Zeta
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