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Found 5 results

  1. I'm trying to complete this contract but for some reason the "activate navigation" option when you click the waypoint in map view doesn't seem to be doing anything. Won't show up on the navball. I could swear I see the navball do a little flicker when I activate/deactivate navigation but it doesn't show any markers. Career mode, buildings fully upgraded (except the admin building), level 4 kerbals, if any of that matters. I've alreadye restarted the game and quicksaved/quickloaded near the waypoints. Many thanks in advance! Mod list: KSP: 1.12.5 (Win64) - Unity: 2019.4.18f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit TweakScale-Redist - 3.2.3 ClickThroughBlocker - Harmony - 2.2.1 ToolbarControl - AECS_Motion_Suppressor - Astronomer's Visual Pack - 4.1.3 AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.6.1 Crowd Sourced Science - 6.1 Distant Object Enhancement (DOE) /L - Environmental Visual Enhancements - Redux - ForScience - 1.6 ParachutesLetsUseMaths - 1.1.3 Kerbal Engineer Redux - KSP-AVC Plugin - KSPCommunityFixes - 1.35.2 ManeuverNodeSplitter - NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE - NavInstrumentsContinued - PlanetShine - RealPlume - Stock - 4.0.6 Shabby - 0.4 ButtonManager - SpaceTuxLibrary - VesselModuleSave - TweakScaleSafetyNet - 3.2.3
  2. It’d be nice to be able to add waypoints on planets to mark places of interest or landing spots. You could add waypoints from the map view or from satellites.
  3. While landing a rocket near a target is very simple, because you see the "anti-vector" () of the target position on the navball, landing precisely near a waypoint it's impossible. When you set the navigation, in the navball only appear the waypoint vector and not the "anti-vector". So when you are landing, and of corse your rocket is facing the sky, you don't have any clue if you are going in the right way, because you don't see the direction (the marker is in the other half of the navball, and you can see it only pointing the spacecraft "nose-down"). Anyone knows a mod that add it? I've searched for a while now, and it surprise me that there isn't a plug-in out there for this simple problem. I've tried waypoint manager, that add the waypoing on flight mode, and searched for a non-exsisting uptated version of enhanced navball
  4. I'm using SCANSAT on a 1080 screen. The accuracy required to meet the contract is sub-pixel (aka impossible to eyeball). I have no idea how the heck I'm suppost to do this. Kerbin, above 70km, sub-orbital (I just drop my perapsis under 70km for a moment as I pass- works on the possible contracts.)
  5. Hi, im pretty new to the community (few weeks). ..I got a few minutes of spare while house cleaning, so I thought I'd post a request that is simple and would make life easier. Give the Runway and Launchpad a beacon for craft to see on the navball. sort of like a simple ILS/DME (as I understand it). I'm sure there are mods out there that have these intergrated but what if one doesn't want mods? or doesn't want the extra stuff that have this system in it? the amount of missions requesting you to go half way round the planet to gauge the temperature then all the way back and landing should constitute a consideration for stock. Above all, i'm really sick of planting flags all round the KSC every time I start a new game. but having them there is SO USEFUL. please consider Loving the game thank you!
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