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Found 10 results

  1. The challenge: In KSP or KSP2, make your smallest orbiter in terms of size or weight. Good Luck! (Mods are allowed but Kraken drives prohibited) The picker wheel to see which category you are
  2. Weight is a force: f = ma & gravity is an acceleration, so weight = mass * acceleration but this should be a ratio: weight = mass * environment_gravity / 9.81 m/s. For convenience, orbit should be weightless. A 200kg mass weighs 200kg on Earth/Kerbin but 33.2 kg on the Mun. In a low g vacuum, the mass is mostly weightless. So you can more easily displace the mass in orbit and on the Mun, than on Kerbin, because your kerbals are able to do more work (displacement of mass) with the same effort (energy). Hence, the mass carrying capacity should change relative to the kerbal's environment: weight carrying capacity = mass * environment_gravity / 9.81 m/s. The only catch is that the more mass a kerbal carries, the more energy (eva rcs) the kerbal expends regardless of environment. I want my kerbals to carry two jet packs in orbit and on the Mun, but not on Eve, Kerbin, Tylo, etc. Please fix.
  3. I've been away from KSP for about 4 years, but picked it up again recently. So I know I need to get up the learning curve for heat shields, radios, fairings, and a few other things. The unexpected problem is that my Mk1 command pod always explodes on splashdown. I see that it has a 14m/s maximum impact speed (which seems awfully low), but I'm finding it impossible to slow it down enough to land. Even with 4 parachutes on it, it's still coming down at 19m/s. Is there a mod making this thing too heavy? Too fragile? See screenshot for mass & speed numbers.
  4. Hello, I have tried to design a very small Spaceprobe, when i saw that the Mass of it more than doubled when i tested it inflight. I have then experimented a bit, a the weight bonus is added to every Command part ingame inflight (+49kg). I am using a RSS/RP1 install in KSP 1.3.1 (via CKAN) . I have tried to trace it down to to a Mod, it should be somewhere in the RP1/Realism Overhaul in their dependencies. Ckan Modlist is linked there: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uxbrf2xp7xnprw/RSS49KGBug.ckan?dl=0 . This bug, which is obviously greatly hurting my ability to make small Stages and Probes, can easly reproduced by just launching anything with a command unit. Thank you for your time Keineahnung4010 Edit: Picturesfolder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ijnxcjj9ore8r5m/AABHczmZT6-_xt6OX8j0e3TJa?dl=0 Edit2: Logfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhddilm6d2abgqt/output_log.txt?dl=0 Craftfile1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6zjwmpx2cp9jw1/Test 1.craft?dl=0 Craftfile2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4cq8kjnr1il5db7/Test 2.craft?dl=0
  5. Hello everyone, I wanted to know why the thermoelectric generator is so heavy, it weighs about 160 pounds, for me it's a lot, can you reduce that weight?
  6. In a plane the Centre of mass is just ahead of the centre of pressure, so it is stable. When elevator movement is given, it does go nose up but it doesnot climb. Instead in it tries to come down. How to make it climb. P.s Rhodes34 airfoil if used inclined at 8deg Basically I want to know what affects the rate of climb and vertical velocity
  7. I would like to know, but don't know where to look for the following: Weight of all asteroid classes Total ore in each class I plan on, or am hoping to be capable of taking asteroids to the surface of Kerbin, and then relaunching them into orbit once again, just for the fun of it.
  8. I thought it might be interesting to assign additional weight to a vessel when a surface sample is brought on board. My thought process is that a surface sample requires no outboard science equipment so there should be some penalty to Dv for such a high value science return. I apologise if this has been suggested before, as I seem to be unable to search the forums right now.
  9. I'm fairly new to the game and play on Xbox. I saw a video where someone set the max thrust of his solid rocket booster so that he had a thrust to weight ratio to his liking. When he left clicked on the booster to lower its thrust, there was a pop up that showed (among other things) his TRW. He was on a PC. Is there a way to view your TRW while you build your project on the Xbox version? Clicking on a booster only displays the Thrust Limiter and amount of solid fuel.
  10. Basically, the challenge is to have a very light and cheap rocket to go to other planets/moons. Scoring is carried out in this fashion: the cost of the rocket = score lowest score wins going into negative points is ok. orbit: -150 pt. mun landing -575 pt. minmus landing : -500 pt. landing on another planet -10,000 pt. returning to kerbin from: orbit : -150 pt. mun : -575 pt. minmus : -500 pt. another planet -10,000 pt. alt + f12 : +99999999999 pt. if you go somewere not on this list, tell me were, then I will score it appropriately scoreboard: (nobody yet, I am going to attempt this challenge myself)
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