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Found 4 results

  1. Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ktqn7fkc8qdg0b3g4o7a1/KSP.log?rlkey=8x5pcxxfqu8zx88baydbnvhk6&dl=0
  2. Good day! I've been putting together a nice customized install for my newest JNSQ playthrough. My system has 16GB of RAM, and is technically able to handle everything. However, the issues soon arise. First off, the game will not load without a database reload, as the loading itself stops with a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException. After the database reload which only takes a few minutes, the game can continue to the main menu... kind of. The game loads, but all you can see is Kerbin and the three Kerbals, without any Scatterer features or the main menu buttons and title ever popping up. The music also stutters badly, and my entire PC has actually locked up before due to this. It required a hard restart. I found this error in the logs, which may be related to this. However, if at all relevant I must mention that all of these mods were installed by CKAN, which is not exactly known for allowing incompatibilities. [LOG 22:26:50.143] EVEManager: Issue loading PQSManagerClass! Error: UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to apply node! ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object This is so far, the extent of the major, game-breaking issues. I have here the KSP.log and the ModuleManager logs from my final session while troubleshooting. I also have a screenshot of the full modlist, if it helps at all. Thank you for your time, please get back to me if possible! KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0w8hjrl07u5soy/KSP.zip?dl=0 ModuleManager Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9humx2cttby5864/ModuleManager.zip?dl=0 Mod List: https://www.dropbox.com/s/57i534iip6zf3it/image (1).png?dl=0
  3. So KSP won't load past the 75-80% mark. Its not freezing, but it will sit for hours just looking pretty. I have: 1. Uninstalled and Reinstalled (cleanly, both with the uninstall feature in steam and on my remove programs option on windows) 2. removed all mods 3. Verified and reacquired all files mulitple times (every time it runs, somehow 420 files need to be reacquired. I validate, fix this issue, run again, and same issues reemerge) 4. Verified my language is english 5. Run the program manually as 64 bit from the .exe file 6. beat my head against the wall 7. cried real tears into my beer linked is a screenshot of where it stops loading, unfrozen but no more progress after 3 hours of "patiently" waiting:
  4. Hi all, I'm new here. Just upgraded to windows 10 (not my choice) and reinstalled KSP. When loading the game the load bar sits on "loading asset bundles" and doesn't seem to move (for at least 5 minutes anyway) the game doesn't crash or freeze, it just sits there. It never did this before and I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem or anyone know of a solution?
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