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Found 3 results

  1. Hello everyone, The holiday season has started and we couldn’t be more excited. This is not only a season where we get to spend time with our loved ones and show them our appreciation, but it also has astronomical significance, because of the winter solstice, and that is one of the reasons why many cultures and civilizations have celebrated this season throughout millenia. Surprisingly, Kerbin’s position and tilt in relation to Kerbol makes it very similar with planet Earth, till such degree that they also have a winter solstice in this season and Kerbals also celebrate it by giving gifts and building crafts! Kerbals even have a tradition similar to Earth’s Advent Calendar and naturally we wanted to share it with you all! So, how is it going to be? Each Tuesday and Thursday for the next three weeks, we will be uploading little surprises on our forum, which will be only available for download for a limited time (24 hours each). That is, 7 different collectibles, we want to you to have and enjoy. The first 5 people to post evidence of their complete collection in this thread will be rewarded with a special giveaway. } We will be posting weekly reminders, so that you don’t miss out. With that said, stay tuned and start collecting. Happy launchings, - The KSP Dev Team Now you can get the whole collection, just click for the collectible you want: 1.- Jebediah Kerman Papercraft 2.- Mk1-2 Command Pod Papercraft 3.- Season's Greetings Wallpaper 4.- Valentina Kerman Papercraft 5.- Jumping Flea Papercraft 6.- KERpollo17 Wallpaper 7.- Bug-E Buggy Papercraft
  2. Instead of making a Xmas special for my main graphic novel I am going to make a whole new one! Chapter 1
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