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King of the Hill


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I slaughter the entire Ares, and every single Jake which ever existed, then blow your head off with my shotgun, then take your utopia.

Souper's recently captured utopia. with an infinite luck machine that ensures it stays that way forever and also Jake must find something else to fight over instead of annoying everyone else trying to play this forum game.

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I destroy Earth to demoralize you both, then permanently delete your utopia from the multiverse forever. I then send all your people to concentration camps and force them to WATCH MY LITTLE PONY! FOREVER! I also send you two to another universe and pray you don't want to continue your godmodding and further rip the fun out of this forum game. Can't you take a hint?!

My four- er... Fifth Reich that makes your people suffer.

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but then you realize you are insane and your universe is actually the inescapable dream.

we put you down, have a funeral, and then give you to your kids, whose final parting was putting you in an iron coffin and firing you out of a space railgun.

me& Sampa's allied utopia.

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I'm going to kill this thread stop with the altimeter destruction and ignoring the lasts post rules NUKES DO NOT SOLVE EVERYTHING SO PLEASE STOP

Nukes don't solve the problem, but they do make everyone forget what happened... It is now planet of the apes... The apes and I rule the hill now!

EDIT: Has anyone here heard of the old Star Control II game? There was an alien race which had made it to space age technology 4 times in its past but blew itself up every time and had to restart. Kinda reminds me of this.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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exept I use the argo's sheilds.

(as for the antigodmod; I will stop, but I love the argos. the ares on the other hand,is gone. on that note.)

the ares makes a black hole, causing the universe to collapse in on itself.

nobodies non-universe.

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exept I use the argo's sheilds.

(as for the antigodmod; I will stop, but I love the argos. the ares on the other hand,is gone. on that note.)

the ares makes a black hole, causing the universe to collapse in on itself.

nobodies non-universe.

Just curious, is our alliance still going?

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