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Valentina enters the fray!


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Weird thing is, I really like this version but will probably not see her ingame very much. Long ago I asked video viewers to name my kerbals, and I started keeping a list. I still have several hundred names that have never been used... and I think only three or four are female.

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I am dismayed that so many people are apparently unable to tell lashes from brows.

I'm pretty sure the eyes are that wide apart on the current, male kerbals as well. They've always had that wall-eyed stare.

I hope that modders will come up with ways to modify or remove the topknot.

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It does broaden the possibilities for role play (I kinda like that my Duna colony will no longer be a bro-fest, there is going to be more than one female Kerbal, I hope....) but we're not supposed to discuss such things on this forum.

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A lot of complaining about the eyelashes here. I personally like them, but i think a similar effect could be achieved when darkening the area above the eye with a darker green. Would be worth a try to make her even more kerbal. (To me she is a kerbal for sure right now).

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Oh you KNOW every chance Jeb, Bill and Bob and other Kerbals are going to hit on her every chance they got. poor girl is going to have a nervous breakdown...

Well give her some credit, for all you know she'd love the attention, not care, or beat the heck out of whoever disrespects her. One of the three. Maybe even depending on who's who.

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No, not really. Derpiness as in retardation (for the mods - ......: a slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.).

Again, a trait which all Kerbals share. Except some of them are geniuses in their specific area of research. For instance, even Bill, who's so stupid he just keeps walking into walls and doesn't quite understand why he stopped moving forwards, he's great at engineering. But Bob is a genius. He knows how to use beakers and science instruments and he can even figure out why walls stop him! But when you try and pit him against trees, he'll run away screaming that "we've been invaded!!!" Jeb meanwhile is truly badS at piloting, flying, jetpacking, fighting, and being a badass, but he really can not see danger when danger is obvious. A rocket with moar boosters but no struts? He's the first one aboard!

Jeb is derpy in intellectual understanding.

Bill is derpy in awareness.

Bob is derpy in emotional development.

Valentina therefore is probably derpy in academic progress.

Valentina knows things. She knows how to tie a shoe, for instance, something that has baffled every single Kerbal engineer and scientist that she's met. She knows how to fold that one really really cool paper airplane that flies really far. She knows how to catch and fry a candied cockroach with her bare hands (and a grill). But she doesn't know what F=M/A or E=MC^2 means. She never paid attention. She can fly a rocket into space just as you tell her, fly it back down, and she'll know how orbital mechanics works intuitively. But, she still has no idea what delta-v means, or any of the math behind orbits whatsoever.

My guess for Val's stats:





Edited by GregroxMun
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Perhaps we shouldn't define Valentina's personality in terms of how she reacts to male kerbals' attention.

Which really begs the question.. What will Val be like in the animations/forum profile/steam card if that becomes a thing?

We already have a BadS, insane pilot... Any more insaneness and that's not a kerbal, that's something that needs help. Maybe she'd be more cautious while piloting.. You know, for a kerbal. Cautious is a relative term.

Perhaps like this Calvin and Hobbes strip?


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Perhaps we shouldn't define Valentina's personality in terms of how she reacts to male kerbals' attention.

If you look again, I didn't. Well, I did, but only in response to someone else. I did the other thing, a bio. That's what it's called I think.

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Which really begs the question.. What will Val be like in the animations/forum profile/steam card if that becomes a thing?

We already have a BadS, insane pilot... Any more insaneness and that's not a kerbal, that's something that needs help. Maybe she'd be more cautious while piloting.. You know, for a kerbal. Cautious is a relative term.

Perhaps like this Calvin and Hobbes strip?


Yeah. Actually let me go ahead and paste it.

Valentina knows things. She knows how to tie a shoe, for instance, something that has baffled every single Kerbal engineer and scientist that she's met. She knows how to fold that one really really cool paper airplane that flies really far. She knows how to catch and fry a candied cockroach with her bare hands (and a grill). But she doesn't know what F=M/A or E=MC^2 means. She never paid attention. She can fly a rocket into space just as you tell her, fly it back down, and she'll know how orbital mechanics works intuitively. But, she still has no idea what delta-v means, or any of the math behind orbits whatsoever.
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Valentina knows things. She knows how to tie a shoe, for instance, something that has baffled every single Kerbal engineer and scientist that she's met. She knows how to fold that one really really cool paper airplane that flies really far. She knows how to catch and fry a candied cockroach with her bare hands (and a grill). But she doesn't know what F=M/A or E=MC^2 means. She never paid attention. She can fly a rocket into space just as you tell her, fly it back down, and she'll know how orbital mechanics works intuitively. But, she still has no idea what delta-v means, or any of the math behind orbits whatsoever.

Other than that roach business, she is me.

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We already have a BadS, insane pilot... Any more insaneness and that's not a kerbal, that's something that needs help. Maybe she'd be more cautious while piloting.. You know, for a kerbal. Cautious is a relative term.

Yeah, I think she should be fearless, but calculating. Jeb is more of a "slap more boosters on until it works" type, Valentina should be "if you want me to fly that thing you better make sure it's well built". Ties in nicely to the engineer report/delta-V calculation features that are coming in 1.0.

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If you think it's weird it might be because of the larger gap between her eyes than the males have.


Yeah, I concur; the smaller gap one looks better.

I'd still like to know if stupidity is just a mislabeled intelligence bar... and if a full bar means they are less stupid than an empty bar...

Thats an important thing to sort out before assigning a value... unless its 50%...

I'm with r4pt0r on this one - I don't think it is mislabeled at all. Full=idiot, Empty=not an idiot.

To give it some imaginary gameplay purpose, I try to pick pilots with high stupidity and scientists with low stupidity - I imagine that those are the ideal states for those jobs (I treat engineers like they were sorta in-between, but leaning towards the scientist side). The low intelligence of the pilot helps him (or her!) not worry about how insane control's orders are, and just focus on the piloting.. whereas we don't want the scientists' report to be like, "Uh.. it's a rock? It's.. round..ish? .. possibly grey? not very tasty..."

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