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3D red/cyan


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Hey, can anyone please create addon that enable ksp to run in 3D? I just bought lenovo 1100$ gaming laptop to discover that even though my gpu supports 3d vision discover (nvidia red/cyan 3D) is disabled on it :( , and really planned on playing few games on 3d which KSP was one of them... thanks!

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Last I checked, Unity can be displayed in 3D via the Nvidia 3D VD but Unity is not extremely well suited (designed? optimized?) for it.

There are ways to make it work-ish but unless you are rather well versed in computer (technical) stuff or extremely stubborn, you might as well make do. It's not something I would spend a whole lot of time on, but that's me.

P.S. You might be able to find an answer here, though.

Edited by Axelord FTW
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There was someone who had turned on that 3D feature accidentally and reported it to the KSP Facebook group. He had trouble figuring out how to turn it off. It was a month or two back, so it might not be so easy to track it down, but the point is it can be done if your video card supports it.

Why a manufacturer would disable a feature of an OEM part I have no idea, but with Lenovo's recent shenanigans with preloading that Superfish mal-adware, I'm not surprised they'd do other stupid things.

Edited by ultrasquid
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