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The Rocket Printing Hype Train Thread

Whirligig Girl

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We have arrived at the station. You can now print your crafts!


If there was any concern at all as to what I am going to print, you can bet your Kerbals that it will be a HypeTrain* on a rocket.

Note: Much discussion below might be related to the reddit/forum anger, and speculation as to Maxmaps' tweet before we knew what the secret project was.

*Artist's impression: here and here.

Anyone else remember when Spore had a 3D Printing service? Every time I look at my desk, I do :D


Look in the background, my "Creater" creature, who's name does NOT come from the name "creature", it just sounded cool (I think.) It was my first creature to successfully exit creature stage and go on to tribal, and then all the way to space stage. Before I had used cheats to go further. I remember how awesome it was to get the thing printed! I suppose when I print a Kerbal ship it might be one of a significant achievement. I have no idea what my first orbital ship looked like, nor my Mun Lander. It might be a Joolean expedition or even my "Edwin Abbot" Space Shuttle. (I will probably wait until 1.0 for that so i can re-balance it for aerodynamics.)

Show off what ships you will print!


Engine fairings DO work, it seems. And I like how they handle radial decouplers. And it looks like the stack decoupler is getting a new texture in 1.0. Strange.


Edited by GregroxMun
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Will post a little something on the subreddit tomorrow about a cool partnership we got. Taking some stuff to a different dimension.

Will post a little something on the subreddit tomorrow about a cool partnership we got.

little something on the subreddit tomorrow

on the subreddit tomorrow


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I don't care at all what reddit gets, or when they get it, as long as it makes its way here. If Reddit gets something first, and then its immediately reposted here, even by a forum member, that's fine. I just want to know that I can get any news I need right here without having to go a bunch of other places.

Someone should just have a thread that's continually updated with news posted elsewhere.

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  GregroxMun said:
I know you guys hate reddit, but I don't mind so much. Bet ya a +rep point that they'll put it on The Daily Kerbal tuesday anyway. Tomorrow=Devnote Tuesday, so yeah.

You're right. Like how they talked about dV numbers in the last devnote after posting it on... I don't even remember where now.

Oh wait they didn't talk about it in the devnote.

Anyway, I assume this is what you guessed, though that's not a "new" dimension. It's the current number of dimensions minus 1. If I came out to my car and saw it only had 3 tires I wouldn't say "Oh wow a new tire!"

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  GusTurbo said:
It's probably something minor and corny like the Shapeways stuff. I really doubt it's anything like an acquisition or major change.

Ok, but even if Max's announcement is something minor, something is happening. I've been suspecting it since they announced 1.0 with only one beta release...

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heh.. i think some folks are overthinking this. I mean not to long ago they had the partnership with NASA for 23.5 and the asteroid redirect mission

Im betting its something more along those lines, instead of them getting bought up or something like that.\

EDIT: Also just got this in my head. the key words are "a diffrent dimension" We know Maxmaps likes to make plays on works :P

What about a partnership with the Simple Rockets app (mobile app/game) it is a 2D rocket game after all LOL

See here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/simplerockets/id663068211?mt=8

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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(This post is a joke. Satire. Humorous.)

The partnership is with Zynga, obviously. Maker of Farmvile. The dimension is to the real world, right to your bank account!


Features include:

  • Exotic worlds! (...only accessable via Jump Drives, available for $0.99 each use)
  • Realistic physics! (kinda, gravity sorta works, wait, orbital mechanics? that's a thing?)
  • Build a farm, and grow RocketParts in space! (to grow AdvancedRocketParts, you must purchase seeds in R&D, for the low price of $1.99)
  • Easy, Simplified, A2YearOldCouldFigureItOut® gameplay, suitable for casual "gamers".
  • Booster Paks, allows you to auto-boost rockets to space. (premium subscription only)
  • Assemble pre-made rockets. Simply specify the rocket you want to make using a menu, and go! (Assuming you have cleared the launchpad, which may cost money.)
  • And all for FREE!

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Maybe, just maybe, they've partnered with some sort of animation studio to create a Kerbal cartoon or web series, or something. Or perhaps a Kerbal comic book. Maybe a collaboration with a new toy/merchandise manufacturer to create a line of Kerbal action figures.

I seriously doubt [snip] a partnership with a major publisher/developer. I would like to see a SpaceX-themed pack like they did with NASA, but I doubt that is it either. I would put money on it being something outside of the game industry, like toys or cartoons or comics. Something along those lines.

Edited by KasperVld
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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