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Mun–Minmus Cycler

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I am working on a mun–minus cycler, similar to the Aldrin cycler, but I am unable to find any information on the Mun–Minmus Synodic period, or the time in between transfer windows. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great!

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  • 7 months later...

I think you want to do this with an orbit that is a clean fraction of both Minmus and Mun. An orbital period with 4 times the orbital period of Mun (556E3 seconds) and half the orbital period of Minmus (539E3 seconds) would require a little station-keeping that maybe you can get from gravity assists. This implies a semi-major axis of about 30E3ish km to get that orbital period. If you choose a Kerbin Pe that's a bit more than 12M (Mun's distance from Kerbin), you get an Ap that's a bit less than 48M (pretty close to Minmus distance). If you start at Mun, then create the orbit when Minmus would be at the farside of Kerbin, I think you've got it.

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