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Kerbin Geographic And Science Society


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*polishes monocle, puffs pipe*

Investigation of the data provided by Dani and refined by togfox indicate that the highest point on Minmus may be over 5,720m above the base datum, with the best known contender atop that mountain that sits near 60S, 75E.

Is it not the Sworn Duty of this Society to send an expedition to scale this mightiest of peaks in the Known Universe, and confirm it?

Indeed, we do not swear, because there may be children present. Yet, we gladly explore anyway!

The intrepid vessel, Minmus Peak VIII, reached this pinnacle and measured its altitude at 5283 meters.

Along the way, we discovered yet again just how strange this planetoid can be. As we began to approach the summit, we noticed a tiny vibration beneath our feet. The vibration felt much like the tectonic tremors on our homeworld, except for being a series of singular impulses and extremely regular. We measured the period of the vibration to be nearly 21 seconds. Even more unusual was the way the amplitude of the vibration apparently increased as we gained altitude. By the time we found the summit of Minmus Peak, the tiny tremors had become substantial jolts, sending our craft (and ourselves) up to seven meters above the ground!

Because of this strange, regular, tremor, I propose this location not be named Minmus Peak, but rather Heart of Minmus.

I made a video of the phenomenon. Unfortunately, YouTube is being uncooperative today. Hopefully I can rectify this tomorrow.

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And the altitude?!?!?

What a cliff hanger!

My computer fried itself so ive been out of action last week and this week. Getting a new shiney one soon so i can replicate the real life kesler effect. 8)

(joke - about the kessler)

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As people define landing sites in the Mod Community Bases 3.0 thread I\'m going to invite them to submit the place names here. The first of those is the Lake of Broken Landers, and the second one should be defined today on the Mun by one of the other participants.

If you want to take part in building collaborative bases at known points and defining new ones once the existing ones start getting full, feel free to register there in accordance with the rules in the first post.

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Thanks Khyron. We\'ll put the Mun bases on our maps as well so ppl can find them. :)

In other news, three intrepid explorers, Malner, Harly and Donble, navigated to the highest peak on Minmus, landed a rover for terrain exploration and watch the rover get promptly eaten by the Minmus Kraken!!!

Unperturbed and not panicking much, they hit the throttle on their lander to escape the Kraken but to their dismay, the engines are off and refuse to start. Harly furiously flicked the switches and hit the large red ignition button many times, partly in desperation and partly because he\'d forgotten that button has been affected by the Kraken. To no avail, these three explorers are sitting, helpless, in their Minmus lander atop the peak - hoping for rescue before the Kraken takes them too ...

Recorded altitude, 5707, but the peak is just a fraction higher - perhaps 5711. I\'ll try again whilst the Kraken is distracted!

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0.15.1 does appear to have fixed the terrain issue.


I can unequivocally say that we\'re looking at at least 5724 m up here.


Note that the speed readout assumed that I was in Orbit at that altitude and automatically flicked over.

It\'s also pretty flat.

How about 'The Maxmal Plateau?'

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Our maps, meaning the Keographic Society maps, as opposed to Mun base maps. :)

Quote below - this is on the previous page so it\'s obviously getting buried. We have plans on restructuring what we are doing so everything can be found quickly. :)

So thanks to a lot of hard work by Dani and a bit of touch up work by myself, I present to you all, from the Kerbin Keographic Society, the first contour maps of Minmus.





All the CSV\'s are below. You can use a free program called QuikGrid to display these maps. There have been so many contributors to the below files please send me a message if you feel your name should be listed. I won\'t object to your name being listed ... I just simply can\'t keep track of all the contributors!!! :)

Kerbin CSV. This file is a collaborative effort.


Mun CSV. This is also a collaborative effort.


Minmus CSV. Data provided mostly by Dani and adjusted slightly by myself


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If its not already named, I would like to name the crater on the trailing edge of the Mun that is right on the orbit as \'Targuete\', from the middle French origin of target, as in bulls eye!

0`12\'24' North

136`54\'37' East

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(first post to this thread, hope I have the general format right)

I would like to suggest and/or solicit names for two related features on the Mun. The first is the obvious counterpart to Jeb\'s Landing, located some distance to the east. This long canyon or trench runs north from a (yet unnamed) equatorial sea and ends in a small thermal exhaust port terraced crater. The latter is where I\'ve parked my lander.

I suggest either 'Beggar\'s Canyon' or 'Skywalker\'s Run' for the trench itself. I\'m presently drawing a blank on names for the crater. Anyone? (Try to keep to the theme, without being completely obvious.)

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For the crater, I suggest Tarkin\'s Tomb (or Tarkin\'s Rest or Tarkin\'s Folly, if people prefer.) Since that\'s what came after a certain trench run.

'I think you overestimate their chances'. That needs to be on the tombstone.

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I made a flight last night to what I propose calling 'South Island'. It\'s the northernmost island in its chain, but when an explorer in distant Kerbal history was sailing southwards and sees the first island in weeks, he\'s gonna call it south; by the time his shipwrecked self (Hey, it is Kerbal) is rediscovered the natives will have accepted that as the name for the island in his strange language.

This flight continued that fine tradition. Good flight, good plane design... but I\'ve had better landings.



Looking south from high above the island. Sorry for the night-time shot, that\'s when I was landing.


There was a bad bounce after landing, when I thought I was safely just rolling to a stop; I wasn\'t paying attention and barely managed to pull up enough to save the crew.


Name: South Island (needs poll)

Latitude: 42° 3\' 12' S

Longitude: 117° 44\' 30' W

Altitude: 123 m

Celestial Body: Kerbin

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I made a flight last night to what I propose calling 'South Island'. It\'s the northernmost island in its chain, but when an explorer in distant Kerbal history was sailing southwards and sees the first island in weeks, he\'s gonna call it south; by the time his shipwrecked self (Hey, it is Kerbal) is rediscovered the natives will have accepted that as the name for the island in his strange language.

This flight continued that fine tradition. Good flight, good plane design... but I\'ve had better landings.



Looking south from high above the island. Sorry for the night-time shot, that\'s when I was landing.


There was a bad bounce after landing, when I thought I was safely just rolling to a stop; I wasn\'t paying attention and barely managed to pull up enough to save the crew.


Name: South Island (needs poll)

Latitude: 42° 3\' 12' S

Longitude: 117° 44\' 30' W

Altitude: 123 m

Celestial Body: Kerbin

How about Sauf Eyelant? That sounds like a nice approximation of the name from a native

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How about Sauf Eyelant? That sounds like a nice approximation of the name from a native

I considered adding a comment that the natives colonized in similar manner to Earth\'s polynesians centuries earlier than that explorer, and their name for island would have to be 'Vespo\'ona' in the language Silisko was making up in the fanart thread. So this one might have been 'Vespo\'ona' followed by something related to being so very happy to end 9 months of canoe travel.

Kerbal dugout canoes probably explode if they bump into the shore too hard.

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Thanks, If it doesn\'t have one, can i call it :

Bryant Newell & Scales,

New ant Scales or

Hawkinge crater

I no they are not the usual name, but that will make it a landmark on Mun road maps in the year 3000

Would it be possible to call it Hawkinge, and somewhere say: found by Bryant, Newell and Scales, Maybe in Brackets?

I hope Hawkinge Could be used, because its were I grew up, And i would love to be able to go there more!

Who would i need to talk to?

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Hello all, this post might seem a bit facetious, but I think it is worth mentioning.

I believe that the construction of a geographical information system (GIS) for each body is necessary to allow the proper designation of names for features, and labelling of such in a geospatial reference frame. There are plenty of free GIS softwares, and if people do not have experience with this, then I can assist. It\'s just an idea at the moment, does anyone else have experience with this?

What I am Basically Proposing is...

That every landmark is given to me in coordinate and name form, and placed into a spreadsheet. I can then display this and produce up to date maps of named/discovered features for each body, and their location. These maps would take me a matter of minutes to produce and update, and could be generated weekly if we wanted.

I am currently producing a raster of the CSV data for Minmus, as an illustration. It\'s similar to Dani and togfox\'s maps, but I have added a grid, and contours of the surface. It\'s pretty ugly as it is late where I am, (1am!) but I can make them pretty if people wish. Credit goes to Dani and togfox +others for the data production; this is some real science!


I should mention that I use ESRI ArcGIS, and Surfer for my gridding and raster production, and it is within these programs that I would be willing to create a GIS.

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