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Everything posted by LockeCole

  1. Hello, I just found this thread after sending a message earlier. Would I be able to change my name to LockeCole? This would make a whole lot of stuff simpler on me... Thank you for working with me on this, if that name is taken I can pick out another one.
  2. I\'d love to have the ability to have extra pods so we can launch ships off of ships and then return to the original vessel for a return trip (Much like the original moon landings?) Plus that way we can have rovers, since they\'d need to be workable command pod type objects. I\'m having some trouble expressing myself English fail...
  3. These models of yours look real nice I assume you\'ll put finishing touches on them later to give them that traditional grungy look of Star Wars? I look forward to whatever else you intend to do, and it would be sweet to have parts from the immense variety of ships in the Star Wars universe.
  4. That\'s cool Radioactive core helps maintains heat through decay Nice to know
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