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Kerbin Geographic And Science Society


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Hey, I found a Nice Little Crater on the Mun,

I would like to name it ' Miners\' Rest ' Because i am setting up a mining base there.

The Location is: 74° 29\' 23' S

15° 12\' 40' W

I have attached the pictures because i cant figure out how to use the image code.

Let me Know if you need more info,

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Thanks MJ. That\'s all we need. For other posters - its\' really helpful to have a screenshot of the altitude of the location because if that\'s not available then I have to guess it.

Welcome to the forum and interesting craft design. :)

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It occurred to me that there might be some silent KGSS fans that follow this thread but aren\'t aware of our journals.

Edition 1


Edition 2


If you enjoy the journals or have some suggestions, please post in those threads. If no one reads them then we\'ll stop producing them!


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I do not believe that this land mark has been named yet but i would like to name it Brain Pit Valley due to the fact that 9 times out of 10 that I attempt to land there macjeb flips the lander over at the last second causing it to crash upside down. :D

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Dropbox probably has some form of statistic tracking to let you know how widely read the journals are, right?

If nothing else, having them as a chronicle of community is great. I think it\'s an amazing format for that, far better than a forum thread or other such things. They can be there for new players to find when they first get into the game for years to come - just like out National Geographic magazine. Please keep them going.

I\'ll be thinking on what I can contribute, that stays close to the Society\'s goals instead of be a general-purpose article on KSP.

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well, I haven\'t read all those replies, however, I think it\'s time to explore under the sea!!!

so here\'re pics of Vigilant Explorer doin\' its job...

I found that at depth of around 665m, it\'s almost flat, which means it\'s likely the beginning of ocean seabed...

next time, I\'ll try to find \'K\'ariana Trench...



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I don\'t understand ppls fascination with night time screenshots that display nothing (is that even the right screenshot?). :\'( But! You do have one with co-ordinates and I can see you\'ve actually splashed down so I think we can register that one. :)

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Naming Submission

One of my first (non-explosive) missions in 0.16 was to attempt to fly the Original Three to the south pole in a Leviathan 2M (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=16840.0).

The fuel ran out a ways short of the icecap, and the Leviathan isn\'t the sort of plane that can take advantage of the indefinite-gliding exploit, so the boys needed to find a place to put her down. A little lake--too small to be visible from Map view--was spotted and appeared to be the best thing to aim for, as shoreline is often the lowest and flattest terrain around. Also, Bill and Bob were in need of baths after having soiled themselves sweated profusely throughout the flight...and Jeb was eager to discover whether he would be able to swim decently in his full flightsuit, or would instead flail around and eventually drown. (It sounded fun and exciting to him either way.)

The boys got out and walked down to the beach.




Since the lake is at sea level, Jeb was determined to call it a 'sea' and not a 'lake'. Also, he wanted to do something nice to honor his intrepid crewmates, who had screamed all the way displayed their customary bravery and were too freaked out to do anything had been as helpful as always on this voyage. Furthermore, since he couldn\'t possibly choose between his two friends to give one of them top billing, Jeb decided to use just their initials rather than their full first names.

And so, KevinTMC and Jebediah Kerman would like to present to you...the B.B. Sea.


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Thanks...but I can\'t take credit for the craft. (Am still rubbish at building my own.)

Just uploaded a much better map-view screenshot. So at least you\'ll be able to better see about where the lake/sea is, even if it\'s too small to really notice from map view.

(But I figure even small lakes deserve names and stories.)

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I noticed there is no name for the mountain range next to KSC i found a Valley and wish to name it Red Rocket Valley or Broken Booster Valley depending on poll [if Needed] if a poll isn\'t needed than it shall [hopefully] be called Red Rocket Valley Pics attached it\'s use is to test aircraft by flying maxed out through the valley

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