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[0.17] Electrical Energy Plugin | v1.5 (Oct 12)


Ion engines...  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Ion engines...

    • ...should stay infinite (only using energy)
    • ...should use a bit of normal fuel too
    • ...should use a bit of RCS fuel
    • ...should have their own fuel type
    • ... are for idiots (do not vote for this option!)

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There are so many different threads about energy - I\'m late to the game and having a hard time figuring out what I need in order to do what I want.

In essence, I want to attach animated solar panels (like the Noyuz panels, for example) to a fuel tank (any fuel tank that works) and power an engine (any engine).

I\'ve been able to use DSM battery, ion engine, and get non-animated solar panels to work with that. Now I\'m trying to figure out how to get animated panels work.

Any help for my feeble mind is greatly appreciated.

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There are so many different threads about energy - I\'m late to the game and having a hard time figuring out what I need in order to do what I want.

In essence, I want to attach animated solar panels (like the Noyuz panels, for example) to a fuel tank (any fuel tank that works) and power an engine (any engine).

I\'ve been able to use DSM battery, ion engine, and get non-animated solar panels to work with that. Now I\'m trying to figure out how to get animated panels work.

Any help for my feeble mind is greatly appreciated.

You can use the panels I have made (Dynasat panels), that use PowerTech plugin.

Please look at this thread:


You have to install the alternate configuration files, that work with Kreuzung\'s Electrical Energy plugin (see installation notes).



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New MechJeb released, plugin probably dead.

I\'m really pissed of our holidays already at the first day, so I might abandon this plugin if completely outdated in 2 weeks. Until then, I can\'t really do anything.

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@Kreuzung : Quick test, your plugin works with the last MechJeb

Don\'t give up, Kerman brothers need your energy plugin to explore the galaxy ;D

The plugin itself works, but you can\'t add any new parts that use Kreuzung\'s plugin to spacecrafts.

@Kreuzung, what exactly it is that you\'re changing in MuMech code to make it work with your plugin? Maybe then someone else could just update the plugin, when you don\'t have the time.

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I think that this plugin is very cool, it allows proper equipment to be installed into space stations, and also allows to operate the ZO2 plugin at the same time. So I hope that a way is found to better inter-operate with MuMechLib.


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Weird. I took the stock thrusters and changed it with this:

module = MuMechVariableRCS

fuelType = Energy

It seems to work just fine, the RCS thrusters work, there are no RCS fuel tanks on board, and using the thrusters started the battery draining.

I added those config lines into some RCS sets, and they are not working. When I turn on the RCS, they immediately grey out.

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Ok, after some hours at the beach, I calmed down a bit.

It should work if someone recompiles te source with the newest MuMechLib and sends it to a Xenolith admin so he can replace it there. I don\'t have real Inet for at least 2 days and no KSP/VC# until the 4th.

Maybe someone could also retexture the VB parts?

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I think that this plugin is very cool, it allows proper equipment to be installed into space stations, and also allows to operate the ZO2 plugin at the same time. So I hope that a way is found to better inter-operate with MuMechLib.


My problem is that ZO2, Powertech, and this are all very cool, but having three different plugins with three different compatibility requirements, add on awful documentation all around combined with the requirement to manually adjust every decorative solar panel every other mod developer makes... it\'s a lot of effort.

MechJeb is a combined effort, why don\'t you, Alchemist, and l00 team up to make a single unified solar energy system? Right now I\'m trying to piece together how to ensure everything is balanced. For example, there\'s a custom ZO2 filter part. I assume that this part turns energy into ZO2. So in that aspect, I should delete / ignore the packaged ZO2 solar panels, as they don\'t provide power, but simply provide ZO2, right? Eugh.

EDIT: Okay, so if I wanted the BEST COMBINATION of these mods, I would have:

- All solar panels generate power, not ZO2.

- Use the ZO2 filter to generate ZO2.

- All solar panels use PowerTech to determine energy generation based on angles. Currently none do this they only work for ZO2 like this?

So what do I have to make my .cfgs say to work based on angle to sun and generate power with it? This is why I\'m so confused...

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PowerTech panels generating energy are found in Alchemists thread. ZO2-generating panels aren\'t that bad, they just have in-built filters^^

Can\'t put anything with a sense in here, have to go now

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Ok, after some hours at the beach, I calmed down a bit.

It should work if someone recompiles te source with the newest MuMechLib and sends it to a Xenolith admin so he can replace it there. I don\'t have real Inet for at least 2 days and no KSP/VC# until the 4th.

Maybe someone could also retexture the VB parts?

I will avoid updating MuMech Plugin for some days. That\'s not a big problem.

Maybe someone could also retexture the VB parts?

I am planning a new set of Space Stations parts compatible with your plugin and Zoxygen plugin. But I agree that it would be good having a single plugin for solar panels, ZO2 and electrical Energy.


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EDIT: Okay, so if I wanted the BEST COMBINATION of these mods, I would have:

- All solar panels generate power, not ZO2.

- Use the ZO2 filter to generate ZO2.

- All solar panels use PowerTech to determine energy generation based on angles. Currently none do this they only work for ZO2 like this?

You have all what is needed for this. Dynasat Solar Panels have the SolarPanels_PowerTech_MuMech module that generate Energy (not ZO2). Please install Dynasat panels plus the alternate configuration files compatible wirh Kreuzubgs Plugin (in folder DynasatElectric) that contains SolarPanels_PowerTech_MuMech panels:


Please find attached this small craft: it\'s a payload (you need something to put it into orbit) but has everything needed: Main ZO2 system and aux tank, battery, ion engine, ZO2 filter and Dynasat panels.




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Alright - I got really confused when I saw the three options in the .rar for the Dynasats.

I\'ve been playing around with your panels and I have a question... what\'s determining how much power they generate? One of the panels is less than half the size of the others, so it stands to reason it should generate much less power - but they both seem to cap out at 0.1? How can I change this? Some of the other mods\' solar panels are absolutely huge so it\'d be nice to be able to make them generate much more power. Apparently EnergyGain doesn\'t do anything, as I deleted the line from one and made it a huge value in the other and it didn\'t affect anything.

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Alright - I got really confused when I saw the three options in the .rar for the Dynasats.

I\'ve been playing around with your panels and I have a question... what\'s determining how much power they generate? One of the panels is less than half the size of the others, so it stands to reason it should generate much less power - but they both seem to cap out at 0.1? How can I change this? Some of the other mods\' solar panels are absolutely huge so it\'d be nice to be able to make them generate much more power. Apparently EnergyGain doesn\'t do anything, as I deleted the line from one and made it a huge value in the other and it didn\'t affect anything.

That parameter is called power, the same as for MuMech panels.

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Is it a known problem that when a battery is drained, it permanently disappears and cannot be recharged, up until the last battery (which functions as you\'d expect).

Also, timescaling does weird things, like suddenly makes everything super-efficient.

EDIT: Resumed a flight and now all my batteries are gone...

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I haven\'t looked at Kreuzung\'s code in a while, but it\'s a known problem with r4m0n\'s MuMech tanks, and the vanilla ones as well. They\'re designed to work like rocket fuel tanks (kill on empty), not refillable storage containers (batteries). Not really sure where MechJeb is going with regard to the new resource system.

Now that I finally got my Connect plugin kicked out, and have a semi-functional workaround for class type field persistence, I can get back to tinkering with the resource/engine system. Hopefully, I\'ll have some findings to share soon, so that will probably help this out, assuming Kreuzung, and everyone else isn\'t already 10 steps ahead of me.

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I\'m probably doing it wrong, but I can\'t seem to get animated panels to recharge a battery. I can figure out how to get non-animated panels to recharge batteries, but no go for animated.

If you mean Kosmos panels, you need a KrMuMechPanel. For PowerTecb panels, you need Alchemists MuMech-based plugin. If you mean MJP panels, that doesn\'t work at the time, I haf it working but .15 broke MJP and I can\'t update now.

For those having problems with greyed out stuff, download the 1.1.2 and the newest MuMechLib.

I can\'t say anything specific about it, I depend on the worst phone ever ;(

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Correct me if I\'m wrong, But there\'s currently no way to make it so electricity is required to operate unmanned pods right? Or can it do that with Mumech comand pods?

If this isn\'t implented yet I think it would be really cool for unmanned command pods.

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