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Everything posted by noneyabidnis

  1. You mean, sort of like a beanie hat with the propeller thing on top? I don\'t think such a mod exists...
  2. Do those air intake things on the front of the fuel tanks help? If so, how?
  3. This is one of the only crafts I\'ve seen available for download that use the ram jet things. Do they really make a difference? If so, what\'s their most effective use / purpose?
  4. I can\'t seem to find anywhere to modify amount of fuel in jet packs - is this a configurable setting?
  5. Wow - my game crashed (as usual when I try to do more than one launch in a session) and when it came back up, .16 is available! Nice work! Can\'t wait to play.
  6. What I love about this mod manager is that it allows me to launch KSP with only the exact parts I need for current ship and ships in orbit. Perhaps I\'m mistaken, but no other mod managers let me do that. It\'s something I did manually for a while, but it took too much time / energy, so I quit bothering and now play almost 100% stock, with some parts I never use deleted.
  7. sweet! thank you so much! I lost my new Nikon D800e yesterday after waiting for it since February, but now I can launch to the moon and drive around aimlessly for hours on a sweet motorbike and be distracted from what an idiot I am for a while.
  8. Hi Chewie, I love this rocket - among my favorites, right up there with the Hercules II heavy lifter. Would it be asking too much for a Evel Kernebal guy and motorbike on top instead of the standard command module? I\'m having the hardest time building your rocket from scratch and using Evel Kernebal and trying to mimic your design.
  9. If 15.3 gets released and helps address the memory issues that come up when having a lot of parts installed, thus making it nearly impossible to use many mods, then I don\'t care one way or another about .16. I\'ve pretty much stopped using mods altogether in 15.2, save a few parts, because it became too painful to play. And games aren\'t supposed to be painful.
  10. This is great work. I look forward to future updates. Off topic: Until 10 minutes ago, I had no idea what a 'Nacelle' was, so I looked it up. Now I get it. However, I came across this: http://uss-horizon.tripod.com/nacelle.html What in the world is this? If I go to the main index page, it says the info is now classified. I can\'t find any other pages associated with that site. I wonder if it\'s some top secret program run by a government and they use a random old tripod hosted site to share info? Update: Never mind - it\'s some random star trek nonsense. Update II: That site is probably run by these two idiots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ussblackhawk/3570456908/#
  11. Is it possible to apply this to other pods? For example, Evel Kernibal?
  12. Thanks. I launched 2 hours ago and it\'s still on the 4th frame.
  13. No, but I did just figure out that SAS modules can be stacked on top of the upper brace of cuttlefish without messing up the petals. That may help. Also, I rarely use the rocket engine on cuttlefish except to land. Are you using yours for long periods of time? If so, maybe the fuel getting low is causing weight balance issues.
  14. I agree. Hercules II has become my go to lifter for everything.
  15. wow - I just tried with a shorter payload and it went amazingly well. This is beautiful.
  16. yeah, I think the issue is that my payload was too tall. However, I\'m not sure how to add more than 20 tons (ballpark) without it getting tall. If that makes sense. Of course, I like to have an initial stage that gets me near orbit, then another stage that finishes orbit and transfer, and then a final stage to get me back down (and even back from Mun, etc.) Thus I treat the craft as a wedding cake design - with this, though, I guess I don\'t need a wedding cake rocket and need to change my thinking.
  17. I love the concept, but can\'t get it balanced to save my life. And can\'t figure out the staging.
  18. You are officially 'legendary' now. If there\'s ever a 'Kerbal Hall of Fame' and I get a chance to vote on the inductee, you\'ve definitely got my vote. Thanks for making my week.....again.
  19. I\'ve been trying to look back through older posts to see what you mean my 'local terminal speed in the atmosphere', but am having a hard time making sense of it as it relates to how quickly a gravity turn should go from straight up and down to completely horizontal. Are you able to lay it out in a way my feeble mind can digest?
  20. I downloaded the pack from page 1 and placed all files where they should go - everything seems to work except that the solar panels indicate that they are not compatible with my version of KSP. 15.2. This pack is absolutely perfect - if I could get the solar panels to work in 15.2 and actually charge the battery, I\'ll be elated.
  21. This may be perfect. I swear I got this far before based on all the info posted around in various places, but couldn\'t get it both animated and functional. I\'ll see how this goes. Thanks!
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