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Reputation penalties for crashing specific parts (MM patch?)


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I'm of the opinion that launching certain items should come with a risk to reputation should they crash into Kerbin's terrain or explode in atmosphere. Specifically, parts containing radioactive or otherwise environmentally toxic materials, such as the RTG, though I suppose there could be other items that would cause a similar popularity drop.

Anyone familiar with the method: do you think this could be achieved with a Module Manager patch, or would it require more fundamental change to the game?

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not a bad idea!

heres a little list i just threw together off the top of my head


nuclear engine

xenon engine/xenon tanks

some of the larger fuel tanks because who would want a giant 3.5 meter fuel tank still having some fuel in land in their yard!

what about items that have been in solar orbit for a long period of time? (radiation buildup i guess?)

the goo canister

the little 1.25 meter science thing

what about cockpits that crash and had "mun rocks" on them and people got worried about those rocks poisoning their environments

stuff that hits the surface over 3km a second (mini craters anyone?)

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