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Max warp speed ahead... slowly...


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Does anyone feel 100,000x is drastically too slow for working on interplanetary intercepts?

I'm pretty sure I could drive across town and grab some food before the intercept happens.

Or am I just being cruel and wasting my kerbals lifespan trying to save fuel?

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100,000 is fine. Your wasting time only doing one mission at a time. Though I am not skilled enough to do it myself some of the better players will launch or operate other craft while one is in transfer. I have seen some very skilled players have many interplanetary transfers happening at once. If you have enough time to drive across town while your transfer is happening you could launch more satellites or conducts smaller missions while the transfer is happening.

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I think 100,000x is a good upper limit, myself. I've never been much of an interplanetary person, but even when I do rarely attempt, say, a Duna landing, I find that working on other missions is a great way to pass the time. Plus, you can do a lot more in the time rather than time-warping a year into your program's future just to get to another planet. Real space programs do more than one at a time!

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100,000 is fine. Your wasting time only doing one mission at a time. Though I am not skilled enough to do it myself some of the better players will launch or operate other craft while one is in transfer. I have seen some very skilled players have many interplanetary transfers happening at once. If you have enough time to drive across town while your transfer is happening you could launch more satellites or conducts smaller missions while the transfer is happening.

Posts like this make me need to play the game again. I think you're now responsible for getting me back into KSP for the 100th time.


Now if I could just figure out how to earn a lot of Kerbux. >:[

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Posts like this make me need to play the game again. I think you're now responsible for getting me back into KSP for the 100th time.


Now if I could just figure out how to earn a lot of Kerbux. >:[

Yes, i always have multiple missions flying. This might be an issue as my Jool mission takes forever as I'm playing with asteroids.

I had problem with 100.000x warp, minimum cost transfer from Jool orbit to Eeloo and the planets was in the wrong position so I had to use multiple Jool years on the trip and this was my only active mission.

Longest normal mission is an minimum cost from Kerbin to Eeloo, its 4 years and you tend to stop halfway for adjustments.

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I think Scott Manley's Interstellar YouTube series was an excellent example of running many multiple parallel missions.

He needed to use Kerbal Alarm Clock to keep track, and it shows there's room for a mission planner/tracker facility.

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The game should have immediate time warp to the next maneuver node, SoI transition, or atmospheric reentry. There's no need to keep the player waiting with a fixed time warp rate.

These days I'm not really interested in running a space program, so I often start a new game for each mission.

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The game should have immediate time warp to the next maneuver node, SoI transition, or atmospheric reentry.

1.0 is bringing with it the ability to warp to apo/periapsis while Kerbal Alarm Clock already handles the rest perfectly and has the added bonus of allowing you to set an alarm for an event in the real world.

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I think it would be nice to have a speed-dynamic warp system for highly eccentric orbits that lowers the warp level as you move faster closer in (allowing you to stop with precision) and faster as you go slower further out (making going to Eeloo not take hours). That said, the warp-to feature will probably make this unnecessary.

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I always have multiple missions going. Though, I've learned I also have a degree of patience when it comes to these things. I've done 15 minute ion burns before.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, I think there's a time warp limit due to physics and such. Believe I heard that once.

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Also, I think there's a time warp limit due to physics and such. Believe I heard that once.

You are correct. Someone (Maxmaps in a SQUADCAST perhaps, or someone on a Tuesday Dev Note) mentioned that anything over the current maximum time warp was kraken-inducing due to physics limitations. Perhaps Unity5 (multi-threading and more core utilization) will change this, but it won't be a magic bullet and I wouldn't hold my breath.

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Yeah, we need more speed sometimes. Specially with mods like Outer Planets, when there's an 80 years travel time. But, at the same time, since those distances come with a mod, the solution may be another mod? And there's one: Time Control, but it doesn't work with 0.90 I believe.

But what bothers me the most is not the max, but the altitude based max. Don't know the technical reasons for such a thing, but I think it needs some re-thinking.

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The game should have immediate time warp to the next maneuver node, SoI transition, or atmospheric reentry. There's no need to keep the player waiting with a fixed time warp rate.

I'm confused. I already have this option. Is it because I run Kerbals Alarm Clock?

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I'm confused. I already have this option. Is it because I run Kerbals Alarm Clock?

that isn't instant it just takes care of starting and stopping the time warp process. tho I dont have the same issues with time warp some people are having :\ its plenty fast enough as is.

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Someone already mentioned here that time-warp is limited to computational limits and physics problems, and that Unity 5 may fix it.

While it is true that it is based on computer limitations, the issue is in the finite nature of computers themselves, not the engine. Unfortunately this means that the issue will always be present, and that while unity 5 may help with many other things including physical time warp, 100,000 will most likely remain the limit.

The only solutions I can think of are either mod it, run multiple missions with KAC or learn to love the space whale.

All this is from the Squadcast with Max that someone mentioned before.


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With kerbal alarm is not so bad as multiple missions are possible with out messing up and skipping a node or intercept when focused on something else.

Without kerbal alarm then yes it's to slow, but I'd also go to fast and miss a point in time as well. Do that enough as is.

Personally I'd rather see kerbal alarm added to game before faster warp

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Just some math... on my PC. A year on 100'000 warp it's ~90 seconds. I can agree that people can get bored during this time, especially if they warp for several years, but loading crafts to launchpad sometimes takes 30 seconds or so on my PC.

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