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Should a "Bright Spot" anomoly/biome be added to Dres?

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Hello, I have not seen any official suggestions for this on the first two pages pr searching so here it goes.

As anyone that is following the "Dawn" mission knows we have found some interesting highly reflective "bright spots" on the dwarf planet Ceres. (The body that Dres is an analog of)

What I'm suggesting is to add a similar spot, most likely as a new small biome, to Dres that can be seen from space. This would give a small point of interest that players could aim to investigate and I think would help add interest to a body that is regarded by most players as the most boring to visit.

I know that the Kerbin system is not meant to be a 1:1 compared to our own system. For that reason I don't think it needs to be an exact imitation of the spot on Ceres (Most likely icy) It just needs to be an area that stands out noticeably compared to the rest of the planet.

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At this stage, it's still unclear whether the bright spot on Ceres is an actual surface anomaly, or merely instrumentation error, so I think it's rather too soon to talk about adding something similar to Dres.

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