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[0.90] Kerbal Life Science


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Nehemiah Engineering - Kerbal Life Science (KLS)

Use Kerbals as test subjects to get science

This mod adds an ultasound unit to the Multi Purpose Lab MPL-600 "Kolumbus" and the first 2 life science experiments for KSP.

Download from Kerbalstuff

Update 0.1.1

  • Performance improvements
  • Bugfix for Experiment SpiU


Life science is done in the Multi Purpose Lab MPL-600 "Kolumbus". Without additional lab equipment the lab can only do basic lab tasks.


Lab Equipment

To run ultrasound experiments you need a ultrasound unit (USU) in your MPL-600.


Ultrasound Experiments

The experiments are based on real life ISS experiments. The Experiments need to test several Kerbals to complete.

Lab Equipment Container

Lab Equipment Container are used to transport lab equipment to a lab in space. Add the container in the VAB/SPH and choose the equipment you want to transport with the container. As soon the craft with the container is docked to the station with a corresponding you can install the lab equipment in the lab.


Experiment Storage Containers

You need experiment containers to bring the experiments to your lab and return them to Kerbin. Add a experiment container to the craft in the VAB/SPH and choose from the experiments that are available. Once the craft is docked to the station in orbit install the experiment in the lab and run it. As soon as the experiment is done move it to an empty experiment container and finalize it to get a science report. Then return the container to Kerbin to get the science points. You can move experiments from one experiment container to an other on the same craft. There are several experiment containers.

  • ESC-1 holds 1 experiment (1m part)
  • ESC-2 holds 2 experiments (2m part)
  • ESC-4 holds 4 experiments (2m part)
  • ESC US WEDGE wedge for Universal Storage, holds 1 experiments
  • ESC-3C Command capsule with SAS ans mono propellant for unmanned resupply ships, holds 3 experiments


Other science mods from Nehemiah Engineering

Nehemiah Engineering offers science for all tech levels.



  • micha: CLS configurations and bug fixes.
  • Hayoo: KSP Space Agency Logo
  • The Yellow Dart: Nehemiah Engineering and Kerbal Life Science flag


  • micha
  • Sangrias
  • volkkeslate

Edited by N3h3mia
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  biohazard15 said:
Any plans on making "all-in-one" NehemiahInc pack? It would be kinda annoying to look after four mods' updates instead of just one.

I agree, after looking at what all of them have to do with, they SHOULD all be combined into a single pack (all retaining their own individual folders to make it easy for people to remove what they don't want/need)

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This mod keeps freezing on load but did install all your mods and some ask to over-ride files so getting a bunch of

[LOG 12:07:45.432] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'NehemiahInc/KEES/Parts/Experiment/ODC/NE_KEES_ODC'
[WRN 12:07:45.447] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
[WRN 12:07:45.447] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
[WRN 12:07:45.448] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!
[WRN 12:07:45.448] The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!

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  MeCripp said:
This mod keeps freezing on load but did install all your mods and some ask to over-ride files so getting a bunch of

Posting this on several threads does not help. Please see my answer in your first post.

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And really don't know why you would want to keep up with several threads that are all long the same line would be nice to have them bundle into one for if you have more then one of them installed hard to tell what thread to post in.

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  N3h3mia said:
Posting this on several threads does not help. Please see my answer in your first post.

Uh, and for those of us who are also interested in this answer, where are we supposed to fine his first post? (a link would have been nice or a reference to the thread name)

Second, I have not been playing much, but in the video it shows your getting 345 science from the experiment. That seems a bit much. So far in everything I have done I dont recall ever seeing more that a 1/10 that much science from a report. (But I have barely gotten of Kerban) Is that really what you get from this and your other science experiments?

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  BLackHat said:
Uh, and for those of us who are also interested in this answer, where are we supposed to fine his first post? (a link would have been nice or a reference to the thread name)

Second, I have not been playing much, but in the video it shows your getting 345 science from the experiment. That seems a bit much. So far in everything I have done I dont recall ever seeing more that a 1/10 that much science from a report. (But I have barely gotten of Kerban) Is that really what you get from this and your other science experiments?

You can find the answer here.

The amount of science is dependent on the tech level the experiment is located. Keep in mind that you need to launch the lab, lab equipment and the experiment into orbit. So the work that is needed to get the science quite bigger then for the other stock experiments.

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  Gunslinger1 said:
I'm having a problem adding experiments to the storage containers. When I hit the add experiment tab, nothing happens.

Please check your debug console, if you new tp using the debug menu. Hit ALT + F12 the click on the debug button and scroll down. Click on "Add Experiment" and check if an error pops up in the debug output.

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The debug says. [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Not sure what that means. Thanks for helping this noob out N3h3mia.

- - - Updated - - -

Well nevermind, I tried loading all of your downloads and that seemed to work. Didn't know there were dependencies.

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  Gunslinger1 said:
The debug says. [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Not sure what that means. Thanks for helping this noob out N3h3mia.

- - - Updated - - -

Well nevermind, I tried loading all of your downloads and that seemed to work. Didn't know there were dependencies.

There is now dependency for Kerbal Life Science, everything you need should be in the Zip. I checked the Zip on Kerbalstuff and it works for me. I suspect that something went wrong during installation because installing the other mods fixed it. Maybe you missed something. Just to be sure, had anybody the same problem?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really enjoy the mod. Are the experiments able to be done around different bodies for more research? I attempted this then brought the experiment back to LKO, transferred it to a return vehicle and then finalized it before landing. The experiment said it had been done in Kerbin orbit. I wondered if this means wherever you finalize it is where you get xp from, or if it just only gives credit for being in space and location doesn't matter.

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  Woolywoo said:
Really enjoy the mod. Are the experiments able to be done around different bodies for more research? I attempted this then brought the experiment back to LKO, transferred it to a return vehicle and then finalized it before landing. The experiment said it had been done in Kerbin orbit. I wondered if this means wherever you finalize it is where you get xp from, or if it just only gives credit for being in space and location doesn't matter.

The location were you finalize it is the one that determines the location in the science report and the amount of science you get based on the location.

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  DuoDex said:
Glad to see this featured, hope to see more mods and (maybe) an expansion to this.

Contact me if you want me to write up more results for this into my "mod", link in sig.

It took my some time to realize what you are talking about. KLS is featured in Modding Monday! :)

I plan to expand the mod, there is still space in the Kolumbus-Lab. I'm really busy right now, I hope to find some time during the summer break.

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I just wanted to thank you for this awesome mod. I appreciate that you bundled the mods.. it looks like you designed components separately, thats fine - We're just going to want all of them :)

I appreciate the realistic experiments

I am going to give this a try tonight!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've made an UNOFFICIAL EXPERIMENTAL build of this mod for KSP 1.x while N3h3mia is away, for testing purposes.

If people want to try it out, the thread with the download link is here. If you do try it out, DO NOT raise bug reports directly to N3h3mia nor to this thread; raise any issues or comments in the unofficial build thread, and I will collate them for N3h3mia on his return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope you all enjoy the 1.0 release of KSP. I’m currently in Germany to finish my Bachelor's degree. Because of that I had no time to test the new KSP version and to test my mods with the 1.0 version. Kudos to Micha for the unofficial fix.

I’ll update my mods but I have to finish some papers for my degree and to plan my move to Bern where I’ll continue my studies in fall and in addition I need to look for some money to live on. I’m a gamer too and I know this sucks but I just don’t have the time right now. But I still love KSP and the community and a have some ideas for some additional parts and experiments. Please be patient.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everybody, here’s a short update. Next week on Tuesday I’ll take my last exam for my bachelors degree. After this exam all that’s left is celebrating. :-) The good news is that I’ll plan to work on the mod in august. So you can look forward to an official update and maybe even some new experiments in the near future

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  • 8 months later...

I'm surprised that your mods haven't get that much of attention lately as they should. I can see that much work is behind these mods and I really like the consept of them, I really hope that this will be continued.

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