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STS Space Shuttle Challenges: PROVE YOUR PILOTING METTLE Earn a Badge!

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  Angel-125 said:
This looks interesting and potentially a .90 replacement for KSOS. I'll have to void my warranty and add a name plate part and a monopropellant power unit part. Definitely going to give this bird a shot. :)

Hope you enjoy it! Share mission pics or vids if you do!

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  Nansuchao said:
Thank you very much!!!

You are welcome! Thanks for flying it. If you guys see any improvements you think it needs, let me know!

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  FlipNascar said:
So first up, that's quite a nice shuttle. I think I'm going to use it more often now that I have it.

Secondly: My entry to this challenge. Took three shuttles before we had a successful completion.

Inexorable got creamed in orbit when I separated from the main booster tank and didn't really think before doing any sort of manoeuvring leading to a collision between orbiter and booster tank, RUD swiftly followed, but the crew capsule was still intact! And it probably had the best launch profile of my two exoatmospheric attempts. Was on course for a 230[ish] AP with only around 130dv to circularize on the OMS.

Implaccable (inadvertently misspelt), was looking good. Until during booster separation and staging for their parachutes... When I got back to Implacable, I hit space bar again and staged my booster tank, I was in that staging blood lust fury frenzy zone. I wasn't even going to attempt the abort portion so I didn't read the rules for that. I got it back in one piece onto KSC Island, but I did dump the fuel tank by decoupling and rolling her inverted to throw the damn thing out, not realising I could use its contents to return. I guess I'll have to revisit this and then get it above 300km for the Commander bage.

Third time's the charm with Indefatigable. Fuel Pod delivered to 211,489m x 211,589m orbit in Kerbin. It actually got closer than that, but I only have a screen shot of it with the 100m error. Returned to KSC Island - overshot so had to fly a downwind and a baseintofinal approach.

So as I understand it, I have met all requirements for Maiden Mission and have a valid entry for Fuel Pod delivery completing Mission Specialist and Pilot I.


A most excellent mission report! I have added you and your shuttle to the Astronaut Corps roster. You have successfully completed ratings up to Pilot I. Congratulations Commander! These are yours:







You've also convinced me to develop a special commendation aware for heroic actions in the face of an unplanned emergency.

So, congrats on your Special Commendation. This mention gets included in your roster listing: ☆

You have been awarded a ☆ Special Commendation for rescuing the shuttle during an unplanned staging event between the orbiter and external tank during liftoff, having recovered safely all crew and equipment and returned it to a prepared or marked emergency landing site (KSC Island).

Congratulations Commander!

Feel free to complete more missions and award yourself with higher ratings! :D

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  boostme said:
This is not much of a challenge, but wow: what a shuttle. It practically flies itself. Having tried to build a shuttle of my own that never flew very well, I was amazed at how well this STS-4 handles. I tried it in stock KSP, and it remained nicely balanced all the way to delivering the fuel pod to a perfectly circular 150x150 orbit. I ditched the tank with fuel to spare, so could easily have gone higher. I like the way the fuel tank empties from the bottom and the boosters empty from the top - keeping everything nicely balanced. Why didn't I think of that?

Reentry and landing was also a breeze. I was a bit short of the runway, but as I still had half my monoprop left I used that to push me through. The empty craft glides amazingly well with a nice 10:1 glideslope at an insanely slow 32m/s. It literally lands itself.

The STS-4 Dauntless is now definitely part of my fleet.


P.S. Sorry, but I didn't take any pictures.

No worries. Your statement is good enough to get listed in the roster! I have added you to the Astronaut Corps.

This is yours:


other ratings are yours if you can prove it with pics, or feel free to award yourself! :D

Edited by inigma
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Indy's STS Shuttle Flight 2: Pilot Qualifications

This was a fun one, doing the rolls while flying was pretty damn fun. The only things I added as a short addition were a MechJeb unit so I could get my ascent and dV numbers right, and two 'chutes on the rear of the ship, in the event I came in on the ground too fast and needed a way to slow down ASAP. If this voids the challenge, let me know and I'll redo it with a non-modified version of the STS-4.

Barrel-rolls: 5 (Just because I wanted to)

Barrel-rolls with fuel tank attached: 5

Max Height: 129,000 m

Landed: YES









So unless adding those two things mentioned at the top of this post voids my attempt, I suppose this fits all the qualifications for the Pilot Badges?

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  Indy said:
Indy's STS Shuttle Flight 2: Pilot Qualifications

This was a fun one, doing the rolls while flying was pretty damn fun. The only things I added as a short addition were a MechJeb unit so I could get my ascent and dV numbers right, and two 'chutes on the rear of the ship, in the event I came in on the ground too fast and needed a way to slow down ASAP. If this voids the challenge, let me know and I'll redo it with a non-modified version of the STS-4.

Barrel-rolls: 5 (Just because I wanted to)

Barrel-rolls with fuel tank attached: 5

Max Height: 129,000 m

Landed: YES









So unless adding those two things mentioned at the top of this post voids my attempt, I suppose this fits all the qualifications for the Pilot Badges?

Congrats, this is yours:


There are no rules in how you earn a badge as long as you meet mission requirements. You may modify anything to make it happen. You may award yourself rating badges at anytime, or give me 72 hours to look over your work if desired.

There are only rules for submitting a qualifying Hall of Fame mission entry though, which requires the shuttle and cargo to be unmodified.

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  Kelderek said:
Kelderek's STS Shuttle flight

Made several orbits at 182km and landed back at the KSC runway safely except for a busted right wing. I did a couple roll maneuvers during the ascent as seen in the images. This was my first attempt, so I chose not to carry any cargo.

EDIT: I guess I forgot to name it, I'll call this the Space Shuttle Icarus


Kelderic did your wing bust before or after you landed?

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  kookoo_gr said:
Question. for the sts-tank, i am going for the commander badge, so far i have placed the tank at an orbit above 300km and i return the sts back to ksc, but for some reason the wings keep blowing up while on the air and a few meters above the runway before touchdown causing the craft the crash. I have reloaded and tried the landing several times with the same result, the best landing so far is with the plane torso intact along with landing gear but no wings. Since it appears to be a bug is this going to be an acceptable entry, along with the abort attempt?

just before touchdown


best landing so far


last attempt, the shuttle landed safely but then the wings started blowing up and the whole ship then just fell apart


You have earned a ☆ Special Commendation Award for landing a shuttle damaged in an unplanned emergency event. This has been added to your roster.

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  Aphobius said:
Space shuttle name: Like a Baws

I guess the score is 400053m.

Failed a little on the deorbit burn, I could have easily done everything again and deorbit properly, but what followed was funny and I left it like this, just as a reminder of what kind of game we are playing.

I've also encountered that bug with the craft exploding when getting close to the ground, but I managed to land it.

PS: You could move the leaderboard closer to the beginning of the post, so it's easier for people to find.

Aphobious, you have been awarded a ☆ Special Commendation Award for meritorious actions in saving your shuttle and completing the mission during an unplanned damaged spacecraft emergency event. I have added this commendation to your roster listing.

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Definitely will post vids. I have some mission planning and storylines to work out first. I have a Shuttle Trainer Aircraft built for Approach and Landing Tests, I'll post a screenshot tonight when I get home. It is built along the same lines as the jet powered Buran.

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  Angel-125 said:
Definitely will post vids. I have some mission planning and storylines to work out first. I have a Shuttle Trainer Aircraft built for Approach and Landing Tests, I'll post a screenshot tonight when I get home. It is built along the same lines as the jet powered Buran.

Oh awesome! If you have a trainer craft you'd like me to list in the main STS Space Shuttle spacecraft exchange thread, post it in that thread too (see link in my sig) and I will reference it in the OP there for others to use.

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  boostme said:
This is not much of a challenge, but wow: what a shuttle. It practically flies itself. Having tried to build a shuttle of my own that never flew very well, I was amazed at how well this STS-4 handles. .

Thanks for the complement!

This thread not much of a challenge? Did you make it back to KSC? :P

If you can think of a better challenge to do with the Space Shuttle, let me know! All five challenges are difficult, even for me, to do the first time through. In real life, there is no revert. :D

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  FlipNascar said:
Loving the star, thank you! What do I need to complete to get it listed onto the Hall of Fame board?

You haven been posted! 4th Place!

This is a fair notice to all that going forward only the top 5 Hall of Fame challengers will be listed (since everyone who attains Pilot I technically qualifies for the Hall of Fame challenge).

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Screenshot for the Kestrel Shuttle Trainer Aircraft:


Here's a link to the craft: http://www.spellflight.com/KSP/KestrelSTA.craft

All the engines save for the jets have their thrust limiters set to 0 (no thrust). They're supposed to be mockups essentially.

I'm in the process of setting up my save for the missions and story I have planned. I'm looking at 2-4 videos for the story. Gotta move though, KSP 1.0 apparently is in Experimentals..

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  Angel-125 said:
Screenshot for the Kestrel Shuttle Trainer Aircraft:


Here's a link to the craft: http://www.spellflight.com/KSP/KestrelSTA.craft

All the engines save for the jets have their thrust limiters set to 0 (no thrust). They're supposed to be mockups essentially.

I'm in the process of setting up my save for the missions and story I have planned. I'm looking at 2-4 videos for the story. Gotta move though, KSP 1.0 apparently is in Experimentals..

Thank you! I'll add it to the STS Space Shuttle main thread OP.

Just a word you might find interesting: if you load up the STS Fuel Pod subassembly into the cargo bay, you can ground launch the shuttle as a spaceplane if you throttle at 10% power to avoid flipping out. :D

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  Angel-125 said:
Here's the first of my 3-part miniseries featuring Inigma's shuttle. You might need to turn the sound up. This is a prelude to my attempt at the challenge..

Very awesome! Loved the episode, music, story line, kept me up watching it over and over. Loved zeh SPH Werner engineer and iz modifikations! I will be adding a link on the STS Space Shuttle main op. Looking forward to future episodes! Subscribed!

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  boostedM said:
Finally have the time to put up some of my stuff.

Space Shuttle Hermes:

STS 5 - Hubble Deployment


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Space Shuttle Hermes

STS-7 KSO (Kerbin Stationary Satellite aka geostationary) deployment + FTF (failed to fire) recovery


wow! epic pictures! saving some. mind if I share on reddit if you haven't already?

Congratulations Commander, these are yours:





and upon completion of Pilot I and II these are yours:



I have added you to the Astronaut Corps roster! Congrats again!

I look forward to any other missions you'd like to share! :D

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  inigma said:
Very awesome! Loved the episode, music, story line, kept me up watching it over and over. Loved zeh SPH Werner engineer and iz modifikations! I will be adding a link on the STS Space Shuttle main op. Looking forward to future episodes! Subscribed!

Thanks! This week I am pretty busy but I've finished most of the missions for the next episode. Then I have a lot of editing to do. With luck I might have something later this week. The fuel pod missions were really a pain... I had to attempt the landing many times. But I flew without MechJeb with one exception of trying to get an initial circularization orbit! That is a first for me. :)

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  Angel-125 said:
Thanks! This week I am pretty busy but I've finished most of the missions for the next episode. Then I have a lot of editing to do. With luck I might have something later this week. The fuel pod missions were really a pain... I had to attempt the landing many times. But I flew without MechJeb with one exception of trying to get an initial circularization orbit! That is a first for me. :)

Excellent! Looking forward to it!

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  inigma said:
wow! epic pictures! saving some. mind if I share on reddit if you haven't already?

Congratulations Commander, these are yours:





and upon completion of Pilot I and II these are yours:



I have added you to the Astronaut Corps roster! Congrats again!

I look forward to any other missions you'd like to share! :D

Feel free to share!

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Here is the second episode of STS! Bill, Bob, and Jeb attempt to master the Shuttle Simulator. Can they do it? Find out below.

This was definitely a challenge for me to do, and I'm proud to say that for 99% of the time, I flew the ship without the use of MechJeb! My biggest trouble was lining up properly on the runway. I can't seem to land dead center...

Since the video was running a bit long, I've saved the space station construction missions for Episode Three.

Edited by Angel-125
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  Angel-125 said:
Here is the second episode of STS! Bill, Bob, and Jeb attempt to master the Shuttle Simulator. Can they do it? Find out below.

This was definitely a challenge for me to do, and I'm proud to say that for 99% of the time, I flew the ship without the use of MechJeb! My biggest trouble was lining up properly on the runway. I can't seem to land dead center...

Since the video was running a bit long, I've saved the space station construction missions for Episode Three.

Wow, just wow.

Award these to your astronauts:






Also your director receives this for the first shuttle around the Mun:


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I am looking forward to the next episode Angel! :D

To fans of this series and of the challenges:

Would you say it would be a challenge to develop a KOS script capable of launching this shuttle into orbit no matter the tonnage up to the maximum rated tonnage (assuming you put in the correct fuel amounts)? Possibly also a KOS landing script too?

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