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Should smooth control be extended to SAS and rockets?

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So, a while ago, control surfaces stopped flicking to either extreme the moment you hit a key; now they move up and down slowly and smoothly, giving slight control when they start moving and full control when they stop. (Right? :huh:)

However, engines and SAS is still all-or-nothing.

Should this be fixed/changed?

Personally, I'd like it more, as it would open up the land of large engine gimbals. If you have an engine with a 90 degree gimbal, and you hit "w", suddenly you're thrusting 90 degrees to your previous vector. With the new system you could hit "w" until your gimbal was at the right spot. (and then start tapping to keep it there.)


Argh, I meant to put up a poll, but "enter" apparently made it submit a new thread. :(

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Wait what does the caps lock featuer do? I thought that turned on smooth control? At least in terms of reaction wheels this is pretty much what your talking about, i think. (hard to tell)

I agree with the engine gimbaling at least. In mods with engines with high gimbal its kind of odd and hard to use when engines flip around instantly applying force quickly.

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