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Duck Dodgers Spacecraft

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Cue the "Duck Dodgers" TV theme song...

Was watching the Duck Dodgers TV series recently and created a couple of SSTOs based on the spacecraft from that cartoon...

Both craft use parts from the B9 Aerospace mod because I'm trying to stay close to the ship designs (and also because the stock RAPIER engines are not powerful enough).

First up... From the Galactic Protectorate, this ship... I'll call it Duck Dodgers' Ship. It was flown by Duck Dodgers and his Eager young Space Cadet.






Craft file: http://www./download/cbqae8wc6nw8nsz/Duck_Dodgers_Ship.craft

And from the Martian Empire, err... they never name these ships... I'll just call it the Martian Empire Ship. This is the type that Martian Commander X-2 (Marvin the Martian) or the Martian Queen Tyrah'nee was seen in.






The underside with docking port.


The Martian Empire Ship tends to pitch up shortly after take off, so you might wanna have the SAS (or reaction wheel) activated. By the time it gets near the stratosphere, the pitch becomes more stable...

Craft File: http://www./download/nmk7g1gf2veblgu/Martian_Empire_Ship.craft

Edited by pheeph
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