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Whats your fav. planet or moon?


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I like Minmus. About the same as the Mun in terms of getting there, but easier to build on and explore in detail. It's also far enough from Kerbin to justify setting up a permanent kerballed presence there.

Eve is good fun too as it has its own unique challenges.

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Titan! It's like the evil twin of Earth - inner Solar System vs outer, hot and dry vs cold and wet, rocky and molten rock volcanos vs icy and molten ice volcanos, and so on. But they both are linked because of they have thick atmospheres, liquid oceans, and can (potentially) support life.

In the Kerbolar System I like Dres.

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I'm quite fond of Minmus. Very easy to get to; weak gravity, so orbital maneuvers, landings, and takeoffs are all cheap; a variety of interesting landscapes to explore (flats, slopes, and plateaus); and minty-fresh flavor. Also the flats are excellent runways for landing and takeoff of spacejets!

When I have the infrastructure for it, Jool's moons are fun to play with as well. Laythe is a great place for a beach resort with amazing night skies.

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We all have a fav. planet or moon. Mine is Duna. Whats yours?:D

Earth, I have become very attached to it. Of course in 34 years I will switch my preference to Gliese 581c, since it will take 35 ly for the 2008 message to reach Gliese 581 and

for the aliens who went in search of a new home, only to realize that it 581c was a hopeless plan, fortuitiously to receive the message and make their way to and conquer Earth.

I want it on record in advance I was in favor of 581c also (that way their commander will save face and eat someone who likes Eeloo).


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