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[1.1.2] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) 1.2.12


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On 1/3/2016 at 6:23 PM, CMagnuson said:

I am experiencing what might be a bug. I have both KIS 1.2.3 and KAS 0.5.5 installed on the most recent version of KSP. I can install and fly around with the parts no problem. I can even extend my winch without issue.

However, when I go on EVA and try to do anything with the electro-magnet, I am unable to grab it. The last time I played (a year ago, maybe) I could press the G key and my kerbal would grab the item. Now when I approach the item, I am given the option to climb it, which does nothing useful: http://ca.mag.cm/2g3h2N35441H

Does anyone have tips on how to work through this problem?

Does anyone have any thoughts about this issue? I'm sure someone on this thread must have an idea.

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Okay, people. I'm now at the point when my "pre-release" is at pretty stable state (not final, though). I'll be appreciated if you install and try it. Below are the changes from the last official release (1.2.3).


  1. [FR#96]: Groups of parts are allowed to be moved/attached. As long as mass and distance limitations are met you can move any number of parts. That said, you can move a whole vessel in scope of a single station, or between different stations.
  2. New mode "Re-dock" (shortcut: "y"). Allows moving vessels docked to a station. No need to snipe the right part to detach, the right docking port is found automatically. In this mode attaching is only possible to a compatible port of the same station. All compatible free ports are highlighted with a green color. A vessel can only be re-docked if it was docked via normal means (attaching parts to a docking port is not a "vessel docking").
  3. When attaching a part only consider attach nodes that don't allow collisions. Now you won't be able to attach a part looking inside a vessel.
  4. Add a semi-black background when showing cursor status and hint texts. Helps reading text in the light scenes.

Bug fixes:

  1. Handle wrong assemblies that could have created due to a bug in the KSP editor. In edge cases the editor could create a setup that would result in an immediate explosion when detaching a part on orbit.
  2. Correctly handle struts. When moving a part connected with struts with the rest of the station an explosion was a likely event. Now, such struts are removed before the movement.
  3. Don't equip items when loading non-eva kerbal. When vessel had a mix of engineers/non-engineers, and there was someone with an equipped screwdriver an error "cannot equip" could be shown on load.
  4. [Fix#97]: Accept names with dots when overriding part settings in the config. E.g. "mumech_MJ2_AR202" correctly matches "mumech.MJ2.AR202" (MechJeb2).
  5. [Fix#87]: Correctly handle "revert flight" action, and stop adding multiple callbacks that slow down editor UI. Now, if you do several launch/revert actions the UI in the editor will NOT become slow.

In order to get the new version you need to download a DLL from alpha5 release (here is a direct link to the DLL). Just place it into the folder "<KSP>/GameData/KIS/Plugins/" where <KSP> is an installation folder of the game. It's a good idea to make a backup of the old DLL just in case you decide to revert back. Though, I hope you report a bug and make me fixing it instead.

Below are some helpful hints on adjusting KIS behavior. They are all done in the file "<KSP>/GameData/KIS/settings.cfg".

  • If you don't like 2m distance limitation change maxDistance to whatever value you like. It's in meters.
  • If you don't like mass limitation edit value grabMaxMass (tons). Default is 1t per kerbal.
  • Many parts from addons are not stackable in KIS, and you waste one slot per item. If you believe your part needs to be stackable add its name into StackableItemOverride section. E.g.:
    	partName = strutConnector


As for now I still haven't received any feedback from the original author (KospY). And given the fact his last login into the forum was 14 Nov 2015 I'm not very optimistic (but there is still a hope).

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43 minutes ago, Mods_o_joy said:

Hello, I have a slight Issue, When i attach parts they sink into the part i attached them to and then they explode

  1. Does this part have a strut connector attached (either as a source or a target)?
  2. What are the source and the target parts?
  3. Can you reproduce the issue on a launchpad with some sample vessel?
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37 minutes ago, Mods_o_joy said:

i WAS on the other hand docked with the Part, But i dont think that would make a difference

Were you moving this RCS Thruster or brought it out of the inventory? I.e. was it attached to some other part before your attempted to mount it on the telescope? A similar issue was fixed in alpha5 (see my post above), you may try it to see if it was your case.

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7 hours ago, Mods_o_joy said:

Attatched to the back of the shuttles cargo bay

Well, the symptoms are the same as in the mentioned issue. Try installing the new version and let me know if the bug is still there.

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KospY, I have something that I'd like to suggest. What if -In similar vein to the EVA propellant tank to extend EVAs- there was an 'manned maneuvering unit' that adds more RCS thrusters. A kerbal could equip it to increase his or her thrust-to-weight ratio. They would gain freedom of movement on planets like Duna and Eve, but their monopropellant would deplete quicker.

If it sounds like a good idea to you, then I want to offer my help in adding this part. I will probably need your help in integrating it with your mod according to your requirements. I have plenty of modelling experience and know basic Unity programming, but I'm new to KSP modding.


Edited by Yuuray
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On 1/10/2016 at 7:55 AM, Yuuray said:

KospY, I have something that I'd like to suggest. What if -In similar vein to the EVA propellant tank to extend EVAs- there was an manned maneuvering unit' that adds more RCS thrusters. A kerbal could equip it to increase his thrust-to-weight ratio.

I like the idea, but I am not certain if it should be in KIS, or if it should be a standalone mod that uses KIS.

Edited by Gryphon
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2 hours ago, vardicd said:

Is there a way to make it so parachutes carried in the inventory could be deployable? that way a kerbal can bail out of a airplane before it crashes and parachute to safety?

Yes, I have a cfg at home. Unless I'm ninja'd. I'll post it up later this evening.

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2 hours ago, vardicd said:

Is there a way to make it so parachutes carried in the inventory could be deployable? that way a kerbal can bail out of a airplane before it crashes and parachute to safety?


5 minutes ago, V8jester said:

Yes, I have a cfg at home. Unless I'm ninja'd. I'll post it up later this evening.

that would be awesome

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I am on EVA and dropped a part and now I cannot get it back into my inv!!!!


I keep getting a message something is already in that slot and there in NOTHING in the slot!!!!  If I grab the item then I cannot use my eva controls so my astronaut goes drifting off into space!!!!


If you try to grab an object and then mouse drag it to you inv the rcs jets fire and you go tumbling out of control!!!


WTH!!!!  I just want to grab something and get mack to my ship why is it impossible?

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On 15.01.2016 at 6:02 AM, Mods_o_joy said:

Is it possible to use tool's/Pickup/Detatch parts While Sitting in an EAS Command chair?, I'm doing a shuttle style Repair mission with a kebal on the end of a Canadaarm Shuttle Arm(Infernal robotics).

No, it's not possible. A kerbal in the seat is not considered to be EVA. Imagine you have two seats, how would you set an active kerbal? Though, kerbals in the seats are counted when determining mass limit so, if you're going to move heavy parts you may place several seats on the arm and assign the kerbonauts.

1 hour ago, ctbram said:

I am on EVA and dropped a part and now I cannot get it back into my inv!!!!


I keep getting a message something is already in that slot and there in NOTHING in the slot!!!!  If I grab the item then I cannot use my eva controls so my astronaut goes drifting off into space!!!!


If you try to grab an object and then mouse drag it to you inv the rcs jets fire and you go tumbling out of control!!!


WTH!!!!  I just want to grab something and get mack to my ship why is it impossible?

Jetpack controls should be blocked when a part is grabbed or dragged. If RCS turns on then I'd suggest there is some error happening. It could be a bug of KIS or a conflict with other addons. Try investigating the debug log.

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14 hours ago, IgorZ said:

No, it's not possible. A kerbal in the seat is not considered to be EVA. Imagine you have two seats, how would you set an active kerbal? Though, kerbals in the seats are counted when determining mass limit so, if you're going to move heavy parts you may place several seats on the arm and assign the kerbonauts.

Jetpack controls should be blocked when a part is grabbed or dragged. If RCS turns on then I'd suggest there is some error happening. It could be a bug of KIS or a conflict with other addons. Try investigating the debug log.

The fact that jet pack control are blocked when I grab a part is the problem!  I have a part that I took out of my inv and now the mod will not let me return it to my inv!  Apparently the mod lets you put MORE in the inv while in the vab then you can put in you inv once on eva.

The issue I was having is I hd room in my inv for something I dropped.  But when I would grab it and try to put it into my inv I would get the message that "I already have an item (jetpack)" and it would not go into my inv.  So Now I am stuck with the think in my hand but I cannot manuever because my jet pack is disabled while I am hold the part!  So now I have no way to get the part back to my ship because I cannot put it in my inv and I cannot  use my jetpack while I have the part grabbed!!!  In my opinion this is a flaw in the program.  I should be able to grab any part while on eva and still be able to maneuver!

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What item is it you have?  Jetpacks aren't an item you can hold, so that sounds confusing.  Might it be a stackable item where you had x2 in one slot before, such as an ox-stat solar panel?

In the short term:

Hit ESC to cancel the action.  You can then use the jetpack to maneuver and line up a course; grab the part as you're moving past, then attach it somewhere on your ship while you drift past the ship, so you can take a break without losing the part.

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11 hours ago, ctbram said:

 In my opinion this is a flaw in the program.  I should be able to grab any part while on eva and still be able to maneuver!

I agree with you that it would be a good feature. Alas, there is no known way to disable only the mouse eva controls. So, as for now it's all or none. Without disabling jetpack dragging a part will result in random rotations of the kerbonaut.

As for the particular problem you've described, you can drop or attach the part somewhere at the vessel, align the kerbal, and continue with the part.

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1 hour ago, smjjames said:

I wanted to chain multiple though. I guess I should have done a cargo bay, not KIS container.

Cargo bay is the right choice. KIS container works totally different (it destroys the part), and "recover asset" missions will fail if you place a quest part into it.

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8 minutes ago, IgorZ said:

Cargo bay is the right choice. KIS container works totally different (it destroys the part), and "recover asset" missions will fail if you place a quest part into it.

Yes, I found that out........

Interesting that it actually destroys/creates the part.

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10 minutes ago, smjjames said:

Yes, I found that out........

Interesting that it actually destroys/creates the part.

Well it kind of makes sense.  While anything is being stored in a KIS container it doesn't really "exist" as any part of a craft.

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I'm having one of those problems.  A "I must be missing something very obvious" moment.


How exactly do I put small parts (like struts or science instruments) into the containers?  The tools and other such things fit just fine, but I can't seem to fit any of the stock small-parts.  I know it can be done because I've seen people do it in YouTube vids, but... I don't know what I'm not doing right to make it work.



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